Данная презентация выполнена учащимся 6 класса по теме Family Members (учебник Spotlight). В материале представлена информация о членах семьи. Даётся описание возрата, внешности и любимых занятий.
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My family Выполнил ученик 6а класса Антон Здвижков МБОУ СОШ №9 г Новоалтайск Учитель Фокина Т атьяна В итальевнаСлайд 2
My Family T ree Sergey Tatyana Anton Sasha Andrey Pavel Lubov Elena Tatyana
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Anton`s sister M y sister's name is Sasha. My sister is very little, with very short hair . She likes to play games with me. We love watching TV. She makes me very happy.
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Anton`s mother M y mom's name is Tatyana. My mother is of medium height, with blonde hair (in the photo it is dyed ) . B ut the blonde hair is also not natural . She likes to cook and do sports.
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Anton`s father M y dad's name is Sergey. My father is of medium height, with very short hair . He likes strikeball and videogames. We love to cook on the grill. He makes a very tasty kebab.
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Anton`s grandma M y grandma's name is Elena. My grandma is of medium height, with not very long hair . She cooks very tasty.
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Anton`s uncle M y uncle's name is Andrey. My uncle is of medium height, with not long hair . He likes videogames and serials.
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Anton`s aunt M y aunt's name is Tatyana, like my mother . My aunt is of medium height, with not very long hair . She likes to read.
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Anton`s grandma M y grandma's name is Lubov . My grandma is of medium height, with not very long hair . She cooks very tasty. I love her very much.
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Anton`s grandpa M y grandpa's name is Pavel. My grandpa is of medium height, with short hair . He likes engineering .
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