"Kind Hearts"
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The introduction
Chapter I. What a volunteer movement?
Chapter II. The history of the development of the volunteer movement in Russia
Chapter III. Volunteer movement in our school.
Chapter IV. Practical part
The introduction
«No act of kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted».
Modern society more than ever needs an awareness of the need and importance of volunteer movements. The development problems of volunteering in our country are concerned with both the state and the citizen. Increasingly in the President of Russia to Federal Assembly the importance of the development of volunteering sounds. .
The development of volunteering is important for society as a whole and its individual sectors as well as for volunteers. For a person participation in volunteer activities contributes to self-realization and improvement, gives the opportunity to get new knowledge and experience that is certainly important, especially for young people as well as the opportunity to feel socially significant and socially useful. State volunteer work helps to more effectively solve the challenge facing him and society. The development of volunteering contributes to the formation of civil society, serves to enhance the role of non-profit and public organizations. Volunteering has a positive effect on the socio-economic development of the country as a whole helping to solve socially significant problems. Corporate volunteering is one of the most important way to demonstrate the social responsibility of business. Volunteering has a positive effect on the education system, since the involvement of pupil an student in this activity contribute to the formation of an active life position among young people, develop their skills knowledge support the patriotic spirit
Objective of the project: The development of adolescent volunteering in our school.
1. Show a positive impact on peer when they choose life values
2. To promote the approval in the life of the modern community of idea of goodness and beauty, spiritual and physical perfection of children and adolescents 3 Show the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through a personal example.
4. Promote a healthy lifestyle (with the help of the action of training session thematic performance of competition and o on.)
5. Create conditions that allow students to conduct work on their own, aimed at reducing the level of consumption of alcoholism tobacco smoking, surfactants in the adolescent environment. Prevent adolescent with information about healthy life.
6. To form a cohesive active team of volunteers.
I think that the topic of our research I important and relevant today, because kindness and mercy have always been important qualities of a person.
I hope that our work will be interesting and useful for al ho are not indifferent to the problem of other and for those ho are really interested in the fate of their country.
Practical significance. Work can be used for classes in extracurricular activities on spiritual moral education also on classroom hour.
Hypothesis. We assume that the systematic work of the volunteer movement in educational institution can influence the formation of an active position of adolescents and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.
Methods of research. Observation, research journalistic and scientific sources, questioning.
Chapter I. What a volunteer movement?
Volunteers are people doing something of their own accord by consent and not by coercion. Volunteer organizations are a free union of people united by any common special interests. Their activities are usually related to charity and mercy. In Russia today there are many youth volunteer associations that are engaged in promoting a healthy lifestyle. The volunteer movement is developing quite rapidly now and one of the main reasons for this is voluntariness and freedom of choice. Voluntarily chosen socially significant activity is immeasurably higher for the personality of a teenager knitted from the outside. In addition, the formation of competence us possible only in unity with the values of a person, that is, with deep personal interest of a person in this type of activity. The mission of our volunteer team to contribute to the physical and moral recovery of society to make the lives of those around brighter.
Volunteers are not only altruists. They work to gain experience with special skills and knowledge, established personal contacts. Usually participation in voluntary work is justified by the feeling of the need to communicate with others, the desire to be someone needed a kind of escape from loneliness. For many, it is also self-realization, self-affirmation.
Voluntary work can also satisfy related interests: education, dating, acquiring new business contacts. Finally, it may be the initial enthusiasm for the proposed activity.
This activity allows the young man, without «breaking» his life, to supplement part- to realize a sense of personal civic responsibility for what is happening.
Volunteering provides an opportunity to gain social experience to get recommendations for further advancement and carrier growth. With time, some volunteers start implementing their own social projects.
The motives for participation in volunteer activities are based on a number of individual needs that are grouped as follows:
1) The need to achieve – people like to feel that they have accomplished something important.
2) The need for self-control –many people want to feel independent and feel that they are responsible for their live and action.
3) The need for growth-people seek to develop expand and enrich their knowledge experience and enhance their life status.
4) The need for communication- the need of a person to belong to a group to be recognized, loved to cooperate with another person or group.
Thus, in order to attract a young person to participate in volunteering activities, it is necessary to rely on groups of motives related to the usefulness of this activity for the future profession using group communicative forms of work.
Youth is most active socio-demographic group can be the basis for the development of the volunteer movement in our country.
Volunteering contributes to changing the outlook of the people themselves and those who are close to and benefit from both the state and the rest of the volunteer who develop their skills through volunteering, meet the needs of communication and self-esteem, realize their usefulness and need receive their personal qualities important for their work it is moral principles does not reveal the spiritual side of life.
Chapter II. The history of the development of the volunteer movement in Russia
Volunteering is a chronicle of the times of ancient Russia. After the adoption of Christianity in 988, free aid and labor in monasteries became a tradition.
Around the same time began to help the disadvantaged which was elevated to the rank of state program. The initiator was Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. Hospitals, almshouses and shelters for orphans were also created, where people absolutely free of charge.
Volunteering received a powerful push during the Russian-Turkish war. In the late 1870s, the nuns of the St.Nicholas Convent became the world`s first sisters of mercy, they voluntarily went to the front to assist the wounded soldiers. Then this volunteer movement spread and got the name «Red cross».
There were always people who were willing to help the disadvantaged and oppressed. People were kind to prisoners. A considerable number of Russian people visited the prisoners on holidays, and sometimes on weekdays. They took care of them, gave money and food.
In Russia, after October 1917 volunteering acquired a voluntary- compulsory nature. The state decided to take the initiative. In 1930 the last non-government volunteer organization was closed.
In the country in the early nineties, volunteering gradually develops.In the mid-2000s, the first voluntary associations appeared, the number of people willing to provide free help is growing.
In November 2017, by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation , the day of volunteer was established on December 5.
Chapter III. Volunteer movement in MOU «Aginskaya secondary school №2»
Over the course of 16 years, the volunteer unit «Care» has been operating in our school. I am a member of the volunteer movement for the second year. I believe that a person should make the right choice every day, resist the temptations of life, preserve health and defend his life position based on knowledge and hi on gained experience.
The main goal of the volunteer movement, we consider the self-development of everyone who take part in this. After all, volunteering spiritually enriches a person, purifies his moral thought and actions. By participating in social projects, we make the world around us, albeit slightly, but better. We are pleased that volunteering is actively developing in our school, every year we are becoming more and more, and this says a lot.
For us, volunteer work is a ministry for the benefit of society, receiving moral benefits from the work done, without monetary incentives, motivation through personal involvement. We get great joy, satisfaction, a sense of self-worth and good. Commandments of our volunteer squad:
1.Find someone who need your support, help, protect him.
2.Expand yourself in any useful for others and you own activity.
3.Remember that your strength and your value is in your health.
4.Assess yourself and your friends not by words, but by real relationships and deeds
We are engaged in preventive activities: we carry out preventive classes on various topics, such as a harm to the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking, we hold mass actions , create posters, brochure and videos.
Stages of work :
1.Organizational: cresting a volunteer team.
2.Educational: training volunteers in the skills of primary prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles
3.Design: planning activities to promote volunteerism
4.Project activities: implementation of block activities
5.Summarizing: analysis of the work, determining the prospects for its implementation in their school.
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