Актуальность выбранной мной темы обусловлена тем, что образование в нашей жизни играет важную роль. У каждого возникал вопрос по поводу того, какая система образования более эффективная: система образования России или же система образования в англоязычных странах. Эта работа разработана для того, чтобы постараться ответить на этот вопрос и сравнить системы образования в России и в англоязычных странах.
Цель работы – изучить какое влияние система образования англоязычных стран оказала на систему образования России.
Исходя из цели были определены следующие задачи:
Гипотеза заключается в том, что система образования англоязычных стран повлияла на систему образования России.
Практическая значимость исследования заключается в том, что материалы работы могут быть использованы в качестве дополнительного учебного пособия к урокам английского языка, для факультативов и элективных курсов.
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«Гимназия №4» города Смоленска
Влияние систем образования англоязычных стран на систему образования в России
Андриянов Матвей Алексеевич
обучающийся 10 г класса
Руководитель проекта:
Зайцева Наталия Владимировна
2020 год
Introduction 3
Part 1. The UK and Russian education systems
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 11
Appendix 12
Currently, the education system of English-speaking countries, especially in the UK, is one of the most developed and popular in the world. After the collapse of the USSR, our state began to look for new methods of maintaining the education system, and, according to many, we found them in English-speaking countries. These education systems have similar features. But it is interesting how significant these features are.
Relevance: over the years, education has always played an important role in people's lives. Russian education is trying to improve by borrowing the features of English-language schools.
The purpose of this work is to find out the degree of influence of British education on Russian education; to find out similarities and differences.
The ojectives of this work are to study the educational system in Russia and English-speaking countries (in our case, we will consider the UK).
to compare teaching methods;
to prove the impact of the UK education system on the Russian education system;
to create a product about two education systems;
The object is education system. The subject is the impact of the education system of English-speaking countries on the Russian system.
Hypothesis: Russian education takes some features from school education in English-speaking countries.
Methods: comparison, analysis of sources used and sociological survey.
The practical value of this project is that this material can be used in an English lesson or in a History lesson.
Product: a mini-magazine about the features of two education systems.
In the Middle Ages in the UK, schools were opened mainly for the study of Latin. To master practical skills in those days, it was possible to study in old apprentices.
Most of the country's schools operated under the Anglican Church until the 19th century. In the middle of the XIX century, the introduction of compulsory free secular education, along with higher education, began. In 1944, a law was passed that created a three-tier system of educational institutions represented by grammar schools, secondary schools and technical schools.
Today, the UK provides compulsory free education, which can be obtained by any child aged 5 to 16 years, not paying attention to the social status of his parents, race and nationality. There are also private (paid) educational institutions. The school year in the UK begins in September and ends in mid-July. The whole school-year consists of three semesters with the presence of Christmas and Easter holidays.
In the "Junior school", the main emphasis is on the ability to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in practice. Children study a lot in libraries and laboratories; they learn to do their homework. In "Secondary schools" education is based on gradations. "Grammar" oriented to students about to study at a university. “Modern” are for the acquisition of professional qualifications. The most popular, "Unified High schools", combine these two types of schools.
The main goal of Soviet education at all levels was to prepare a worthy participant of the work collective in the country, striving for a bright future. All schools were equal. Education was based on the fact that students had to acquire new knowledge in subjects related to professional qualifications. Most of the training was devoted to the exact sciences. Children entered school at the age of 6. Until 1986, schools had 10 years of education. Primary school was given 3 years, secondary - 5 years, senior - 2 years.
All Soviet education was based on three main concepts:
Obtaining encyclopedic knowledge through versatile training and synchronization of information in the learning process;
With free extracurricular activities and public youth organizations, children got an incentive to study and gain new knowledge;
Students had to respect teachers and the institution of the school. These aspects made Soviet education one of the most sought after in the world.
In Russia, the situation is different. Children started attending school at the age of 7, but primary classes now last 4 years, middle classes are 5 years, and senior classes are 2 years (11 classes). At the end of the 9th grade, students have a choice: either they go to high school, where they prepare for admission to the university, or go to study in special educational institutions (colleges, vocational schools). One of the innovations in Russian education has been teaching in high school in specialized areas (based on his own inclinations, a student chooses a class with a more in-depth study of certain subjects). Recently, private schools began to appear in Russia, which was never the case in the USSR.
With the introduction of Basic and Unified State Exams in Russia, the scheme of admission to higher education institutions has become similar to the British system, where students take the GCSE exams (similar to the secondary school certificate) or A-level. In two countries there are state (general) schools, private schools, lyceums and boarding schools. In the UK, students must wear mandatory uniforms — many schools in Russia have the same practice. But recently, it has become less relevant in our institutions.
However, according to the universally accepted statement, the British education system is a pyramid, where the foundation is the Junior grades with basic knowledge in all subjects, the centre is the Secondary classes with a combination of a small set of compulsory subjects and lessons that are interesting to the student. The top is a high school with a deep study of those subjects that the student himself will choose for his future life. But the Russian education system can be represented as an inverted pyramid: the top of the pyramid with a minimal set of lessons is at the bottom – for primary school, and its base with a large set of subjects - at the top, for high school. (Appendix 1, Appendix 2)
In Russia, the main emphasis is on memorizing theories; in the UK, emphasis is on acquiring skills in practice. In Russia, the authority of the teacher is higher than the authority of the student; in the UK-on equal levels. In Russia, the level of infrastructure and comfort of students is low, in the UK there are favorable conditions for studying at a high level. In Britain, schools that accept only boys or only girls are in demand, in Russia there are very few such schools.
