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Neil Alden Armstrong Made by : Hanzhin Alexander 7 B Form 4A, School №18 Balakovo , Saratov region Teacher Maximova V.VСлайд 2
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Neil Alden Armstrong is an American astronaut, aircraft manufacturer, test pilot, and university professor. Best known as the first man to walk on the moon .
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Neil Armstrong was born near Wapakoneta, Ohio (Wapakoneta, Ohio); a mixture of Scottish, Irish and German blood flowed in his veins. His parents moved frequently, mostly within the state; Neil has lived in 20 different cities. Armstrong's interest in aeronautics woke up quite early. For the first time, Neil visited the air races at the age of 2, and he himself had a chance to fly an airplane at the age of 5. CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH THE LAST MOVEMENT OF AMSTROGNGS WAS TAKEN IN 1944; THEY HAVE SET IN THE CITY WHERE NIL HAD ONCE BEEN BORN . HERE NIL STUDIED IN SCHOOL; HERE HE WAS TAKING LESSONS AT THE FLIGHT SCHOOL, GETTING A FLIGHT COURSE STUDENT CERTIFICATE ALREADY AT 16.
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From 1947 to 1955 (with a break of 1949-1952) he studied at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where he received a bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering . In 1970 he received his Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Southern California. EDUCATION
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He served in the US Navy at the Lewis Research Center as a test pilot, tested jet aircraft, participated in the Korean War, in which he flew 78 sorties on the Grumman F9F Panther fighter-bomber and was shot down once. Received an Air Medal and two Gold Stars, and in October 1958 he was enlisted in a group of pilots preparing to fly the experimental North American X-15 rocket plane . In November 1960 he made his first rocket flight. In total, until July 1962, he made seven flights on these devices, but never reached the fifty miles mark. In July 1962, he became disillusioned with rocket planes and left the project a year and a half before its complete closure. In September 1962, a competition of two hundred and fifty applicants was held, HE was enrolled in the 2nd set of NASA astronauts and began to prepare for a flight into space. MILITARY SERVICE AND SPACE TRAINING
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For the first time, the idea of flying to the moon was visited by the American government because it did not want to lag behind the USSR in the process of conquering space. At first, the struggle was on an equal footing, but after Yuri Gagarin SPACE FLIGHT, the United States remained far behind in the race. Therefore, John F. Kennedy in 1961 GAVE THE ORDER the American astronautics to land on the moon in the next decade. At that time, astronauts and scientists had little idea how exactly this could be done. The mission was allocated $ 24 billion. FLIGHT TO THE MOON THE SPECIALISTS STARTED TO PREPARE, THE GERMAN ROCKET ENGINEER HELPED THEM. THE FIRST ATTEMPT WAS NOT SUCCESSFUL. THE FIRST FLIGHT OF “THE APOLON” WAS NOT AT ALL DUE TO THE FIRE. THE FOLLOWING ONES WERE SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE CAPTAIN NIL ARMSTRONG WAS VERY EXPERIENCE . IN JULY 1969 "APOLON 11" S A T ON THE LUNAR SURFACE SAFELY . ON JULY 20, NIL BECOMES BECAME THE FIRST MAN WHO PASS THE ONLY NATURAL SPUTNIK OF OUR PLANET.
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Almost a year after his flight to the moon, in May-June 1970, Neil Armstrong paid a visit to the USSR . On May 24, he arrived in Leningrad, where, as part of a delegation of thirty-two senior NASA executives and scientists, he took part in the XIII annual conference of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) at the International Council for Science. The conference participants greeted Armstrong with a thunderous ovation, who made a big report on the first landing of people on the moon and his impressions of staying and working on the lunar surface . During the days of the forum, the guards experienced great difficulty, holding back those who wanted to express their admiration for Armstrong . At the same time, the general public knew almost nothing about the astronaut's visit. During the five days of Armstrong's stay in Leningrad, only one local newspaper wrote about him. VISIT THE USSR
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INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT NEEL AMSTRONG Neil Armstrong stood out among other test pilots for his exceptional self-control and composure, for which he received the nickname "Ice Captain" Armstrong said the following about himself: I have always been and will remain a "botanist" engineer, inseparable from pencils and a slide rule, born under the second law of thermodynamics, in love with a parallelogram of forces transformed according to Laplace and living according to the laws of nonlinear hydrodynamics. During his visit to the USSR, Armstrong met with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Kosygin and presented him with a small container with lunar soil samples and a small flag of the USSR, which visited the lunar surface in 1969 . In 2011, Armstrong told Esquire magazine: “Astronauts don't die on Saturdays. At least I don't know of a single case. " The astronaut passed away a year later on Saturday 25 August.
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AFTER NASA He left NASA in 1971, after which he taught at the University of Cincinnati until 1979. From 1985 to 1986 he was a member of the National Cosmonautics Committee. In 1986 he was Vice-Chairman of the Investigative Commission, which studied the circumstances of the death of the Space Shuttle Challenger. He was engaged in business, headed the company AIL Systems, Inc. (Deer Park, N.Y .). In 1999 he took part in the television project "BBC: Planets" as an expert. In one of his last interviews, Armstrong admitted that he estimated the chances of a successful flight to the moon and return to Earth at around ninety percent.
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RESOURCES https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Армстронг,_Нил https://oplanetah.ru/kosmonavty/nil-armstrong#i https://www.peoples.ru/military/cosmos/neil_armstrong /
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