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Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese and Spanish Navigator.
He commanded the expedition, which made the first known around-the-world trip.
Fernando Magellan was born in 1480. Little is known about the family of the Navigator, in particular, that it belonged to the nobility. Besides Fernand, there were four children in the family. Nothing is known about their lives. In his youth, Fernand was the page of Queen Leonora of Avisa. In 1518 he married and had a son who soon died. Ferdinand Magellan was a sailor on the warship. He took part in different battles but he is famous for his travelling adventures. With 5 ships in 1519, he started to go around the world. He opened the Strait, later named after him, becoming the first European, who followed the sea from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. He died in 1521 when he was 40 years old. He was killed by the people from the Philippines during his voyage.
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