Modern Technologies Present and Future
Schelkovo, Moscow Region
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We live in extraordinary interesting and meaningful time. For the last 15-20 years technologies have been developing so rapidly that we can hardly keep up getting used to them. Every year something new changing our lives have been appearing. It is happening in different fields all the time: in medicine and communication, IT technologies and robotics, transportation and energetics.
Do modern technologies really change our life for better? Let us see.
Let me remind you some remarkable breakthroughs for the last decade.
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I will start with New Energy
Solar panels are becoming more and more popular in housing constructing. They are widely used both in civil housing and in industries. Let me demonstrate you some examples.
Mills of historical value, Oberkochen, Germany. Feature: architectural monument, completely black solar panels are used. Мельницы исторической ценности, Oberkochen, Германия. Особенность: памятник архитектуры, использованы полностью черные солнечные панели.
Roofs in townhouses made of solar panels.
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Empire Building Services (RGD) construction company in Delft, Netherlands. Feature: high light transmission due to the large distance between the solar panels. Строительная компания Империи Строительных Услуг (RGD) в Делфте, Нидерланды. Особенность: высокая светопроникаемость благодаря большому расстоянию между солнечными батареями.
BMW WORLD Munich, Germany BMW WORLD Munich, Germany. Feature: the fields of the modules are three-dimensionally curved; one-time production of 260 dummy modules of various shapes BMW WORLD Мюнхен, Германия. Особенность: поля модулей трехмерно изогнуты; разовое производство 260 фиктивных модулей (опытных образцов) различной формы (они еще не в серийном производстве).
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Lutheran Church Meissen, Germany. Feature: architectural monument, solar modules black shale substitutes. Лютеранская церковь Мейсен, Германия. Особенность: памятник архитектуры, солнечные модули, имитирующие черный сланец.
Farm in Santa Andre, Italy. Feature: the first factory in Italy, awarded the title " Innovation System " at the Conto Energy IV Prize. Ферма в Санта- Андре, Италия. Особенность: первый завод в Италии, удостоенный титула «Инновационная Система» на премии Конто Энергия IV.
House in Bruntal in Munich, Germany. Feature: glass-glass modules with an elegant-looking ceiling system. Дом в Брунталь в Мюнхене, Германия. Особенность: модули стекло-стекло элегантного вида потолочной системы.
So, we can see solar panels make difference. This is amazing! I would love to have such a house for my family!
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Here I would like to tell you about new technologies for space exploration. Why is it so important?
Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovskiy said in early 20th century “Humankind will not stay on Earth forever!”. Nowadays this field is developing rapidly.
Roscosmos claims to have 33 new satellites on orbit in 2019.
On November 11, 2019, a single Falcon 9 successfully launched and landed for the fourth time -- a first for orbital rockets -- and flew using a recycled nose cone for the first time. Musk initially hoped to make it to Mars by 2010, but just getting one rocket into orbit took six years. A SpaceX Falcon 1 orbited Earth for the first time on Sept. 28, 2008. This paved the way for a nine-engine version of the rocket, the Falcon 9, the company's workhorse since its first launch in 2010.
SpaceX successfully landed the first stage of the Falcon 9 after launch. Dragon spaceship had to deliver cargo to the ISS (international space station). The launch of the carrier took place from the US Air Force base at Cape Canaveral. The truck was successfully put into a given orbit. On board Dragon there are more than 2 tons of cargo.
So, we can see it is really very important for everyone as the quality of communication depends on satellites. Besides, a lot of people believe that we have to think of new planets for exploration, for example Mars.
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Transport Revolution
Nowadays we observe electric means of transport have been spreading all over the world. Probably, almost everyone heard of electric cars that do not use any fuel. They are moved by electricity. Here is another example. In Moscow passengers can take electric buses. These vehicles are charged by electric batteries on buses’ roofs.
