В своей презентации ребята рассказали о своем любимом певце, которого уже нет с нами, и о тех вещах, которые могут рассказать о своем хозяине.
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Presentation pupils prepared 8 classes Ivanov Dmitry Ivliev Sergey Zharikov DmitryСлайд 2
Цели : 1. Отработка лексике по теме знаменитости 2 . Отработка грамматического мастерства Задачи : " Показать как предметы могут рассказать о своём владельце ."
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The given project is devoted memory of singer Victor Tsoy .
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Victor Tsoy Victor Tsoy was born in Leningrad 21 June,1962 Mother is Valentine Vasilevna Tsoy and father is Robert Maksimovich Tsoy. Victor has not got brothers and sisters
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At school Tsoy studied without three to the eighth class . The first guitar at Tsoy has appeared at school, in the fifth class . The father has shown the first chords to Victor . Tsoy's songs as well as music are extremely simple, in them there is no pose, on Titov's expression.
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Victor Tsoy is a hero , last hero of time . Having lived short life and , tragically been lost , Victor has left after itself interesting , live music and songs .
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Through "Kamchatka" have passed many of those whom today name legends of Russian fate. Alexander Bashlachyov and Sergey Firsov, the founder of group "Алиса" Svjatoslav Zadery and Yury Shevchyuk and Boris Grebenshchikov. The museum works in "Kamchatka" on weekdays, in the days off the boiler-house turns to little club . I n "Kamchatka" has passed the musical festival Victor Tsoy's museum in a boiler-house " Kamchatka "
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In a scarf Victor acted in film in a clip "Saw night". Usually Victor's mum knitted and sewed for it different things. But this scarf not its work. Probably, someone from friends. Scarf
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Victor has bought a black jacket shortly before death. He put , by council, friends always in black: - "All black: bags, jackets, boots. The black person
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In a photo, where Victor in this shirt, to it fifteen years. At first it was with long sleeves. But mother cut off them. Shirt
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Victor's last guitar. Electric. It has brought it from America, itself chose in shop. On this guitar last concert of group "KINO" has been played Last guitar
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15 August, one 1990 yars , Victor Tsoy has faced bus. Collision was inevitable also Victor Tsoy was lost. The bus driver remained is live . Death of a legend
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After Tsoy's death group "KINO" has stopped the existence. Participants of collective have finished a latest album. Victor Tsoy has been buried on the Bologotsky cemetery in Leningrad on August, 19th, 1990 years.
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The end
Лесная сказка о том, как согреться холодной осенью
Астрономический календарь. Май, 2019
Иван Васильевич меняет профессию
Ручей и камень
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