Работа была подготовлена к уроку студентом 3 курса по дисциплине ОП.11 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности, обучающимся по специальности "Гостиничный сервис".
В данной работе рассматривается корпоративная культура гостиницы на примере отеля Хилтон Ленинградская.
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Author: Yatskov Maksim Alekseevich
student of the group ГС-31-17-9
Teacher: Blokhina Tamara Samvelovna
The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the corporate culture directly affects the visit to the hotel.
Corporate culture is a new range of knowledge, where defining and following the chosen type sets the future of the entire hotel.
An increase in the level of moral and material values of the staff will lead to an increase in the quality of hotel services provided, and will increase the degree of stability of the hotel in the domestic and international market. Companies with a more developed corporate culture occupy a fairly high position in the global market of hotel services. Hotel chains began to turn into a society with its own values, rules, and social responsibility. Fundamental values and procedures develop a cohesive team, establish and implement the relationship between the staff and show the main direction of successful development of the hotel enterprise.
The purpose of the work is to study the corporate culture in the Hilton Leningradskaya hotel company.
In this work, the following tasks are set:
Hypothesis: let's assume that the hotel company Hilton Leningrad corporate culture at a high level.
The corporate culture at the Hilton hotel is formed on the basis of two value systems, formal and informal.
1. A formal system of values is a guide using established rules, strategies and instructions, plans for professional development and training, and the development of a common corporate policy for all.
The Hilton hotel company develops several provisions that require employees to do so, such as "Be happy to help"," Don't argue with a guest"," Smile and be polite", and so on.
A whole corporate culture plan is being created. This plan includes norms, standards of appearance, and instructions.
The Hilton hotel always trains its staff with these rules.
The implementation of strategic goals in the Hilton hotel chain is carried out by managers who work with hotel employees, and their responsibilities include the formation of a corporate culture.
The most important thing in standards is to comply with the generally accepted rules that apply to this type of work or service.
The requirements that apply to employees include:
Example of the introduction of standards in the operation of the hotel: a visitor comes to the room, and all services begin to be evaluated on a hundred-point system. In some situations, the visitor deliberately provokes a conflict to see how the hotel employee will overcome it. After that, they discuss all the shortcomings found and take measures to eliminate them. This method is very practical, but there is an ethical question: how not to hurt the client? The decision to introduce such a system is made by the Manager.
At the moment when a stressful situation arises, the staff must know how to solve it.
Any hotel employee must possess a certain range of knowledge that will be useful to him to perform his work.
Theoretical knowledge is a form of scientific knowledge about environmental objects
Technological knowledge means compliance with rules, regulations, and regulations.
This knowledge is acquired by the employee in the process of working in the hotel chain.
Special knowledge is the knowledge that an employee needs to work in a certain area (for example, English language skills).
2. The informal value system is the internal environment of the team. This system of values, based on the use of socio-psychological knowledge, allows you to establish the place of the employee in the team, find leaders, create effective relationships with the staff of the hotel company.
Managers should keep in mind that as the staff increases, responsibilities should be distributed and controlled more strictly.
Today, with the rise of globalization of the world economy, in many hotels around the world, economic differences are gradually disappearing. Therefore, the focus of current management science is not only increasing economic indicators, developing and introducing a product promotion strategy on the market, but also the effectiveness of management by improving personnel management through a formed corporate culture that is focused on people and provides for maximum involvement of employees in the activities of the hotel enterprise, encouraging discipline and initiative.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account that, for hotel companies, human resources are the main thing in all activities. Therefore, the most important task in the process of forming a corporate culture in the hotel is to create a cohesive team that will be able to serve both its visitors and its staff well, quickly and kindly.
When creating the concept of corporate culture of a hotel company, it is mandatory to give preference to the formation of such values among employees as the interests of the visitor, cohesion, mutual assistance and a sense of loyalty to one hotel chain. In addition, in order to maintain staff cohesion, internal sources should be preferred when selecting employees. When selecting employees who are likely to share values, you need to pay attention to things like pre-interview, testing, and stress interviews.
One of the specific characteristics of hotel services is inseparability from the guest and the service object. In most cases, the provision of hotel services requires the presence of who provides these services, and who provides the services.
As a result, the staff is part of the product being sold. A hotel room can have a beautiful interior and is equipped with different electronics, but against the background of unprofessionalism or rude behavior of the maid, this impression falls on the visitor and most likely his assessment of the hotel will be negative. Thus, in my opinion, the management of the hotel company is obliged to monitor not only the material resources, but also the state of human resources. This requires periodic courses and inspections. To the corporate culture of hotel enterprises remained efficient and thanks to her, the atmosphere in the hotel was friendly, there was no conflict between the employees and there was a minimum level of stress, thereby, in my opinion, used the method of the course, as the involvement of "Secret visitors", people who for a certain payment came in the hotel business as a regular visitor and spent certification of employees in the hidden form. But do not forget about conducting inspections, during which the management of the hotel company monitors the appearance, behavior, mood of employees and, depending on what they see, the management encourages or punishes.
This work confirms the hypothesis that the hotel Hilton Leningrad corporate culture at a high level since this hotel provides all the necessary training and various professional development, as well as this hotel has not found any problems in the corporate culture.
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