Школы Индии
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Слайд 1
India Education systemСлайд 3
In Indian schools, children learn 3 languages: English, Hindi and the language of their state. The most important subject is mathematics. Also in the program there are computer science, history, geography and natural Sciences (biology, chemistry, physics)
Слайд 4
The lessons of grades for the oral answers is almost not exposed, but the teachers and no opportunity to interview 60-70 people. Therefore, written tests are evaluated. At the end of each semester, comprehensive examinations are conducted, assessed on a 100-point scale.
А. Усачев. Что значит выражение "Белые мухи"?
Рисуем ветку берёзы сухой пастелью
Стрижонок Скрип. В.П. Астафьев
Рисуем осень: поле после сбора урожая
Золотая хохлома