Латинские заимствования в английском языке. Научная работа ученицы 9 класса. Исследование процентного соотношения сохранившихся латинских слов и корней в современном английском языке.
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Гимназия №209
«Павловская гимназия»
Latin borrowings in English language
Научная работа
Воробьевой Ники
учащейся 9«Б» класса
Научный руководитель
Великанова Наталья Александровна
учитель английского языка
My goal : to prove, that English always had borrowings from another languages, especialy from Latin.
Relevance : active use on the English lessons.
The purpose of this project:
Hypothesis : whether the emergence of borrowings is connected with the formation of English language.
I have always been interested in the origin of English words. How they appeared and how they managed to survive. I began to notice that different languages have the same words and it seemed to me that it is very interesting. Deciding to understand this issue, I began to learn the peculiarities of the English language at the stage of its formation. So, I turned to the history!
The History of the English language is inextricably linked to the history of England. When the Romans left the British Isles in 410 , the Latin language went with them. The true inhabitants of the island (the Britons) continued to use Celtic languages.
The process of borrowing occurs when two different languages are in close interaction with each other for a long time, as a result of which the lexical units of one language are adopted by another and adapted in it. Throughout its history, English has been in contact with many languages, such as old Norse, French, and Latin, as well as with colonial languages.
1.The ancestors of the modern British did not lose the gift of time. In 449, the Germanic tribes of the angles, Saxons, and Jutes began their first raids on the Islands. They spoke dialects, developed on the basis of the low German language.
2. After the Norman invasion, borrowing from Latin began to gain momentum. At that time, Latin was the language of all educated people in Europe. Latin was taught in Church and independent schools. Scientists often could not find a suitable English word to express their thoughts, so they often used Latin words in English-language works. Thus, many Latin words entered the English language, but this was more a voluntary borrowing than a result of pressure from outside invaders.
3. For a long historical period, including the Renaissance, Latin remained the language of instruction and correspondence, a means of international cultural and scientific communication, and it was the language of the Catholic Church throughout the middle ages and later. For three centuries, English literature was virtually trilingual, existing in French, Latin, and English.
Early grammars of the English language (the first of which was written in 1586) were written either to help foreigners master the language, or to prepare English-speaking students for the study of Latin. In General, these books were not intended for teaching native speakers. It was not until about 1750 that attempts were made to teach the English language.
Eighteenth-century linguists based their study of English on incorrect theories. For example, they believed that grammatical rules are the same for all languages, and while claiming that Latin is the ideal, they often tried to remake English expressions in the Latin manner. If it weren’t for their influence, there would be far fewer irregular verbs in modern English.
Latin is also particularly important in the development of terminology and the formation of international vocabulary.
According to the new Webster international Dictionary, which records more than 600,000 words, the following ratio of words of different origins can be distinguished:
Native English words (of Germanic origin) | 35% |
Words of Latin-French origin | 40% |
Words of Scandinavian origin | 15% |
Words originating from other languages (about 50 languages) | 10% |
Regarding the English dictionary, 85% of words in works of fiction are native English (in Shakespeare - 86%, and in Chaucer and Tennyson - 90%). In the scientific literature, where foreign terms are used, the number of native English words is very high – 75-80%.
The main reasons for borrowing, according to researchers of this problem, are the following:
Reasons | |
1 | the historical contacts of the peoples |
2 | the need to nominate new subjects and concepts |
3 | innovation of the nation in a particular field of activity |
4 | the economy of language means |
5 | the authority of the source language (this sometimes leads to borrowing by many languages from one and the emergence of internationalisms) |
In English, Latin borrowings came in two ways:
1. book
2. oral.
Latin served as a spoken language among scholars, clergy, lawyers, doctors, and so on. Part of English latinisms passed into widespread use from the pages of educational treatises, official documents, and fiction and filtered into the English speech of people who often used Latin.
1. Book borrowings are less susceptible to any kind of changes, because for a long period of time, they were limited to the sphere of their use. (the literary form of the language). The majority of Latin book borrowings in English occur during the XV-XVI centuries, that is, during the Renaissance in England. In the works of Wycliffe, Langland, and Chaucer, there are more than a thousand Latin words that have not been previously attested in English. In the Renaissance, words from the fields of medicine, literature, theology, technical terms.
2. As for the oral way of borrowing, in the sixth century missionaries brought Christianity to England. Latin words borrowed from the priests fell immediately into the spoken language. Many of them have changed so that it is not easy to recognize Latin prototypes in them.
