Проект об использовании англицизмов в русском языке. Актуальная тема для современного русского языка.
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Проект об использовании слов-англицизмов в современном русском языке | 28.49 КБ |
«Anglicisms in Russian»
on the subject of English.
by Sergey Kolesnic
9thForm, Balashiha School 30 Checked by Greshnikova Victoria Vladimirovna
2020-2021 academic year
Project content
1. Introduction-page 1
2. Relevance of the project-page 2
3. Objectives of the work-page 3
4. Tasks-page 3
5. Methods-page 3
6. Main part-page 3
7. Conclusion-page 3
8. Appendices-page-5-6
9. Used literature-page 7
A lot of words are borrowed from other languages. In this project, I will tell you about the borrowed words from English to Russian.
Relevance Of The Introduction. The relevance of this work is associated with the intensive penetration of Anglicisms into the Russian language. To
analyze the theoretical materials related to borrowing. To
consider the reasons, stages of borrowing and ways of formation of Anglicisms. To
find out in which areas of human activity the most commonly used borrowings of anglicisms in the Russian language.To determine the causes of borrowing of English words in Russian. To analyze the theoretical materials related to borrowing. To consider the causes, stages of borrowing and ways of formation of anglicisms. To find out in which areas of human activity the most commonly used borrowings of anglicisms in Russian.
Conduct a survey among high school students, find out their attitude to borrowed words.
The relevance of this work is associated with the intensive penetration of Anglicisms into the Russian language
Each language has words borrowed from other languages. As for the Russian language, there are about 10% of such words, the main part of which are nouns. Currently, much attention is paid to the study of the state of the Russian language in English and American linguacultural influence. ” Latin of the twentieth century " is rightly called English: about 3/4 of all borrowings in the Russian language of the late twentieth century fall on Anglo-Americanisms. Every year more and more new words come from English to Russian. The era of perestroika in Russia in the late 80's-early 90's of the twentieth century and the resulting changes in the life of society could not but affect the Russian language. Television, newspapers and other media have a greater influence on us than before. The
process seems to me interesting for research because it clearly reflects the connection of language with social life, with the culture of the time.
I hypothesized that an increasing number of Anglicisms are used in speech, often unjustifiably.
I believe that to understand the problem of Russian borrowing Anglicisms well, you need to understand the connection between the two languages, as well as the meaning of the words themselves that come into our language. Therefore, in my work, I included an explanation of words borrowed from the English language, according to specific areas of activity.
The purpose of the work: to analyze the specifics of the functioning of Anglicisms in the Russian language, as well as the meaning of the words themselves that came to our language.
Goals, objectives, subject, object of research and research methods
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set::
Determine the reasons for borrowing English words in the Russian language;
Analyze theoretical materials related to borrowing;
To consider the reasons, stages of borrowing and ways of forming anglicisms; to
find out in which areas of human activity the most common borrowings of anglicisms in Russian; to
conduct a survey among high school students, to find out their attitude to borrowed words.
The subject of the study is the anglicisms functioning in the modern Russian language.
The object of the study was the lexical units of English origin and their derivatives.
When solving the above tasks, the following methods and techniques were used:
Descriptive method with techniques for observing language phenomena;
Systematics and classification techniques;
I started my work by going deep into the Internet to find out how much Anglicisms are used in speech.
Then I started looking for information about this.
I ended up learning in which areas of human activity the most commonly used borrowings of Anglicisms in the Russian language are
Thanks to this research, I came to the conclusion that the process of borrowing from English into Russian is currently increasing, since English is the basis of many professional languages, and is widely used in youth slang. On the one hand, this process is inevitable, but on the other, the cultural basis of the language must be preserved. Therefore, I believe that Anglicisms must meet the following requirements: any borrowing must be necessary, it is impossible to do without it in the Russian language; a foreign language word must be used correctly and accurately in the meaning that it has in the language source; it must be clear to those who use it.
Modern anglicisms.
Информатика: браузер, джойстик, интернет, сайт, мейл, интерактивный, мультимедийный, онлайн, файл, дисплей, интерфейс, сканер, принтер, ноутбук.
Парапсихология: полтергейст, экстрасенс, астральное тело, телекинез.
Спорт: армрестлинг, байкер, кикбоксинг, культуризм, маунтинбайк, скейтборд, сноуборд, софтбол, боди-арт.
Экономика: бартер, дефолт, маркетинг, монетаризм, оффшорный, промоутер, прайс-лист, фьючерсная биржа.
Мода: батник, кардиган, свингер, стретч, топ.
Медицина: имплантат, кардиостимулятор, фитотерапия, эвтаназия, суицид.
Искусство: арт-дизайн, мейнстрим, перформанс, ремейк, рэп, технорок, триллер, флоризм.
Другие сферы жизни: аквапарк, банкомат, блокбастер, бой-френд, драйв, имиджмейкер, креативный, массмедиа, миллениум, номинация, пазл, пирсинг, портфолио, провайдер, промоутер, саммит, скинхеды, тинэйджер, ток-шоу, хакер, хоспис, шоп, уик-энд.
Appendiх 2
Англицизмы, встречающиеся в местной печати ( «ТВ Дубль»)
1. Слова – термины, имеющие интернациональный характер:
Проблема, фактор, концерт, офис, униформа, кредит, спринтер, центр, сервис,
Реформа, фермер, протест, транспорт, система, объект, телефон, гараж, пластик,
Информация, интервью, бизнес, фейерверк, криминал, лидер, чемпион, медаль,
Диалог, компания, статистика, максимум, конференция, материал, конфликт,
комплекс, организация, конференция, национальный и т. д.
2. Слова, имеющие синонимы в русском языке:
Реконструкция ( от англ. reconstruction ) – перестройка ;
Фито – центр ( от англ. fit ) – стройный, здоровый ;
Презентация ( от англ. presentation ) – представление ;
Дизайн ( от англ. design) – рисунок, эскиз, узор ;
Тинейджер ( от англ. teenager) – подросток ;
Департамент ( от англ. department ) – отдел ;
Конструктивный (от англ. constructive ) – созидательный ;
Дефицит ( от англ. deficit ) – нехватка ;
Регион ( от англ. region ) – область ;
Сезон ( от англ. season ) – время года ;
Коммуникации ( от англ. communication ) – сообщение ;
Эксклюзивный ( от англ. exclusive ) - исключительный ;
Субсидия ( от англ. subsidy) – дотация.
3.Слова, значение которых непонятно некоторым носителям языка :
Пирсинг ( от англ. piercing ) - прокол, укол
чХоспис ( от англ. hospice ) - приют, богадельня ;
Мультиплекс ( от англ. multiplex) - многозальный комплекс ;
Пролонгация ( от англ. prolongation) - продление, отсрочка
1.M. A. Breiter Anglicisms in the Russian language: history and prospects:
Два петушка
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