Здоровье подростков во многом зависит от того, какой образ жизни они ведут. Физические упражнения вырабатывают выносливость, дисциплину, придают уверенности в собственных силах. Но в современном мире некоторые подростки считают занятия спортом пустой тратой времени. Так ли это на самом деле? Автор проекта решил исследовать данный вопрос.
Целью данного проекта является определить уровень спортивной занятости среди учащихся средней школы, в которой учится автор.
Чтобы достичь поставленной цели, автор проекта поставил перед собой следующие задачи выяснить, как спорт влияет на жизнь подростков, а также провести опрос среди учащихся БОУ СОШ № 29.
В результате своего исследования автор проекта пришел к выводу, что спорт положительно влияет не только на здоровье детей, но и на успеваемость в школе, а также на их настроение и активность в целом. По результатам социологического опроса автор пришел к выводу, что занятость детей в спорте достаточно высокая, и этот показатель в ближайшее время будет расти. Кроме того, в результате исследования, автору удалось выявить самые модные виды спорта: плавание, различные виды единоборств, а также танцы и др.
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Муниципальный этап конкурса исследовательских проектов школьников в рамках краевой научно-практической конференции «ЭВРИКА»
Секция: иностранные языки
Спорт в жизни подростков
Автор: Орлов Никита Александрович, 8 В класс, БОУСОШ №29 МО Динской район Научный руководитель: Аванесова Лидия Александровна, учитель английского языка БОУ СОШ№29 МО Динской район |
ст. Новотитаровская, 2021 г.
The contents
Introduction................................................................................................... 3
1. Analysis of articles on the impact of sports on the lives of teenagers………………………………………………………………. ….. 5
2. The results of the survey…………………………………………...…...….7
Online resources…………………………………………………………..….9
ОРЛОВ Никита Александрович
Краснодарский край, Динской район, станица Новотитаровская
БОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №29 имени Героя Советского Союза Броварца Владимира Тимофеевича», 8 класс
Научный руководитель: Аванесова Лидия Александровна, учитель английского языка БОУ СОШ № 29, Динской район, станица Новотитаровская
Many people believe that sport in the modern world is an optional thing, without which it is quite possible to do. Indeed, the need for good physical training for most people has disappeared, because now intellectual work is much more valued than physical work. Many of my peers have completely gone into the "world of information", completely forgetting about another type of activity that develops not only the mind, but also the body. In my opinion, this is wrong, because sport is very important for people: it supports the health of teenagers and affects their lives.
Object of research: Employment of teenagers in sports.
Subject of research: Sports employment of secondary school students of school No. 29 Novotitarovskaya .
The purpose of the study: To present the level of sports employment among secondary school students in which I study.
Objectives of the study: To find out how sports affect the lives of teenagers. Make a survey among high school students of FGKOU school No. 8. Analyze the results of the survey and visualize them in the form of graphs and diagrams.
Relevance of the study: This study is relevant, since physical activity is directly related to the health of students, which is necessary for leading a normal life.
Practical significance of the study: Using this work, physical education teachers can learn the most popular sports among students of our school, and possibly attract even more students to these cultures.
Research methods: Study, survey, comparison, analysis and modeling.
Stages of research work
Stage I. Preparation for the study.
1. The author found a problem: how does sport affect the lives of teenagers and what sports are preferred by middle school students of school No. 29.
2. The author defined the topic of this research work and coined the name of this work.
3. The author described the relevance of this study, formulated the goal and outlined the tasks of this work in stages.
4. The author and the supervisor drew up a work plan for the implementation of this research project.
Stage II. Planning of research work.
1. It was determined where the information would be searched for, and the information was found.
2. It was determined that the collection of information will take place through a survey of secondary school students.
3. The method of presenting the work was chosen: text analysis of articles about the impact of sports on the lives of teenagers, text analysis of the survey results, photos of the survey process, as well as diagrams based on the survey results.
Stage III. Study.
1. The necessary information was collected for the study: articles on the impact of sports on life were read.
2. A survey of secondary school students was conducted at School No. 29.
Stage IV. Conclusions.
1. The articles studied and read by the author about the impact of sports on the lives of teenagers were analyzed in writing.
2. The results of the survey were analyzed in writing and presented in the form of diagrams.
3. Conclusions were formulated and analyzed, whether I achieved what I set in the goals and objectives.
Stage V. Report and protect your work.
1.The presentation of the results of the research work in the form of a written and short oral report with a demonstration was prepared and prepared.
