Школьная форма — обязательная повседневная форма одежды для учеников во время их нахождения в школе и на официальных школьных мероприятиях вне школы.
С 1 сентября 2013 года в нашу страну вернулась школьная форма. Но мнения о необходимости школьной формы неоднозначны: споры продолжаются. Поэтому проблема необходимости школьной формы не теряет своей актуальности и по сей день.
Актуальность выбранной мною темы заключается в том, что до сих пор нет единого мнения по поводу того, нужна ли школьная форма или нет. А так же мне стало интересно мнение о школьной форме учащихся нашей школы.
Объектом исследования: отношение к школьной форме.
Предмет исследования: школьная форма.
Гипотеза исследования: большая часть учащихся нашей школы придерживаются мнения, что школьная форма необходима.
Выявить отношение учащихся БОУ СОШ № 29 станицы Новотитаровская к школьной форме.
- изучить историю школьной формы;
-рассмотреть школьную форму учеников разных стран;
- провести анкетирование среди учащихся БОУ СОШ №29 станицы Новотитаровская: «Нужна ли школьная форма?»;
Методы: анализ литературы, анкетирование, сравнение.
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Муниципальный этап краевого конкурса исследовательских проектов школьников в рамках краевой научно-практической конференции «ЭВРИКА»
Секция: иностранные языки
Школьная форма: за и против
Автор: Бахадирова Мадина Дилмурадовна, 6Д класс, БОУСОШ №29 МО Динской район Научный руководитель: Аванесова Лидия Александровна, учитель английского языка БОУ СОШ№29 МО Динской район |
ст. Новотитаровская,
2020 г.
Introduction………………………………………………………………………………… | 3 | |
1 Theoretical part ………………………………….....………………..………………….. | 4 | |
1.1 The history of the emergence of school uniforms in Russia .……….......................... | 4 | |
1.2 School uniforms of different countries…………………………………………….. | 6 | |
1.2.1 School uniform in Great Britain….……..……………………………………....... | 6 | |
1.2.2 School uniform in Japan ……………………………………………………....... | 7 | |
1.2.3 School uniform in Australia ………………………………………….…………. | 7 | |
1.2.4 School uniform in the USA………………………………………….………...... | 8 | |
1.2.5 School uniform in China ……………………………………………………...... | 8 | |
2 Practical part ………………………………………………………………..………...... | 9 | |
2.1 Opinion poll ……………………………………………………….………………..... | 9 | |
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………… | 10 | |
List of used literature and other sources …………………..………………………………. | 11 | |
Application ……………………………………………………………………………….. | 12 |
School uniforms are the obligatory everyday uniforms for students while they are at school and at official school events outside the school.
Since September 1, 2013, school uniforms returned to our country.
In this regard, various points of view have appeared on whether schoolchildren need a standard uniform at all.
Some people think that school uniforms are necessary. It disciplines, leads to cohesion, to a sense of community, collectivism.
Others are of the opinion that the school uniform demonstrates the lack of freedom of the student, humiliates him and depersonalizes him.
The relevance of the topic I have chosen is that there is still no consensus on whether a school uniform is needed or not. And I also became interested in the opinion about the school uniform of students in our school.
Object of study: attitude to school uniforms.
Subject of research: school uniform.
Research hypothesis: most of the students in our school are of the opinion that a school uniform is necessary
To identify the attitude of students in the secondary school №29 of the village of Novotitarovskaya to school uniforms.
- study the history of school uniforms;
-consider the school uniform of students from different countries;
- to conduct a survey among students of the secondary school №29 of the village of Novotitarovskaya: “Do we need a school uniform?”.
Methods: literature analysis, questionnaires, comparison.
I. Theoretical part
1.1 The history of the emergence of school uniforms in Russia
In Russia, the uniform was introduced at the end of the 18th century: a uniform for boys and a brown dress with a black - casual or white - formal apron for girls.
In 1918, the school uniform was canceled, largely due to poverty of the population (children dressed in what they had).
The Soviet school uniform appeared in 1949, four years after the war, when the textile and clothing industry was restored. She was a tunic and a cap for boys and all the same brown dresses with white and black aprons for girls.
It is curious that the form of boys has changed more than once, while the form for girls has remained unchanged for 40 years.
In the early 1990s, the mandatory and uniform form for all was canceled.
In modern Russia, there is no uniform school uniform, as it was in the USSR, but many schools have their own form, emphasizing the belonging of students to a particular educational institution.
1.2 School uniforms of different countries
School uniforms are different in different countries, but the essence remains the same. It is designed to discipline the student, set up for work, erases social differences.
1.2.1 School uniform in Great Britain
The UK is the country in which school uniforms first appeared. This happened in the XVI century, during the reign of Henry VIII. The basis was taken soldier's uniforms, this form was a long raincoat-coat in blue. Blue paint at that time was the cheapest and most affordable, and was supposed to indicate to children humility.
For centuries, school uniforms have been compulsory in all schools in the British Isles. Currently, the style of the British school uniform is a classic. Everything is simple and prim: high school students must wear orthodox Western-style school uniforms. Boys are dressed in classic suits, leather shoes and must wear a tie. Girls also wear western-style clothes and classic shoes.
1.2.2 School uniform in Japan
The Japanese school uniform for girls uses marine motifs. Therefore, it is also often called a sailor suit or sailor uniform. The Japanese school uniform for boys is classic dark in color with a standing collar and looks like Chinese tunics.
1.2.3 School uniform in Australia
School uniforms in Australia are very conservative. Its design in many educational institutions does not change for 50, or even 100 years. Very often a uniform with a hat for protection from the sun enters the uniform. Mandatory requirement for both boys and girls to wear black leather shoes and white socks.
1.2.4 School uniform in the USA
Students in the United States are not limited in their choice of clothing. It is up to them to decide whether to wear school uniforms.
1.2.5 School uniform in China
School uniforms in most schools in China differ only in size. Moreover, there are almost no differences between the uniforms of boys and girls - they wear loose tracksuits.
II. Practical part
2.1 1 Opinion poll
I conducted a survey among elementary and high school students. In total, 120 people were involved in the study. Of these, 60 are primary school students and 60 are high school students. I asked them to answer one question:
Is a school uniform necessary?
- yes
- no
- I do not know
The results of the study are as follows:
Among elementary school students, 57 out of 60 children supported school uniforms.
Interestingly, among high school students, the results of the study were almost the opposite: 50 out of 60 students answered that the school uniform was not needed. The results of the study as a percentage are presented in the appendix.
In the course of my research, I learned a lot of interesting things, namely, how and when the school uniform appeared in our country; where the school uniform first appeared, and also what school uniform in different countries.
Having studied information from various sources, I came to the conclusion that a school uniform is necessary because it disciplines, sets up for study, erases class inequality.
As for the students of our school, as a result of the survey, it became clear that most of them are in school uniforms. And it pleased me because I like to wear a school uniform and I really like the school uniform of our school.
List of used literature and other sources
1) Svetlana Leontyeva. Soviet school uniform: canon and everyday life // Fashion Theory. 2008, No. 9. P. 47-79.
2) Marina Balina, Larisa Rudova. Reflections on the school uniform (based on the materials of children's and autobiographical literature) // Fashion Theory. 2008, No. 9. P. 25–46.
3) “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, article “Russia will be returned to school uniform” from 01/26/2007
4) Wikipedia-free encyclopedia [Electronic resource] / School uniform - Access mode: https://ru.wikipedia.org
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