Проектная деятельность учащихся 5-11 классов
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Ancient Egyptian CivilizationСлайд 2
Geographical position The ancient Egyptian civilization emerged on the shores of the Nile River, and its prosperity was largely due to its seasonal floods (flood of the Nile from June to November), which promoted agriculture. Ancient Egypt include Nile Delta - historic region Lower Egypt and the valley upstream of the Nile - Upper Egypt Ancient Egypt was one of the first States in the history of mankind, occurred on the African continent, in the valley of the Nile river around the beginning of IV Millennium BC and lasted until 30 BC, when it became part of the Roman Empire.
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The Egyptians were tall, had a tight figure, broad, straight shoulders, broad face, stout, straight nose, a low forehead. They had dark skin, black straight hair and thick eyelashes, black almond-shaped eyes Outside the Egyptians
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The ancient Egyptians were very clean and carefully watched over the purity of his body, clothes and shelter. The Egyptians bathed several times a day. Makeup in Ancient Egypt was used by both women and men . The ancient Egyptians consume large enough quantities of meat. The life of ancient Egyptians The material for the clothing of the Egyptians served linen and cotton fabrics, and leather. Men's clothing was merely an apron of thick fabric . Women's clothing consisted of direct fitting sundress.
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In conclusion we want to say that the Ancient civilization of the Egyptians is full of many mysteries. We think that we need to learn from their cleanliness, ability it is beautiful to build it, decorating it with vivid metaphors .
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T hank you for your attention
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« Древние люди в России» Выполнили: Ринчинов Б., Красков М., Бадараев Р.Слайд 2
Где и когда жили древние люди в России. Появление земледелия, скотоводства и ремесла. Образ жизни. Как выглядели древние славяне? Какой урок, мы можем извлечь из них?
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Где и когда жили древние люди в России. Древние люди поселились на территории нашей страны с незапамятных времён. Примерно 700 тыс.лет назад они появились на Северном Кавказе и в районе реки Кубань.
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Где и когда жили древние люди в России. Жизнь была полна опасностей и выжить в одиночку было очень трудно. Люди объединялись в небольшие группы по 20-30 человек. Они стали называться человеческим стадом.
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Где и когда жили древние люди в России. Около 80 тыс. лет назад условия жизни резко изменились – наступило похолодание. На смену теплолюбивым животным пришли мамонты, бизоны, шерстистые носороги, северные олени, лошади.
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Где и когда жили древние люди в России. Человек с большим трудом учился приспосабливаться к изменившимся условиям Несмотря на суровые условия, славяне стали расселяться всё дальше на север Первобытное человеческое стадо Родовая община Племя
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Появление земледелия, скотоводства и ремесла 12-14 тыс. лет назад в результате ледникового периода многие животные вымерли. И теперь человеку, занимающемуся только охотой и собирательством было трудно себя прокормить. реконструкция славянского посёлка
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Появление земледелия, скотоводства и ремесла Из древнего собирательства на юге нашей страны 5-6 тыс. лет назад постепенно зарождается земледелие. А на смену охоте приходит скотоводство.
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Появление земледелия, скотоводства и ремесла Научившись работать с глиной, люди стали изготавливать посуду. Женщины научились прясть волокна и шить одежду из ткани. Большие перемены в жизни людей произошли, когда началась обработка металла.
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Как они выглядели ? Мужчины имели очень воинственный вид. Это рост выше среднего, могучие плечи. Почти все славянские мужчины носили бороду. А женщины были необычайно женственны . Это выражалось и в идеальной осанке, и в мягкой походке. Вообще для славян были характерны многие черты. Например, светлый цвет кожи и глаз, волосы также были светлыми (русыми), нос прямой, добрая улыбка.
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Какой урок, мы можем извлечь из них. Чтобы завершить, мы можем извлечь урок от них. Мы узнали, что Древние люди России смогли научиться земледелию, приручили себе животных и др. Мы думаем, что образ жизни древних людей - основа того, кто мы сегодня .
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Спасибо за внимание!!!
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Troyan’s civilisation Moiseeva Nomin Bodieva Namzhilma Beloborodov IlyaСлайд 2
Where and when Troyans lived Troy (Greek: Ἴλιον, Ilion, and Τροία, Troia ; Latin: Trōia and Īlium ; Hittite: Wilusa or Truwisa ; Turkish: Truva ) was a city, both factual and legendary, located in northwest Anatolia in what is now Turkey, southeast of the Dardanelles and beside Mount Ida.
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What they looked like The Greeks looked different. They had a big bent nose. They were quite high in those days. skin is tanned in color. big eyes but not too wide eyes. oval face with cheekbones. The Greeks hair was thick and lush. They cut hair not too short, so that they fall on the neck, not reaching shoulders.
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What they looked like The appearance of the women was beautiful. Mostly dark ,long hair. A small nose. Large, but not wide eyes. They were of small stature. The face was oval and beautiful.
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The Trojans wore white. The clothes were bright and colorful, especially young people, purple, red, green, and blue. Yellow men are not admitted, it was considered decent for women only. White robes trimmed with bright colored border. The main part of men's clothing was the chiton , which was worn directly on the body. He represented himself a piece of fabric with holes for your arms. On the other hand the upper ends were fastened at the shoulder with the buckle. The length of the chiton was different in different periods. Originally it was worn very long, and later began to pick up the belt so that it just reaches the knees. Sometimes the tunic was peredelyvalis sleeves. Tunics for slaves, servants, artisans and soldiers had only one hole for the left hand and the right shoulder remained bare.Over the chiton threw a himation, a sort of cloak. One edge of the himation strengthened on the chest, under the left shoulder, and then a cloth was thrown over the left shoulder on the back, passing under the right arm or above it, and was again thrown on the left shoulder so that one end fell on his back. Decent himation had to come down below the knees but not reach the ankles.
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On his feet wore sandals, pereplavleni to the leg straps, but there were other kinds of footwear like boots , ankle boots and boots in different colors — white, black or red, often very elegant, if you were to visit or for a dinner party.
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Troyan’s lifestyle
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Troyan’s lifestyle Morning toilet of the Trojan was not too complicated. He was limited by the fact that washing his face and hands and dressed to go out. After dark moving to market on the roads the peasants, driving before him bleating of goats or carrying on a stick over the shoulder birds , thrushes threaded beak feathers walk down the street the fishermen; their baskets are sea eels, appreciate, krasnoborodko bream Tent vendors saturate the still cool morning air smells of ripe fruits, incense, leather, brine,
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The lesson of the Trojans "You're all richer, wiser," said the Greeks, about one of the cities, the one that all stronger and we can learn courage, courage, courage, different devices, methods of owning a sword or other weapons.
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