В данном проекте рассматривается история появления и равитие языков программирования Lazarus, Fortran и Pascal. Раскрываются их преимущества и недостатки. Проект содержит текстовый файл и мультимедийную презентацию и выполнен на английском языке. данная работа может быть использована приизучении курса дисциплины "Иностранный язык" по УГС СПО 09.00.00 "Информатика и вычислительная техника".
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The comparison of the Lazarus, Fortran and Pascal.
The work completed by
Valery Golobokov,
a 343rd group student,
4th course.
General Information………………………………………………………………………………….3
1. Lazarus…………………………………………………………………………………………….3
2. Fortran……………………………………………………………………………………………..4
3. Pascal………………………………………………………………………………………………4
List of sources………………………………………………………………………………………...4
Exercise №1
Exercise №2
General Information
This project was presented in view a presentation under a name “The comparison of the Lazarus, Fortran and Pascal.” It contents into itself a history, interface, advantages and disadvantages of three programming languages.
In relation with development of the information technology, the programming languages are gaining popularity in the computer technologies. Today many of programming languages uses in a different organizational activity.
The list of less popular programming languages:
Exercise №3
1. Lazarus
Lazarus History. The development of Lazarus leaves to your roots1 in the project Megido. Cliff Baseman, Shane Miller and Michael A. Hess was started to develop a Lazarus project in the 1999.
Lazarus User Interface. The appearance1 of Lazarus environment is same2 on all computers, but it differs only in graphic design.
Advantages and disadvantages of the Lazarus.
2. Fortran
Fortran History. The Fortran it is a high-level language, which was developed by IBM in the 1954 for the algorithm description of solves scientific and engineering computational problems.
Fortran User Interface. The strength of Fortran is high degree of source code portability in favor of the program longevity.
3. Pascal ABC
Pascal ABC History. A Pascal is one of most famous programming languages called in honor of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). This language developed by Swiss scientist Niklaus Wirth in the 1970 as language with strong typing.
Pascal ABC User Interface. This interface contents from primary operating modes1, menu bar and key mode. For example, if you want to create a new program, press to File New ENTER.
List of sources
Exercise №4
Valery Golobokov 343 group
Variant №1.
Слайд 1
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ АМУРСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ АВТОНОМНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ АМУРСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ «АМУРСКИЙ ПЕДАГОГ ИЧЕСКИЙ КОЛЛЕДЖ» ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ №3 The comparison of the Lazarus, Fortran and Pascal. Выполнил: Голобоков Валерий Студент 343 группы Руководитель: Коновалова Лариса Борисовна, преподаватель английского языкаСлайд 2
Table of contents Lazarus Pascal ABC Fortran General Information List of sources Thanks for attention
Слайд 3
General information In relation with development of the information technology, the programming languages are gaining popularity in the computer technologies. Today many of programming languages uses in a different organizational activity 1 . The list of less popular programming languages: Lazarus Fortran Pascal ABC 1. Organizational activities - организационные деятельности
Слайд 4
Lazarus History The development of Lazarus leaves to your roots 1 in the project Megido . Cliff Baseman, Shane Miller and Michael A. Hess was started to develop a Lazarus project in the 1999. 1. leaves to your roots - уйти своим корнем .
Слайд 5
Lazarus User Interface The appearance 1 of Lazarus environment is same 2 on all computers , but it differs only in graphic design 3 . a ppearance - внешность, внешний вид . same – одинаковый ( ая ), ( ое ), один и тот же (одна и та же – в женском роде, одно и то же – в среднем роде ). design – оформление, дизайн.
Слайд 6
Advantages and disadvantages of the Lazarus Advantages: Cross platform Creating executable programs for different operating systems Creating a machine code Disadvantages: Every time to need to compilate a program Incompatible 1 with Delphi Lack 2 of complete documentation i ncompatible – несовместимость l ack - отсутствие
Слайд 7
Fortran History The Fortran it is a high-level language 1 , which was developed by IBM in the 1954 for the algorithm description of solves scientific and engineering computational problems. 1. h igh-level language - высокоуровневый язык программирования
Слайд 8
Fortran User Interface The strength 1 of Fortran is high degree 2 of source code portability in favor of the program longevity. strength – сильная сторона high degree – высокая степень
Слайд 9
Advantages and disadvantages of the Fortran Advantages: Subprogram conception Abstraction of the machine architecture’s features. Disadvantages: The needs for knowledge of machine architecture. The spaces are not are separators 1 . The “for” cycle to mark 10 when the index changes from 1 to 100. 1 - separators - разделители
Слайд 10
Pascal ABC History A Pascal is one of most famous programming languages called in honor of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) . This language developed by Swiss scientist Niklaus Wirth in the 1970 as language with strong typing 1 . 1. Strong typing - строгая типизация
Слайд 11
Pascal ABC User Interface This interface contents from primary operating modes 1 , menu bar and key mode. For example, if you want to create a new program, press to File New ENTER. 1. Primary operating modes - основные режимы работы
Слайд 12
Advantages and disadvantages of the Pascal ABC Advantages: The modern programming language Single and powerful design environment Specialized training module Disadvantages: Discouraging skills with poor structured languages Used as language example during basic program training Speed code performing is slower than on Delphi and C++
Слайд 13
List of sources https://petrochenko.ru/lazarus/lazarus-history.html https://delphi-devs.ru/index.php/lazarus/interface-ide-lazarus.html https://megabook.ru/article/%D0%A4%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD https://habr.com/ru/post/309914/ https://lazarus-rus.ru/features / http://pro-spo.ru/winprog/254--lazarus https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazarus https://studopedia.ru/3_91934_fortran-Fortran.html http://kvodo.ru/istoriya-yazyka-paskal.html https://studfile.net/preview/7346027/page:24/ https://win10soft.ru/106-pascal-abc.html
Слайд 14
Thanks for attention!
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