Проект по страноведению посвещен исследованию особенностей женщин в Британии на основе книги "Гордость и предубеждение" Д. Остин
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Особенности менталитета англичанки первой половины XIX века на основе романа Д. Остин «Гордость и предубеждение» Автономное некоммерческое образовательное учреждение школа «Лучик» Автор – ученица 10 класса школы «Лучик» - Кузнецова Анна Руководитель Горбенко З.П.Слайд 2
Актуальность: Данная тема интересна тем, что в повседневной жизни человеку необходимо ориентироваться в причинах поступков окружающих, понимать мотивы и причины, их побуждающие. Изучение ментальности разных народов способствует лучшему пониманию их культуры. Также это имеет не маловажное значение при анализе художественной литературы, созданной зарубежными авторами.
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British Homes
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Цель: Р аскрыть особенности национального английского менталитете начала 19 века.
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Christmas in Great Britain For most British families, this is the most important festival of the year. This is the day when many people are travelling home to be with their families on Christmas Day. If you try to catch a train on 24th December you may have difficulty in finding a seat. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be "bound on Christmas morning. At some time on Christmas Day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding. In the afternoon they may watch the Queen on the television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. Then they enjoy a piece of Christmas cake or eat a hot mince pie.
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Задачи: - анализ понятия «менталитет»; - изучение социально-политической ситуации в Англии в начале 19 века; - организовать анализ произведения Д.Остин «Гордость и предубеждения» с целью сопоставления трех женских образов; - создание типичного образа англичанки начала 19 века; - художественная интерпретация типичного образа англичанки начала 19 века.
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British Literature Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people. Many famous writers and poets were born and lived in Great Britain. One of the best known English playwrights was William Shakespeare. He draw ideas for his tragedies and comedies from the history of England and ancient Rome. Many experts consider Shakespeare the greatest writer and the greatest playwright in English language. William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which may be divided into: comedies (such as "A Midsummer Night's Dream"), tragedies (such as "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Macbeth") and historical plays (such as "Richard II", "Henry V", "Julius Caesar", "Antony and Cleopatra"). Robert Burns represents the generation of Romantic writers. In his poems he described with love and understanding the simple life he knew. Among his well-known poems are "Halloween", "The Jolly Beggars", "To a Mouse". Lord George Gordon Byron. His free-spirited life style combined with his rare poetic gift makes him one of the most famous figures of the Romantic Era. His famous works such as "Stanzas to Augusta", "The Prisoner of Chillon ", "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", "Manfred" draw readers into the passion, humors and conviction of a poet whose life and work truly embodied the Romantic spirit. Sir Walter Scott wrote the first examples of historical novel. Lewis Carroll became famous when he published "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".
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British Traditions and Customs In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system, their weights and measures. Halloween is a day on which many children dress up in unusual costumes. In fact, this holiday has a Celtic origin. The day was originally called All Halloween's Eve, because it happens on October 31, the eve of all Saint's Day. The name was later shortened to Halloween. The Celts celebrated the coming of New Year on that day . Another tradition is the holiday called Bonfire Night . There is, for example, the Marble Championship, where the British Champion is crowned; he wins a silver cup known among folk dancers as Morris Dancing. Morris Dancing is an event where people, worn in beautiful clothes with ribbons and bells, dance with handkerchiefs or big sticks in their hands, while traditional music- sounds.
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