Презентация была выполнена к проекту "Всемирно известные достопримечательности Великобритании". Работа содержит иллюстрации и краткие факты о достопримечательностях Великобритании
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By Mikhail Protasov , 7A form Teacher – Gordienko S.R. The most famous sights of Great Britain.Слайд 2
Great Britain is one of the oldest states in Europe, which has gone through various historical eras. During such a long history, the country has managed to create and preserve to this day amazing cultural and natural monuments, which will be discussed in my project.
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Project plan 1.1 Big Ben 1.2 Stonehenge 1.3 Giant's Causeway 1.4 Sherlock Holmes Museum 1.5 Windsor Castle 1.6 London Eye 1.7 Tower
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Big Ben Big Ben is a popular attraction in London. This tourist spot is located on the grounds of the Palace of Westminster. Initially, Big Ben was called the Clock Tower, but after 2012 it became known as the "Elizabeth Tower". The height of Big Ben is 96 meters.
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Stonehenge It’s located in 130 km from London. It is a complex of 30 roughly hewn huge pillars and slabs of stones, Stonehenge is an ancient megalith located in the south of England, in the Salisbury region, one stacked on top of each other in concentric circles . This place is one of the most mysterious in the world, it is classified as an archaeological monument and is included in the UNESCO List of Protected Sites. Many tourists who want to see this wonder of the world come to Stonehenge to wander around the stones.
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The Giant's Trail The Giants' Trail is the most famous landmark in Northern Ireland. The columns were formed as a result of a series of volcanic movements, cooling and horizontal compression of lava, which included basalt. The columns have different heights. Their clusters form figures, for example, in the form of an organ, a palisade, a pedestal, a staircase.
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The Sherlock Holmes Museum No. 221B, Baker Street - the address where the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, created by the imagination of Arthur Conan Doyle, lived. It is now a house of a charming museum that fully recreates the Victorian setting as described in the Sherlock Holmes stories.
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Windsor Castle Windsor Castle is the residence of the British monarchs in Windsor, Berkshire, England. For over 900 years, the castle has stood as an unshakable symbol of the monarchy, perched on a hill in the Thames Valley. The royal dynasty now ruling in England (since 1917) was named after him. In the chapel of St. George, from floor to ceiling trimmed with gold and precious stones, there are 9 monarchs lie, whose labors created the British Empire.
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London Eye " London Eye" is the poetic name for the grandiose Ferris wheel installed on the banks of the Thames. Rising to the height of a 45-storey building (135 meters), visitors can explore London and its environs from a distance of 40 kilometers in clear weather. At the time of its opening, the London Eye was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, but in 2008 it lost the championship to a similar attraction in Singapore
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Tower The Tower is a fortress. It stands on the north bank of the Thames and is one of the oldest buildings in England and the historic center of London. The history of this fortress is colorful: initially it was built as a defensive castle, and then it served as a zoo, and a mint, and an arsenal, and a prison, and an observatory, and a repository of royal jewels. The size of the Tower is 32 by 36 meters, the height of the towers is 30 meters.
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Much has been said and written about Great Britain. All this is reflected in my project. During the project, I conducted a survey. The guys were happy to answer questions and wanted to know more about the sights of the Great Britain. I came to the conclusion that my topic is relevant and interesting to others.
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References The most famous sights of Great Britain, Anna Manevich, Ilya Manevich Internet resources: 1. https://weatlas.com/landmarks/146 2. https://www.pnp.ru/in-world/chto-takoe-na-samom-dele-big-ben.html 3. https://tonkosti.ru/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%85%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B6 4. https://putevye-istorii.ru/tropa-velikanov/ 5. http://www.travel-more.com/doroga-gigantov-chudo-prirody-severnoj-irlandii/ 6. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%B9_%D0%A8%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%A5%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BC%D1%81%D0%B0 7. https://www.architime.ru/specarch/hugh_mei/windsor_castle.htm#19.jpg 8.https://london.zagranitsa.com/article/3516/gorod-na-ladoni-10-interesnykh-faktov-o-london-eye 9.https://wikiway.com/velikobritaniya/london/koleso-obozreniya-londonskiy-glaz/ 10.https://tv-english.club/ru/statyi-ru/velicobritaniya-ru/reka-temza-velitchie-i-dostoprimetchatelynosty-anglii/ 11.https://london.zagranitsa.com/place/17471/thames-reka-temza 12.https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%8D%D1%80
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By Mikhail Protasov , 7A form Teacher – Gordienko S.R. The most famous sights of Great Britain.
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