Believe it or not, but there are forecasts that in ten years by the 2030s people will not be allowed to drive. Instead, there will be unmanned cars on roads, as well as taxes and other vehicles, driven by robots. Such means of transportation are considered to be environmentally friendly. What is more, the decline of car accidents is expected. Only imagen it! We are going to be only around thirty by this time! This is the way vehicles with robotic drivers were imagined in the 1950s and in the film Total Recall directed by Paul Verhoeven (1990)
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Prospects of Synchronization: for Better or for Worse? Neurolink is a new startup of Elon Musk. It was introduced last summer (2019, the 16th of July). It is not an automobile, not a spaceship. This is not even a program or a service. It is about inputting a special digital appliance into the human’s brains in order to control consequences of different injuries or people’s mental disorders, like Alzheimer's disease. But we all understand, this is only the beginning. According to Elon Mask, the artificial and human’s minds are going to be synchronized in time. We can only try to guess whether it is for worse or for better…
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To sum up, we can see that our generation is the participant and witness of global changes. Obviously, technical progress makes higher standards of life. And this is us how we are going to use these possibilities.
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Presentation Student Madyants Artyom, Romanov Stephan Grade 9B Teacher : Veshcheva Elena Victorovna Secondary School № 12 named after Valeriy Chkalov Schelkovo Moscow Region 2020 Modern Technologies Present and FutureСлайд 2
Do modern technologies really change people’s life for better? Medicine and communication IT technologies and robotics Transportation and energetics
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We live in extraordinary interesting and meaningful time. For the last 15-20 years technologies have been developing so rapidly that we can hardly keep up getting used to them. Every year something new changing our lives have been appearing. It is happening in different fields all the time: in medicine and communication, IT technologies and robotics, transportation and energetics. Let me remind you some remarkable breakthroughs for the last decade.
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New Energy New Energy
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New Energy Mills of historical value , Oberkochen , Germany . Feature : architectural monument , completely black solar panels are used . Мельницы исторической ценности, Oberkochen , Германия. Особенность: памятник архитектуры, использованы полностью черные солнечные панели. Roofs in townhouses made of solar panels.
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Solar Panels in companies design
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Empire Building Services (RGD) construction company in Delft, Netherlands. Feature: high light transmission due to the large distance between the solar panels. Строительная компания Империи Строительных Услуг (RGD) в Делфте, Нидерланды. Особенность: высокая светопроникаемость благодаря большому расстоянию между солнечными батареями .
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BMW WORLD Munich, Germany. Feature: the fields of the modules are three-dimensionally curved; one-time production of 260 dummy modules of various shapes BMW WORLD Мюнхен, Германия. Особенность: поля модулей трехмерно изогнуты; разовое производство 260 фиктивных модулей (опытных образцов) различной формы (они еще не в серийном производстве).
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Solar panels are widely used Conclusion Solar panels make difference!
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Lutheran Church Meissen, Germany. Feature: architectural monument, solar modules black shale substitutes. Лютеранская церковь Мейсен, Германия. Особенность: памятник архитектуры, солнечные модули, имитирующие черный сланец.
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Technologies for space exploration Conclusion : Satellites are for effective communication
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Transport Revolution
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Transport Revolution
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Believe it or not, but there are forecasts that in ten years time by the 2030s people will not be allowed to drive. Instead, there will be unmanned cars on roads, as well as taxes and other vehicles, driven by robots. Such means of transportation are considered to be environmentally friendly. What is more, the decline of car accidents is expected. Only imagen it! We are going to be only around thirty by this time! This is the way vehicles with robotic drivers were imagined in the 1950s and in the film Total Recall directed by Paul Verhoeven ( 1990)
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Prospects of Synchronization: for Better or for Worse?
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Prospects of Synchronization: for Better or for Worse? Neurolink is a new startup of Elon Musk. It was introduced last summer (2019, the 16 th of July) .
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Use technologies and improve your brains. Thanks for your attention !
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Sources Solar energy https :// www . greenmatch . co . uk / blog /2016/04/ top -10- solar - energy - myths https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = iKJLZdy 2 SEk Space Exploration News Roscosmos 2019 (07/03/2020) Transport revolution Ray Kurzweil Elon Mask Masunaga , Samantha. A quick guide to Elon Musk's new brain-implant company , Neuralink ( англ .) . Los Angeles Times (21 April 2017)
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