2.1 Results and analysis of the sociological survey
In order to prove the influence of the education system of English-speaking countries (mainly Great Britain) on the Russian education system, I conducted a survey on the Internet among people aged 14-40 who are interested in education and / or foreign languages (about 100 people took part in the survey). Before starting the survey, people were briefly told about the features of British education and their possible implementation in Russian.
Question 1: “Are You satisfied with the education system in Russia?” - 18% answered: “Yes” - 82% answered: “No”. (Appendix 3)
Question 2: “What seems to You an advantage in Russian education?” - 43% answered: “Availability of free education” - 24% replied : “Diversity of school knowledge” - 18% answered: “A new system for conducting grades and monitoring student performance” - 15% had other answers. (Appendix 4)
Question 3: “What problems in Russian education, in Your opinion, are particularly acute?” - 30% replied: “Low quality of education” - other 30% answered: “Poor school atmosphere” - 27% replied: “Introduction of Basic and Unified State Exams” - 13% answered: “Teachers with low qualifications” (Appendix 5)
Question 4: “What would You change in Russian education if you were offered to take something from the British system?” - 49% replied: “Modern teaching methods in the form of a game or polylogue” - 21% answered: “Lack of homework” - 7% replied: “Didn’t change anything” - 23% had other answers. (Appendix 6)
Question 5: “Is there any influence of British education on Russian education, in Your opinion?” - 8% answered “Yes” - 48% answered “No” - 44% were undecided. (Appendix 7)
Question 6: “Would You like to study abroad?” - 46% answered: “Yes” - 43% answered: “More likely yes than no” - 2% answered: “More likely no, than yes” - 3% answered: “No” - 6% were undecided. (Appendix 8)
Question 7: “Would you like to know more about the education system in English-speaking countries?” - 90% answered: “Yes” - 10% answered: “No”. (Appendix 9)
After analyzing the results, we can conclude that most people are not satisfied with the modern education system in Russia, as they see the problem in its low quality and poor school atmosphere.
An interesting result of the questionnaire was the answers to the question about the possible impact of British education on the Russian one. According to the respondents, there is no such influence. And their version of the answer may be fair if you do not know the whole essence and history of the development of the two systems of school education. This may be the correct answer on their part, since the main introductions into our education are not always stipulated as borrowings from the system of English-speaking countries. Based on a new aspect, we tried to analyze and draw final conclusions about the presence or absence of introducing innovations from British education into Russian education.
After conducting comparative work and observations on the impact of the UK education system on the education system in Russia, we can conclude that at some points there is still a similarity between modern Russian education and British education. This can be seen in the following aspects related to the reforms of our education in 2010, for example: the introduction of state exams (BSE, USE) in the form of tests that, to some extent, put an end to the unfair assessment of students' knowledge by teachers. This idea came to the Ministry of Education of Russia after familiarizing some features in the teaching methods of English-speaking countries. Also, a resemblance to Western education can be seen in the opening of private schools in our country and the introduction of a special uniform in them. In many schools, specialized teaching principles are introduced: thus, the senior classes began to be divided into five main areas: physical and mathematical, socio-economic, chemical and biological, linguistic and humanitarian.
It follows from the foregoing that our education is trying not to stand still, but is trying by all means to solve the problems of the outdated Soviet system by introducing positive experiences from other countries. But, in my opinion, many of these innovations are unsuccessful, because the same introduction of the Basic and the Unified State Exams did not change the situation for the better, but made students simply memorize materials about which they have no idea in practice. They stop understanding what they are studying and cannot find simple solutions to situations that they may encounter in the future. In the end, it is impossible to draw a final conclusion that all innovations are either good or bad.
In accordance with the purposes and objectives set for us, a study and research was conducted on the topic "How did the education systems of English-speaking countries affect the education system in Russia?"
In the course of the study of the material, we found the basic data on school education in the UK and Russia; along with this we learned the basic teaching methods in two countries. Also, we got primary, but fairly well-founded conclusions that the British education system may have a degree of influence on Russian education, despite the fact that this is not specified as a loan. The main and common goal of these systems is the education of a developed personality, capable of being ready for life in society.
We suggested that Russian education takes some features from school education in English-speaking countries. The theoretical part and analysis of comparisons showed that the Russian system, in some cases, took different elements from the educational systems of English-speaking countries. Thus, our hypothesis is correct. It should be noted that we analyzed some of the problems associated with education, which are most relevant for modern students in schools. Beyond the scope of this project, there are still many other questions about education. But the survey showed that 90% of respondents are interested in studying these questions about school education in English-speaking countries.
This project with the product can be used in English or History lessons, as a reference, where students can find answers to some questions that interest them.
Appendix 1.
Vision of British education in the form of a pyramid
Appendix 2.
Vision of Russian education in the form of a pyramid
Appendix 3. Survey analysis
Appendix 4. Survey analysis
Appendix 5. Survey analysis
Appendix 6. Survey analysis
Appendix 7. Survey analysis
Appendix 8. Survey analysis
Appendix 9. Survey analysis
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