Презентация на тему "My Future Profession - Actor of the Theatre and Cinema" по дисциплине ОУД.03 Иностранный язык была подготовлена студентом с целью продемострировать данный материал на учебном занятии.
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Completed: student gr. GS11 ASAEV GEORGE MY FUTURE PROFESSION - Actor of the theater and cinemaСлайд 2
I believe that this is one of the most interesting and creative professions. Creative professions also include: - cook; - educator; - confectioner; - sculptor; - designer; - jeweler; - artist; - photographer and many others.
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Why do I like this profession? Because, even in primary school age, I met her. For many years I studied in theatrical studios, and the last three years in the "Children's Musical Academy", where children have been studying since 3 years.
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During classes in creativity, acting, choreography - I enjoyed it a lot, especially at that moment when I went on stage. As far as I can remember, I always liked to listen to music and imitate singers, actors. I quickly memorized the text of the characters in films, cartoons.
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I think, in order to become a famous actor, the following conditions are necessary: education and luck
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I also like this profession because of its beauty. Only in this profession can you transform into any character
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If I became an actor, I would be serious and would agree to participate in quality work. I would rather become a film actor than a theater actor, although I like theater
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The profession of an actor is one of the most demanded. Now people are actively visiting theaters, cinemas. They like very good performances and films. Pay attention to the emergence of new, young, talented actors.
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But this is one of the most difficult professions. Lack of sleep, overwork, breakdowns. Tired, lack of home - all this interferes with normal life.
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Despite all the difficulties, I would still choose this profession, because it is very interesting and I really like to sing!
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