проектная работа:"Ложные друзья переводчика"
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False friends of the translator Проектная работа Ученицы 9 класса «Б» ГБОУ гимназия №209 «Павловская гимназия» Корабельниковой ЕленыСлайд 2
The purpose and relevance of the problem My goal is : To find out the reason for the appearance of "false friends“ To understand how to avoid incorrect use of them in your speech To find out which languages and to what extent borrow and distort foreign words I believe that chosen topic is relevant because false friends of the translator are a painful theme for many non-native speakers. Incorrect translation of these words interferes with the understanding of the text, easily confuses people. Understanding and correct use of these words will simplify the life of many people learning a foreing language.
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Examples of the misuse :
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Т he most common mistakes among my friends The word Correct translation Wrong translation Dutch Голландский Датский ( Danish) Data Данные Дата (Date) Talon Коготь Талон (Coupon) Prospect Перспектива, вид Проспект (Avenue) Machine Механизм Машина (Car) Lunatic Сумасшедший, помешанный Лунатик (Sleep-walker) List Список Лист (Leaf/sheet)
Слайд 6
Conclusion During the execution of this project I : 1. Understood how to use false friends of the translator correctly 2. Realized the importance of such words 3. Learned a lot of useful information about this topic 4. Improved my English I am very glad I completed this project. It helped to learn a lot about the language I learn.
ГБОУ гимназия №209 Центрального района Санкт-Петербурга
«Павловская гимназия»
Творческий проект
Ложные друзья переводчика
Корабельникова Елена 9 Б класс
Руководитель: Сосиева М.М., учитель английского языка
Goal ……………………………………………………………………………….3
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………3
Main part …………………………………………………………………………3-5
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….5-6
Sources used ……………………………………………………………………….6
My goal is to find out the reason for the appearance of "false friends"; understand how to avoid incorrect use of them in your speech; find out which languages and to what extent borrow and distort foreign words most of all.
False friends of the translator are words in a foreign language. They often have a common origin that sounds or writes similar to the words in their native language, but has a different meaning. These words are often called "interlanguage homonyms" and they can be a very big problem for people learning a particular language. For the first time, the term "false friends of the translator" was proposed in 1928, and implied the results of an inadequate, unsuccessful translation based on the sound similarity of words in a foreign and native language. The relevance of this research is that a detailed study of the "false friends of the translator" will help us to learn the language better, enrich our vocabulary and avoid getting into an awkward situation during the translation of a foreign text. Let's try to figure out what caused the appearance of these words and learn how to use them correctly.
Main part:
False friends of the translator are a painful topic for many non-native speakers. Incorrect translation of these words interferes with the understanding of the text, easily confuses people. Sometimes such words even end up in serious literature.
It is extremely difficult to avoid such mistakes, even for people who speak the language at a good level. The best way to recognize a "false friend of the translator" in the text is to learn or check an unknown word.
I made a research and realized that the origin and types of «false friends of the translator» can be divided into several groups.
Firstly, there are several options for the appearance of "false friends". Let's look at some of them:
1. Many words are borrowed to give the name of a thing or a concept that has just appeared in the country. These words or phrases can be translated incorrectly, but citizens will use them anyway. They also often arise from the non-core meaning of the borrowed word.
2. Some words use different language groups from obsolete languages, meaning different things that are not always the same. Such borrowing is called “parallel”.
For example, the ancient Greek word "pathos", which is now used in many languages. Initially, the word meant "inspiration, passion". In English today, the word means "compassion", and in Russian - "enthusiasm, affectation". From here, we conclude that the borrowing is parallel.
It is also interesting that false friends of the translator can be found in both closely related and distant languages. Often, in one language group, they have the opposite meaning.
In English and Russian, "false friends of the translator", which have several thousand words, are found within four parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs. Often, this role is played not only by single words, but also by all the same-rooted ones. Of course, for people who know the basics of the second language, false identifications take place only in the sphere of identical parts of speech: for example, nouns are associated with nouns, etc., homonymy of parts of speech, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. Misleading words are words that belong to similar or adjacent semantic spheres or may be in similar contexts; clearly coincidental lexemes that do not actually occur in the same contexts (such as English, or "rock" - Russian. Rock), do not cause false associations. Differences in the pairs of "false friends of the translator" can be outlined in the conceptual content, realities, stylistic characteristics and lexical compatibility.
The appearance of false friends of the translator is explained by the common origin, mutual influence of languages and borrowings. In the development process of two languages the same word can acquires a completely opposite meaning, which leads to confusion.
There are also several types of «false friends of the translator»:
• 1st type - words of the source language that are similar in sound and spelling to the words of the translating language, but have completely different meanings. For example, «магазин»-a store, not a «magazine», «фамилия» – a surname, not a «family».
• Second type are multi-valued words of the source language, some of the values of which coincide with the value of their sound-letter counterparts in the translating language, and some of the values are differ. In other words, a single word in the source language corresponds to several words in the translating language. For example, «агрессивный» means only aggressive, not energetic or initiative.
* 3rd type - words of the source language that match one of the values of their multi-valued sound-letter counterparts in the translating language, while the other values have nothing in common with the word in the source language. Several words in the source language correspond to one word in the translating language. For example, football - football (American), and European football-soccer.
•4th type - names of measurement values that are similar in sound and spelling in several languages, but do not match in quantity. For example, decade means 10 years in English, and decade in Russian is 10 days.
*5th type-words that have differences in emotional color. These are words which meaning in Russian has only changed its emotional color. For example, an English word «route». For punctual Englishmen, this is just a synonym for the word "timetable" – "daily routine", which should be followed by all self-respecting residents of England. Russian word "routine" has a pronounced negative emotional connotation, as English clarity and accuracy has never been a characteristic of Russians.
In addition to the classification of "false friends of the translator", I conducted a survey among my English-speaking friends. The results showed that out of 150 respondents, only 60 percent can easily say the correct translation. This clearly confirms the relevance of the chosen topic and proves that "false friends of the translator" is a problem not only for the people who are beginning to learn the language, but also for those who have devoted many years to learning it.
During this project, I have learned how to use false friends of the translator correctly and discovered a lot of new words and their meanings. It was told how to prevent mistakes by translation of such words, gave recommendations, and compiled a small dictionary to help other pupils with their translations. I have learned how to classify false friends of the translator and what are the reasons for their appearance. This project helped me to improve my knowledge of the English and increased my vocabulary. I think that I reached my aim and objectives. I hope it will be useful for other students as well.
Sources used:
• Alex Mikhalevskijj, the book "False friends of translator"
• Victoria Derzhavina, the book "All the rules of the English language"
• Akulenko, V. V., Komissarchik S. Y., Pogorelova, V. R. (edited by V. V. Akulenko). English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary of "false friends of translator".
* Borisova L. I. False friends of the translator. General scientific vocabulary. English language.
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