The Pulkovo Observatory was established by the decree of Emperor Nicholas I of June 19, 1838.
It was built in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, on the northern hill of the Pulkovo Heights (75 m above sea level).
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Слайд 1
Pulkovo Observatory the presentation was made by a student of the 9th grade Mirzovalieva KamilaСлайд 2
The Pulkovo Observatory was established by the decree of Emperor Nicholas I of June 19, 1838. It was built in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, on the northern hill of the Pulkovo Heights (75 m above sea level). The grand opening of the scientific institution took place on August 19, 1839. The first director of the observatory was the initiator of its creation, astronomer, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Vasily Struve.
Слайд 3
In 1990, the Pulkovo Observatory was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (as part of the historical center of St. Petersburg and related complexes of monuments), in 1997-in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of Cultural Heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
Лев Николаевич Толстой. Индеец и англичанин (быль)
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