Презентация подготовлена к выступлению на конкурсе. Автор проводит сравнительный анализ английских и российских суеверий.
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Слайд 1
Project Russian and British superstitions Man was created as a reflection of the mysteries, which rule the world A. Men What is superstitions, if not the reproach of heaven? (Francis Bacon)Слайд 2
I ntroduction Our interest in the English language has led us to study the history of the British Isles and culture of the British people. The more facts we learn from the life of the British, the more details we discover. What distinguishes the English from the Russian people, and what brings these two great nations? The answer to this question will provide a study of national character traits of Russian and English, their characteristics and dominant features. The study has linguistic, ethnic, and scientific interest. This determines the relevance of the proposed study . The object of research is Russian and English lingvo culture . The subject of the study is the popular superstitions of Britain and Russia as a form of folklore and cultural traditions.
Слайд 3
The nature of the British people is the subject of particular interest. The British have a reputation of cold, reserved, arrogant people. They are stable, easy to lift and love sports. They do not show their emotions even in tragic situations. They seem to remain good-natured and cheerful in difficult situations. The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them.
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Russian people are not so polite and not very disciplined, but very emotional. At the same time the Russian people have a rare talent. A Russian man is gifted and industrious. Russian hospitality, generosity and breadth of nature are well-known. Distinctive features of the Russian people are their responsiveness, the ability to understand another person, sensitive to another's state of mind, the ability to integrate with the culture of other nations and respect it.
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Research scientists have shown that the Russian and British bring together national features such as truthfulness and benevolence, which make two people more understandable and interesting to each other. Superstitions are a part of the national psychology, they are closely connected with folklore, history and culture of the people.
Слайд 6
People believe in superstition from ancient times. A prehistoric man feared most natural forces and phenomena due to the fact that he did not understand them and communicated with gods, spirits, good and evil forces that govern the world. He tried to invent a way to restrain the forces of evil and superstitions appeared. For many years, his views have changed, and superstitions, too, but they have not disappeared. Many of them have survived to this day, although the rationale behind them has been forgotten and then disappeared. They make us act in strange ways, to believe in strange things and leave us unable to explain the reasons of our actions. The history of superstition s
Слайд 7
1. If you find a four leaf clover, then you will pursue luck 2. If the evening do not surf the internet, the whole day will be bad. 3. When I see a black cat on the road, I close my eyes. 4. Snout you put under the heel and the top five will receive. 5. Before test I do not repeat - it helps. 6. I'm wearing my lucky pendant to the senior events or just to a good day. 7. Poor step over spruce branches in the middle of the road. 8. You can not pick up other people's things from the road - you can pick up someone else's disease. 9. Walk from different sides pillar - to quarrel. 10. If a sunny day in the morning, it will certainly be happy. « Students’ superstitions »
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11. If you drop a bucket of water - 7 years of misery. 12. Put a coin under the heel and pass examination, and rice under the right foot you won’t be asked. 13. Yellow roses - to the separation. 14. You must try to do what is done in a day when you're lucky. 15. Green colour brings bad luck. 16. If you do not spit over his shoulder – it would be a misfortune! 17. Broken dishes - fortunately. 18. Sprinkled salt - to quarrel. 19. When returning home for a forgotten thing - smile in the mirror! 20. Do not sleep with your feet toward the door!
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21. Kiss the cat before the test. 22. When something very like, always say the opposite. 23. When returning home for a forgotten thing - look in the mirror and show off the tongue. 24. In the evening people are better. 25. Conceived realized, if we believe. 26. Black cat on the way - unfortunately. 27. The existence of ghosts. 28. Smash the mirror - unfortunately. 29. Friday, 13 is the most unlucky day of the year. 30. Surprise for the New Year will come true. 31. If in the morning you turn round on you way to school you’ll get a “two”. 32. Before the test you do not need to revise. 33. There are fairies in the world. 34. Friday, 13 is the happiest day. 35. If the horse is stubborn and does not go forward, then there is the danger. 36. If the horse stops and presses the ears - it means to be trouble. 37. We can not send things over the threshold. 38 . At night from Friday to Saturday fulfilled desire.
Слайд 10
Study of superstitions of English and Russian peoples can draw to the following conclusions: 1. The origins of the emergence and development of superstitions in two cultures have common roots that lie in the mythological representations of the world and its device from the ancient ancestors of the peoples: the Russian - the mythology of the ancient Slavs, the British - the ancient Celts. The difference is that the ancients had their own religion, doctrines which differed from the Slavic mythology: the Celts believed in reincarnation, and black magic. Until now superstitious Englishmen are most afraid of ghosts, dead souls, believe in black cats. 2. Russian superstitions are fixed at the level of domestic, everyday consciousness, unlike the British, which affect the deep, spiritual processes. 3. The concept of "superstition" in both cultures, means practically the same. The difference lies in the fact that the British superstitions have more religious context, as a religion, in opposition to official religion.
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4. On the semantic content of superstition Russian and English have a similar structure. This is due to the fact that their basis is the unit associated with human values and pressing problems of man: the daily labor, health, death, birth, wealth. 5. Russians are quite resistant to superstition, and most are not superstitious. These results confirm the conclusion that Russian superstition attached to the household level. The British, in contrast to the Russian people are superstitious enough: the level of superstition, on average exceeds 50%, while their superstition is built on a subconscious fear of the supernatural in the spiritual sphere.
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Developed in the project tests and analysis of the level of superstition, students and teachers in school №1 revealed some interesting results. First, the level of superstition in school is at the middle level, the most superstitious are girls. Secondly, we can say that students and school teachers tend more to the purely English superstitions - the belief in fate, fortune telling, the cast, Friday the 13th, broken mirror. Thirdly, a number of students have their own characteristics, which are not generally accepted.
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