2. This research paper was defended.
1. Analysis of articles on the impact of sports on the lives of teenagers
The positive value of sports in the lives of teenagers is huge. Playing sports, teen:
«…Active training has a positive effect on the academic performance of children, according to research by scientists from the Universities of Strathclyde and Dundee. During the experiment, it was found that every 12 to 17 minutes of training positively affect the performance of a teenager…»
It was also determined that physical activity affects the behavior of a teenager. In particular, deviant behavior occurring in adolescence is prevented by introducing physical activity classes into the life of a teenager. This is stated in the journal "Scientific Notes of the University named after P. F. Lesgaft", the author of the scientific article Marat Minnegaliev writes:
"...Observed at the end of experimental studies of positive changes in motor fitness, levels of physical development and moral-ethical qualities in the mental state of teenagers with deviant behavior evidence of effectiveness in the process of sports, exercise from the section mobile and sporting games…»
In addition, the orthopedist of the Moscow State Hospital Marina Zokina, in her article on the impact of physical activity on the health of a teenager, identified the negative impact of lack of motor activity:
«…A modern school is an increased amount of academic load in conditions of a shortage of academic time, plus the use of additional factors for training (video equipment, personal computers). Constant psycho-emotional stress, short sleep, prolonged stay in a sitting position, insufficient time spent in the fresh air have an adverse effect on the growing body.
The resulting lack of motor activity causes pathological processes in the main physiological systems in children. The cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and other systems suffer.
Extremely high prevalence of postural disorders, scoliosis, myopia, neurotic disorders, and a tendency to frequent colds in schoolchildren. Each child has a physiological need for movement – on average, at least 2 hours a day…»
In addition, it is necessary to say about the impact of sports on the mental activity of adolescents. Physical activity increases the desire for classes, the interest of young men and women in the world around them. As Anna A. Gorbunova, a senior teacher of the Novokuznetsk student football team, writes in her research work: «Active rest of a person has a positive effect on the level of intelligence, due to an increase in the efficiency of the nervous system and its resistance to various loads» Based on the above excerpts from these articles, we can say about the positive impact of sports on the life, study and health of a teenager. All the authors of the above articles agree on this, as well as many teachers, parents and teenagers themselves. From this we can conclude that sports are great.
2. The results of the survey
I conducted a survey among the students of my school. The results of the study can be viewed in appendix number 1.
Опрос | Да | Нет |
Считают себя спортивными | 47 | 16 |
Считают спорт важной частью своей жизни | 46 | 17 |
Планируют заниматься спортом в будущем | 55 | 8 |
Всего | 63 |
Я предпочитаю… | Количество ответов |
Футбол | 18 |
Занятия в тренажерном зале | 32 |
Танцы | 30 |
Бег | 22 |
Плаванье | 36 |
Борьбу | 36 |
Баскетбол | 16 |
Волейбол | 24 |
Занятия фитнесом | 26 |
Physical education is an important part of the life of modern youth, and the high school students of our school are a vivid example of this. We conducted a study in which it was found out how sports affect the lives of teenagers and, based on scientific articles from Internet resources, it was concluded that sports have a positive effect not only on the health of children, but also on school performance, as well as on their mood and activity in general. After that, a survey was conducted among students of secondary classes of school No. 29. Based on the results of this survey, we can say that the employment of children in sports is quite good, and this indicator will soon grow. In addition, we were able to identify the most fashionable sports: swimming, various types of martial arts, as well as dancing, etc. In the course of this study, the results of the survey were analyzed and clearly presented in the form of graphs and diagrams.
Online resources
1. Voronina Yu. A. "The influence of sports on teenagers" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://paidagogos.com/?p=7780#hcq=uctMBHp ( accessed 03.04.2016)
2. Skuridina E. P. "Sport in the life of teenagers" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://euromd.ru/21-zdorovaya-zhizn/138-krasota-i-sport/34-fitnes/post-410-sport-v-zhizni-podrostkov/ (accessed 03.04.2016)
3. Zokina M. M. "The influence of sports on the psyche and behavior of a teenager" [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://repetitora.com/vliyanie-sporta-na-psihiku-i-povedenie-podrostka ( accessed 05.04.2016)
4. Minnegaliev M. M. "The use of physical culture and sports in the prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents" Children's and youth sports, sports science. - Scientific Notes of the P. F. Lesgaft University-issue 1 (83) 2012, January 31, 2012-pp. 103-107 ;
5. Gorbunova A. A. "The influence of physical culture on the behavior of adolescents", Novokuznetsk, 2010
6. Physical culture: A textbook / edited by V. A. Kovalenko. - M.: Publishing house: ASV, 2000. -432., with Fig.
7. Tolovin V. A. Physical education-M. 1988
8. Solomchenko M. A. Fundamentals of physical culture and sports management in modern socio-economic conditions: textbook. manual / M. A. Solomchenko, R. A. Prokhorov. - Orel: Publishing House of the Orel State University, 2009. - p. 148
ОРЛОВ Никита Александрович
Краснодарский край, Динской район, станица Новотитаровская
БОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №29 имени Героя Советского Союза Броварца Владимира Тимофеевича», 8 класс
Научный руководитель: Аванесова Лидия Александровна, учитель английского языка БОУ СОШ № 29, Динской район, станица Новотитаровская
Application 1
The results of the survey.
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