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Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение Заревская средняя общеобразовательная школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
городского округа Домодедово
Муниципальный фестиваль научно-исследовательской и проектной деятельности «В фокусе метапредметности»
Секция: Иностранные языки
Тема: «Роль компьютера в обучении английского языка»
Автор работы: Конотовская Диана, 9 класс
Научный руководитель: Тунина Нина Михайловна
Домодедово 2021
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………9
References ……………………………………………………………10
The topic of my study is the role of computer in learning English. The relevance is due to using of new information technologies and insufficient knowledge of such language programs. In modern society, we are increasingly convinced of the need to master a foreign language in connection with the growing importance for it to obtain a promising profession, to travel or just to communicate.
Many years ago people didn't hear about computers but today we cannot imagine our life without them.
Most people use computers, but a lot of them don't know that it can be used to study English as well. Nowadays even a small child can operate this machine.
In my investigation I decided to raise the main question “Can computer help in learning English?”
The object: To understand how computer can help in learning English.
This topic remains relevant, since in our time information technologies are very developed, which can greatly help in learning English.
1. Find the main benefits of learning English using a computer.
2. Using a questionnaire, identify how often students use computer at home and how it can help them to learn the language.
Theoretical part:
Computer in human life
Computers have long history and firmly entered in our lives. They have radically changed the world and the possibilities of people. The computer made our life much easier. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was as the size of a room and weighed a ton. And the revolution of computer technology is still going on. Today, its job can be done by a chip as the size of a pin head. Sometimes I can no longer imagine my life without a computer and the Internet. As for me, computer helps to optimize the workflow in the most areas of activity. No one will be surprised by the fact that modern man is dependent on a computer, but it is not so bad. After all, if a computer is used in work, it makes it possible to simplify the work process, make it more comfortable and orderly. But in addition to the positive impact on a person, the computer also acts negatively. Many parents are worried when their children pay too much attention to the computer. But it is better to treat technology not as an enemy, but as an assistant, because it helps the child to develop and enlighten. Technology is the greatest achievement in the world.
The advantages of knowing English nowadays
English is the most popular and studied language in the world. Most of the world's population speaks English, which makes it possible for people from different countries to communicate. Learning English is a rewarding experience that is enjoyable at any age.
The joy of the first significant achievements in language learning can awaken in a person a great passion not only for study, but also for life in general. Using a computer in foreign language lessons increases motivation and now everyone understands that the Internet has extraordinary information capabilities and very impressive services.
Knowing English is very important in the modern world, because it is necessary for successful career growth.
Computer helps in English lessons
Nowadays there are many different programs that can help to learn English. There is a wide variety of modern multimedia textbooks with enough exercises for students of all ages and different levels of knowledge. With the development of the Internet, the opportunities for learning English have increased significantly. Due to the fact that English is spoken in many parts of the world, the Internet space is filled with information in English, which also plays a teaching role. Almost all teaching materials for learning English, online tests and animated materials can be found online. The Internet space allows you to immediately apply your knowledge of the English language online. Using the Internet, a person can communicate with residents of different countries. Also, many English teachers recommend using the Internet to manipulate the formulas of speech etiquette, since with live communication, speech etiquette is absorbed faster. The opportunities of multimedia technologies allow the student to plunge into the virtual world and see what can only be written in a book.
Computer and learning English.
For many people, learning English today is not just a luxury, but a real necessity. Without knowledge of English, it is quite difficult to find a job, climb the career ladder or go on a tourist trip to Europe. The choice of a method for learning a language largely depends on your free time, as well as your desire to learn English.
Learning English using the online system has several advantages such as:
1. It is no necessary to waste time on the way.
2. You can have classes when it is convenient.
3. Online classes are always interesting, colorful, often built in a playful way, which undoubtedly attracts attention and time passes imperceptibly, and the benefits are invaluable.
Practical part:
In my investigation I decided to do a questionnaire among the high-school students.
Questionnaire’s questions.
1.Do you have computer at home?
A) Yes
B) No
2. How much time do you spend at the computer?
A) Few
B) No more than 4 hours
C) Average amount of time
3. Do you find online language learning fast and effective?
A) Yes
B) No
4. How is your online training going?
A) On your own
B) With a teacher / tutor
C) I do not study online
5. Would you like to connect your life with the English language?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Maybe
Grade 11A survey result.
The result of my investigation shows that almost all of 11A students have a computer at home. 74% of the class uses a computer for study purposes. 67% of the class is learning a language on their own online. 81% of respondents spend more than 4 hours a day at the computer.
Based on the study, I have made the following conclusions:
1. We managed to learn from the results of the survey and the study of information on the Internet that a foreign language is in great demand in the modern world both for general development and for professions and for communicating with people.
2. My research confirms the variety of features of computer language learning: multimedia textbooks, educational programs, watching films.
Computers are very effective support for learning and acquiring knowledge at school, when they are used as learning tools to reflect what students have learned and what they have known. Instead of using the power of computer technology to disseminate information, computers should be used in all areas of knowledge as tools to help learners think thoughtfully and critically about the concepts they are learning.
List of references
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Астрономический календарь. Февраль, 2019