Глобализация сравнительно новый феномен в жизни российского общества и мира в целом. Данная работа раскрывает некоторые аспекты этого явления.
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Work fulfilled: Eliseeva Lada , GRADE 11 . Work checked: Anna Borisovna . GlobalizationСлайд 2
Globalization is a process of worldwide economic, political, cultural and religious integration. What is globalization?
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History Trade originated with civilization, but a truly significant event for it happened in the first century BC. For the first time in history, luxury goods from China appeared on the other end of Eurasia - in Rome: they were dragged thousands of kilometers along the Silk Road. Trade from local and regional levels began to switch to international.
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History Ancient silk roads
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Then the process of globalization began. Silk was a luxury item along with spices, which were later added to the intercontinental trade between Asia and Europe. These products occupied a tiny fraction of the global economy. However, it was thanks to silk and spices that international trade relations formed, which became a gold mine for many intermediaries.
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The era of great geographical discoveries (15-18 centuries) Truly widespread world trade began in the era of great geographical discoveries. During this period, the European discoverers united East and West and accidentally discovered two Americas. Thanks to the scientific revolution and discoveries in the field of astronomy, mechanics, physics and shipbuilding, the Portuguese, Spaniards, and then the Dutch and the British first “discovered”, and then subjugated and annexed new lands to their economic processes.
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The second and third waves of globalization The history of globalization went on. The end of World War II was a new beginning for the global economy. Under the leadership of the new empire, the United States, and with the inventions of the second industrial revolution - the car and the plane - global trade has come back to life. At first, its development was divided into two parallel processes, since the Iron Curtain divided the world into two spheres of influence. But by 1989, when the Iron Curtain had fallen, globalization had become a truly international phenomenon.
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Signs of globalization - Weakening of nation states. - The development of advertising. - Increased exports and imports. - Merger of enterprises located on different continents. -The merger of cultures, the emergence of an international language. - The development of international tourism.
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Pros and cons of G LOBALIZATION : + 1. The public information space (thanks to the Internet) 2. Communication between people from different corners of the planet is possible (English is most convenient for this) 3. The availability of material goods 4. Exchange of cultural heritage, etc. 5. The unification of countries to solve problems both individual (in the region of the 1st country) and global. 6. Division of labor - 1. The growth of unemployment 2. The so-called de-industrialization of the economy leads to the precarious situation of most professions. 3. The deterioration of the ecology of our planet. Rare species of animals and plants disappear forever, the climate is warming (which is another global problem). 4. Monopolization of production. 5. The gap between countries is more obvious. Poor countries of Africa vs Rich, influential countries (USA, some countries of Europe, etc.).
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Examples of corporations
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Apple ( USA) Coca-Cola Google (USA ) Microsoft (USA ) Nestlé S. A . Toyota Motor Corporation (automotive, Japan)
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Population migrations Migrations (from the Latin " migratio ") - the movement of people between separate territories and settlements With the migration associated with the colonization and development of new lands. Migrations are primarily characteristic of large countries with sharp contrasts in population density — Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Brazil, Australia, China, and others.
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The end
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