Творческая работа ученицы 9 класса "Каким я вижу Крым через 20 лет".
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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Черноморская средняя школа № 3»
Муниципального образования
Черноморский район Республики Крым
Конкурсная работа на тему: «Каким я вижу Крым через 20 лет».
Выполнила ученица 9-Б класса
Микаелян Моника,
Учитель Дзекан А.А.,
How Do I Imagine The Crimea In 20 Years
We live in the Crimea. Our country is a lovely place for a lot of people and for me too. I like it very much and want it to be the best place in the world.
We are teenagers and we are the future of our republic, of our Crimea. We are growing up and observing the changes which happen with our native place.
I want to see the Crimea that place, which we will proud of and the other countries will envy us. To achieve this we must develop our industry, agriculture, national defense and science. We can achieve this only with our common efforts. I think, first of all, the Crimea must be the mother for the all people, living here, no matter, what nationality they are and what God they believe in. A lot of difficulties can be overcome if people treat each other with love, kindness, without fear and without seeing the enemy in each other.
I imagine my native place all in blossom of trees and flowers. Because nature is the key to the clean air, joy and life. Weekends will be the rest days for the all people. And these people will be able to walk along in the parks and gardens, to listen to the birds’ singing and breathe the fresh air. I believe that all this will become real in our Crimea.
After that the Crimea has formed the alliance with Russia, I see the prosperity of our country. Now we are standing on a white strip. The economy is getting better, people began to feel the authorities’ support, and people’s welfare will soon grow up. And also the people’s relation to this situation becomes more knowledgeable. Those ones who don’t see the future of their country are going about the dumps and railway stations, standing on the church porch…
In general, human life is aimed at the creation – to plant a tree, to build a house, to raise a child. For achieving these goals we need our native place, which will give us joy in life, communication with people, the realization of our aims, which will give us the opportunity to live a full life, to work for making our life better, more beautiful and to proud of it!
I’m sure that we can save a republic of our dream to future generations. Comfort and beauty will dominate there. All people will be kind and careful to each other; evil won’t find a place in our lives. Purity of ideas, thoughts, and souls will fill the heart of every man. Anyone, who gives all his strength, intellect and knowledge for the work he loves, will feel secure about the future for himself as much as for his children and grandchildren. Peace, freedom and prosperity will accompany the life of our region. In the streets and squares will be the eternal spring, as the reflection of the human’s feelings. People are the flowers of our region, and they will study and work with a great desire and pleasure. And all these in turn will help the developing of our region’s prosperity. Because happy people give their joy to everyone around them!
I believe that the most important thing for any country is the people. I would like adults to hear the voices of their children, because they bring up their support and joy. Ours future and the future of our parents depends on the experiences and examples which the adults can show to us.
We ought to hear and understand each other. We are the young generation, and we want to live in peace and harmony. We should be wiser, because we are the future of Russia. Our country is our home, so we should feel comfortable here and the main aim of people living here is to create a good atmosphere, because everything is in our hands! Lots depend on ourselves, that’s why everyone must begin with himself.
I am the future of my country, I am a pupil and I understand that there is a lot, what depends on me and my studies. My worldview is expanding now; I can distinguish between good and evil. In future I would like to get a profession, where I could show the best human qualities, to show and prove to people that I can do something important for this country, that I am full of energy and desire to do well for my country.
I imagine how our schools would be in future. Modern computer technologies come into our life nowadays. I believe that schooling should also be with the help of computers. That will facilitate the studying and will make it more exciting and easy for teachers and students. Perhaps our knowledge will be evaluated by computers. And teachers will teach in free and interesting manner: using music, entertaining stories and confidential conversations with students. We should not waste a lot of papers to rewritten our works. Every pupil will have a personal computer on his desk, and he will write his test or composition quickly, correct the mistakes immediately and send his work to the teacher’s computer. That would be great! I would like that schoolchildren and students could spend their time with pleasure and comfort, that there would be the recreation centers, where everyone would find something for his taste. Someone wants to do sports, go to the swimming pool or play billiards. Others prefer watching their favorite movies on a big screen, dance, or listen to music. May be someone will come just to communicate with the same guys and make new friends, because the more friends you have, the richer and more interesting your life will be!
I could not even imagine that our life will change like that for the last four months! I am the citizen of the Russian Federation now and it gives me a reason to think about what would happen to me and other people in our country in the near future, because we are not indifferent to our fate. If we want to be the worthy citizens of our country, we should begin with education, I mean educational programs. I think that some information which we are taught at schools is entirely unnecessary and meaningless! Schoolchildren and students must understand why they are studying, what profession they will get and how this profession will influence on their life in future.
People are waiting for changes and children also can help to realize all our aims in life! I just want to express my own opinion speaking about schools: sometimes, information which we get at school is entirely unnecessary and meaningless! It could be right, I think, to spend those useless hours on deeper studying in certain areas. I think that was a very good idea of introducing specialized teaching in schools.
Discipline and patriotism to your native land are all you need to develop from the childhood. But much depends not only from parents, but also from us - children. But will we want to influence on our future? Parents’ aim is to affect their children softly, educate, motivate them for taking the right conclusions, the right choice, and not to follow somebody’s tastes.
Only motivated, educated people can do something good for their country and make their marks in various fields – they are the future of Russia. When there are presidential elections, we decide the fate of our country, and if we make the wrong choice, what way will our country go then? Without knowing the course of a party, how can we choose? We must understand this and not follow the general choice. Much depends on us and so everyone must start with himself. Our country is our home, that means we should be comfortable in it. And the task of people living in it is to create a good atmosphere here, because everything is in our hands!
Our country is the future of our republic! I believe that after our accession to Russia, all the changes will be much better! Today in our country there are a large number of youth organizations, initiative groups. Young activists take part in social and political life of the country. In our country, various youth and children's festivals, competitions, contests, shows, promotions, sports events are held. Each year regional and republic games such as “Summer Lightning” and “Eaglet” are held in the Crimea. In our country the traditional action "Youth against drugs" has been held for many years already.
I believe in the good future of the Crimea! It will blossom!
I am Armenian, but I have been living in the Crimea for seven years already. My homeland is Armenia, but I came here and having lived here for some time I loved the Crimea!
I'm worried about it, but after the accession to Russia, there is no reason to worry anymore! Some time ago, living in that difficult time watching the life of the people and all mankind, I wondered what all of us should expect in the future. But thinking about it, I could not find any answer. But now I am confident that the bright future awaits for us.
If we had the opportunity at least for a few moments to be in the future we would probably very much revised to our present. The future does not come out of nowhere, it is - the creation of our hands and hearts, that we begin to create today, right now, and save "for later " is not the way. “Future is in the present, but the future is in the past too. That is how we create it. If it is bad, it's our fault”, Anatoly France remarked. And I have only one to add to these wise words: if you want your future were good, every one of us should make just a small step towards it. And it will be the beginning of the big way.
Believe in the good future of the Crimea, know that everything depends on you, and let's take care of the Crimea and start with ourselves right now!
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