Borrowings are divided into direct and indirect:
1.Direct borrowings are borrowings that a language takes directly from another language.
2.Indirect borrowings are words that have passed from the source language to another (as a direct borrowing), then from that language to the third.
There are several types of borrowing words: transcription, transliteration and calculus.
1. Transcription, or in other words phonetic parsing – is such borrowings in which the sound form of a word is preserved, but in some cases slightly modified in accordance with the phonetic features of the language in which the word is borrowed.
2. Transliteration is a method of borrowing, during which the spelling of a word is borrowed: the letters of the borrowed word are replaced with the letters of the language in which the word is borrowed. In English, there are many words taken from the Latin and Greek languages that have retained their features, but which are read according to the rules of the English language.
3. Calculus is a method of borrowing in which the meaning and structure of a word or phrase are borrowed from a language.
Modern English is also characterized by the use of Latin abbreviations in writing:
Abbreviation | Latin version | English version |
A.D. | anno Domini | after P. H. |
B.C. | before Christ | before P. H. |
a.m. | ante meridiem | before noon |
p.m. | post meridiem | after noon |
e.g. | exempli gratia | for example |
viz | videlicit | namely |
etc. | et cetera | and so on |
Borrowings from Latin have played a significant role in enriching the English language, especially in the field of scientific, technical, social, and political terminology. Many words of Latin origin make up the group of the international Fund of terms. For example:
Dictatorship, Constitution, Corporation, laboratory, Meridian, maximum, minimum, proletariat, process, public, revolution, Republic, erudition, and others. The ease of use of the rules, as well as the richness of the vocabulary, which continues to expand, has allowed English to become an international language of communication over the past half-century.
Root of the word | Origin | Example |
audio | Latin | to listen; auditorum, audience. |
bios | Greek | biology, biography |
vita | Latin | vital, vitality, vitamin. |
centum | Latin | a hundred; cent, century, centenary. |
tele | Greek | far away; telescope, telegraph. |
Latin and Greek terminology influenced the formation of the language. The oldest of these are the earliest borrowings in English. There are four layers of words of Latin origin in the English language.
1.Ancient tribes, the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons, who once inhabited the Northern part of Central Europe, were closely associated with the Roman Empire, waged wars with it. They borrowed words from the Romans that were related to the concept of trade or types of goods that were something new to these tribes.
1) (lat.) - pondo (eng.) – pound (a measure of weight).
2) (lat.) - plante (eng.) – plan.
3) (lat.) - caseus (eng.) – cheese.
2. Another layer of Latin borrowings is related to Christianity brought by Roman preachers. Latin was once the language of Church service. As a result, not a few religious Latin words entered the ancient Roman language. Some of these words could also fall into the Latin language from the Greek.
1) (lat.) – presbytes (eng.) – priest.
2) (lat.) – monachus (eng.) – monk.
3) (lat.) – candela (eng.) – candle.
3.The middle ages were replaced by the Renaissance, characterized by the rapid development of science and technology, as well as the flourishing of literature and art, the emergence of printing, the greatest geographical discoveries.
During this period, English borrowed many words from classical languages.
1) (lat.) – animal (eng.) - animal
2) (lat.) – memoria (eng.) – memory.
3) (lat.) – optiumus (eng.) - optimum – optimal.
4. Latin and Greek terminology influenced the formation of medical vocabulary in English. In most cases, the English medical vocabulary has retained its Latin roots. When studying the topic "human Internal organs", we can apply a lot of our knowledge on human anatomy, physiology, as well as on the discipline "Latin language with the basics of Latin terminology".
Borrowing words from other languages has happened, is happening and will continue to happen at all times and in the languages of all peoples. The process of borrowing words is a normal phenomenon, and even inevitable in certain historical periods. Mastering foreign language vocabulary enriches the vocabulary of the host language.
1. Амосова, П.Н. Этимологические основы словарного состава современного английского языка [Текст] / П.Н. Амосова. – М.: Издательство литературы на иностранных языках, 1956. – 218 с.
2.Англо-русский словарь Мюллера [Электронный ресурс].–URL: http://slovarus.info/eng_m.php
3. Арнольд, И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка [Текст]: учеб. пособие / И.В. Арнольд. – 2-е изд., перераб. – М.: ФЛИНТА: Наука, 2012. – 376 с.
4. Иностранные заимствования в лексике английского языка [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: http://lingvotech.com/zaimstvovaniya
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