Исследовательский проект "Традиции чаепития в Англии и России". 7 класс.
40 % содержание материала на английском языке. Прилагается презентация по теме и 2 творческих продукта: карта и буклет
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Проектно-исследовательских работ по английскому языку
«Young explorers»«Юный исследователь»- 2020
Tea drinking traditions in Russia and in England
Работу выполнил: Дюсимбаева Зарина,
обучающаяся 7 класса
Руководитель: Женспаева Ляйсан Курбангалиевна,
учитель английского языка
п. Маяк
Глава 1. Теоретическая часть.
1.1 History of tea in England and Russia…………………............................….......4
1.2. Traditions of English and Russian tea drinking…………..…………….……..…6
Глава 2. Практическая часть
2.1. Статистические данные …………………………………………..……..…....8
2.2. Результаты анкетирования……………………………………..………..........9
Заключение ………………………………………………………………….….....11
Список литературы …………………………………………………………….....12
Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world and has become a participant of various national traditions. It's hard to imagine life without tea.
Tea in England is more than tea. Englishmen are proud of their traditions. Every nation has its own customs. British is a tea drinking nation. I'm interested in the history of English customs and traditions. European traditions of tea drinking came to us, first of all, from England. With a population of 59 million, the British drink 165 million cups of tea every day.
There are some facts about tea traditions of English-speaking countries in our school textbooks, But it is not enough for me, so I`d like to know more about them.
I studied a lot of literature and used mostly the internet resources to solve this problem.
The aim of the study is to compare the features of tea drinking traditions in Russia and England.
The main tasks of my research:
The practical importance of the project is to make the conclusion of the custom’s differences between two countries.
The material can be used at the English lessons and help people, who are interested in the English traditions.
Теоретическая часть
1.1 History of tea in Engand
The whole world knows how the British love tea. It seems that the British drank tea at all times. But it was not. Known worldwide tea time appeared only in the XIX century and it became an integral part of life in Great Britain. Before the British began to drink tea after dinner, they ate only twice a day.
Britain is a tea drinking nation. Every day they drink 165 million cups of tea. Each year about 144 thousands of tons of tea are imported.
A Portuguese princess brought tea to England in the 17th century(1662). Charles II married Princess Catherine of Braganza of Portugal. In the form of a wedding she presents him the city of Bombay and the habit of tea drinking.
Tea was a royal gift because its price was high. At that time only rich people drank tea from porcelain cups which were very expensive. 1658 – There existed wide tea advertising. This is a typical advertising in the newspaper at that time: «This is an excellent and recommended by Chinese doctors drink called Chinese Tcha, by other nations Tay, and also known as Tea. Get it in the coffee shop, "Head of the Sultan!
Drinking tea became a tradition only in 1840.The 7th Duchess of Bedford Anna ordered to serve tea with bread, butter, cakes and biscuits. At first British drank green tea. In the 18th century many people drank tea.
History of tea in Russia
Russia is the country where tea-drinking formed into individual tradition. History of Russian tea-drinking ceremony has begun in 1638 when Russian Tsar Michael Fedorovich got special diplomatic gift from Altyun-Khan, ruler of Mongolia. Till that time Russians did not know anything about tea and used to soft drinks based on honey.
Tea became available in Russia in the 17th century, brought by the caravans of traders on camels who would make the cross-continent journey from China. This journey took almost an entire year to complete, resulting in tea being quite expensive and only available to the aristocratic class for many years.
Everything changed in 1880 when the Siberian Railroad was opened, and the trip could now be done in just two short months. Tea became widely available, and was embraced by all social classes
1.2 Traditions of Russian tea drinking
Tea is a significant part of Russian culture. It warms you up and it is nice after a big meal. It is impossible to imagine a traditional tea party without a samovar. It was made of bronze and copper. It was a symbol of comfort and hospitality. This is a good invention that combines a kettle with heating chamber inside.
Russian people drink tea all day long, after meals and between meals. In the afternoon they like to have tea with cakes, pancakes, crackers, pies or chocolate. They often add sugar, honey or jam. Drinking tea with lemon is a Russian tradition. Russian people love to mix tea with other herbs for taste. They drink green, herbal and black tea.90% of people prefer black tea and only 10% of them like green tea. The common types of tea are Russian Caravan and Keemum. Most people prefer to drink tea from saucers. A Russian person will invite you for a cup of tea rather than for a meal out. People like to visit each other for a cup of tea. In Russia the main thing in the tea party is the atmosphere of joy and peace. They chat, relax and drink a lot of tea in a pleasant company.
