Презентация на тему "The United Kingdom of Great Britain"
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Работа Ученика 5 класса Средней школы N6 Коренкова ГлебаСлайд 2
London : Big ben It is believed that the bell was named big Ben in honor of sir Benjamin Hall, curator of construction works. According to another version, it is named after Benjamin count, a famous heavyweight boxer. The official name until September 2012 was "the Clock tower of the Palace of Westminster", in the press it was often called the Tower of St. Stephen. By decision of the British Parliament, it was renamed Elizabeth Tower, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II
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Belfast : Stormont castle Stormont castle is a baronial castle on the Stormont estate East of Belfast. Used as the seat of the Northern Ireland Cabinet. From 1921 to 1972, the castle was the official residence of the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland. However, several heads of government chose to live in Stormont house, the official residence of the speaker of the house of Commons of Northern Ireland, which was empty because the chairmen of the Parliament lived in their own homes. Also in the castle from 1921 to 1972 was the meeting room Of the government of Northern Ireland. Before devolution, the castle was owned by the Secretary of state for Northern Ireland, the Ministry of Northern Ireland and administrative services. It was also used by MI5 during the unrest.
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Cardiff : Fortress A fortress is called both a single defensive structure and a complex of buildings. As a rule, this is a walled area where there is a permanent garrison, with a large supply of food and weapons to stay in a long-term siege. Only with the invention of new types of weapons and the use of new tactics of warfare, the importance of fortresses as the main defensive points weakened. The first fortifications include earthen ramparts, rows of Palisades that enclosed small settlements. Some primitive fortresses were built on hills, and later ditches with water appear in front of the fortress wall. With the development of military Affairs and construction, the fortress changed shape. The classic fortress consisted of towers (round or square section) connected by a fortress wall with loopholes. In the Middle ages, small fortresses — castles, where feudal lords lived, became widespread. Castles served as protection from the raids of neighbors. In the castle
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Edinburgh : Royal Mile Anglo-Scottish conflict. King Henry VIII of England ordered the restoration of the houses because he wanted to get permission from the Scots to marry his son to Mary Stuart. The new buildings, built around 1591, were mostly made of stone, but they still had poor sanitary conditions, despite the fact that the nobility settled in canongate in luxurious mansions with beautiful gardens. In the middle of the XVII century, housing conditions became critical — the Old city was crowded, and about 70 thousand people lived on the Royal Mile. Some buildings reached 14 floors, and up to 300 people could live in one block, sometimes sharing one room for 10. With the expansion of Edinburgh and the construction of a New city in the XVIII century, this problem was solved. Also since 1865, there have been some transformations on the Royal Mile: Lord Provost William chambers built new spacious houses on Blackfriars street and St. Marys street. Old West bow was demolished, and Cockburn street was used to" cut through " the entrance to Waverley station. Work was continued in the 1880s by urban planner and biologist Patrick Geddes, who rebuilt the Canongate area and the artificial mound. He designed courtyards and gardens based on plans reminiscent of the Royal Mile 500 years ago.
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