There are many cafes and restaurants which are made in the traditional Russian style with a table cloth, a samovar and a traditional meal.
Things which were invented in Russia.
1) tea with lemon
2) drinking tea from saucers
3) samovars
Traditions of English tea drinking
Traditionally British prefer to serve their tea in porcelain teapots and teacups. They drink Black tea (English breakfast and Earl Grey), White tea, Green tea and Herbal tea. English Breakfast fills you with energy. You can relax with Earl Grey. Green tea is good after meals. English tea is a mixture of several black teas from India and Sri Lanka.
The British drink tea 6 times a day. Each time of the day has its own variety of tea and its tradition of tea drinking.
Early morning cup. The British wake up early at 6 o clock and they need a cup of strong tea. They prefer English Breakfast or Irish tea.
For breakfast they have Prince of Wales tea. In the evening they like Earl Grey.
There are 2 types of tea time in England: Low tea or afternoon tea, High tea or meat tea. Low tea is served with light snacks such as finger sandwiches, crumpets, pies with ginger and scones. High tea includes meat, bread, dishes and dessert. Most British enjoy a cup of tea in the afternoon. They have jam, scones and cream. Many of them don’t put sugar in their tea. First they pour some milk into the cup and only then they pour some tea. They drink from China cups.
Traditional tea time in England is late afternoon.5 o’clock tea is a ceremony with a table cloth, napkins and a vase.
I have found out that the English and Russian tea party has its own features.
English and Russian people have their own opinions about the tea party’s meanings. In Russia the tea party is a form of chattering. In England it is important a style of laying the table and the home atmosphere. The main thing for them is to give a good impression. Each country lay the table in different ways. Each country has its own traditional dishes. They have different ways of making tea.
Глава 2. Практическая часть
2.1. Статистические данные
Статисты подсчитали, что все европейские государства можно поделить на две группы. В первой преобладает в качестве повсеместного напитка чай, во второй – кофе. Рекордсмены-чаеманы – англичане. В Англии на душу населения приходится 4,5 кг чая в год. Это значительно больше, чем в Китае, Индии, России, США, Японии и Канаде, вместе взятых! Кстати, родина чая – Китай – занимает десятое место в мире по потреблению чая.
Соотношение потребления чая в различных странах на душу населения в кг:
Индия – 0,28
Согласно статистики:
2.2. Анкетирование
В рамках исследовательской работы нами был проведён социологический опрос. Суть его заключалась в выяснении процентного соотношения людей, которые пьют чай, как часто они его пьют, какие марки и вид чая предпочитают. Нами было опрошено 25 человек в возрасте от 12 до 50 лет.
These are the results we got
96% respondents like drinking tea, and only 4% don`t drink tea.
As you see 50% of respondents prefer to drink tea with milk, 36% with lemon, And 14% drink tea without anything.
76% of respondents prefer to drink black tea, 16% drink green tea, 8% drink any tea.
Данная работа посвящена истории возникновения и особенностям традиции английского чаепития. Нашей целью было изучить историю чайного напитка, а также традиции чаепития в быту народов России и Британии.
В результате изучения теоретических источников мы выяснили, чай появился и в России и в Британии из Китая и Цейлона. Для обеих наций чай является неотъемлемой частью национальной культуры на протяжении нескольких веков. В России, и в Великобритании существуют свой чайные традиции и церемонии, например, в России чай пьют со сливками или с лимоном; а в Британии любят чай с молоком, что называется чай по-английски. Английское и русское чаепитие, как и всякая церемония, не терпит суеты. Все здесь призвано к максимуму приятных ощущений – от изысканного вкуса чая до общения в приятной компании. Для англичан большое значение имеет церемония чаепития; прежде всего важен стиль, обстановка дома в целом во время чайных церемоний. Главное – это произвести хорошее впечатление. Главное в русском чаепитии – это атмосфера душевности, веселья, покоя и радости, возможность испить чаю в приятной компании.
Также английское чаепитие является в Британии государственным достоянием и традицией, достижением культуры, восходящем к эпохе Викторианской Англии.
Цель проекта достигнута, так как была изучена история возникновения английского чая, также мы сравнили традиции английского и русского чаепития, которое помогло мне расширить свои знания о традициях чаепития в Англии.
Список использованной литературы
Загадка старого пирата или водолазный колокол
Злая мать и добрая тётя
Груз обид
Солдатская шинель
Снежный всадник