Вопрос об успешности человека, о том, что важнее для успеха: талант или трудолюбие волнует человечество всегда. Ответить на эти вопросы постаралась ученица МБОУ "Гимназия №1" Сашина Анастасия.
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Министерcтво образования и науки Российской Федерации
МБОУ «Гимназия №1»
Научно – практическая работа
Industry or Talent?
Исполнитель: Сашина Анастасия
Ученица 8 «Б» класса
Руководитель: М. Н. Шалапинина
Воронеж 2017
IV. List of references: 7 стр.
I. Introduction
I study in class 6 «B», but I am thinking about my future. There is no doubt I am eager to be successful. The question is: What does it mean? There are a lot of outgoing people in the world. They are considered to be successful people. How do they achieve everything? Do they work hard or are they just talented? I’m going to answer this question in my work.
II. The Rout to Success:
a) A successful person
Every person has his/her own idea of success. So, what kind of a person is «a successful person»?
I carried out a survey among my classmates. There was a question:
What does it mean being successful?
You can see my friend’s opinions
The most students believe that successful people are happy. I have another point of view. To my mind, it is a human who has made his/her mark.
To begin with, a career gives us a lot of opportunities. Moreover, you might become rich, and your career may make you happy. Because only if you do something you like most of all, you do it best of all. Also, you can meet a lot of people and some day you may make friends.
So, we have an image of a successful person. But how did they succeed? Some people say one must work hard, but others think there must be talent. The second survey was undertaken. These are the questions:
There are some answers:
Ivan Netsev
Daria Smirnova
Pyotr Savko
As for my point of view, I agree with Pyotr. Both personality and industry have the same value. You may be very talented but without hard work you may ruin your gift. At the same time doing your best you can develop your talent and achieve a lot.
c) Talent and Industry
To make conclusion, I decided to learn some case studies of different psychologists.
1) "We need the true talent which is noticed from the childhood! Picasso painted sister with a yolk still in his infancy!"
2) "We need 10,000 hours of practice - and you will succeed in anything!"
3) "We need luck. If any authoritative person notices and likes you, success is guaranteed".
1) Here is what Chamorro-Premuzic says about the talent in his book "Confidence": "Psychologists have conducted thousands of studies that examined how early signs of talent, noted in the first 4-9 years of life of individuals, developed in the later stages of life. How do they affect success in school, college and, finally, in the work? The results are convincing: the only innate ability, which affects future career success, is the ability to study". Lots of talented people have not been successful. Or did, but after their death.
2) Malcolm Gladwell, a Canadian journalist, bestselling author, and speaker, in his bestseller, "The Genius and the Outsiders", argues that 10,000 hours of practice will make you professional.
The results of the research in 2013 show that the practice does not explain the difference in the level of chess players and musicians.
And another article on the same subject says: "It is obvious that some people reach elite level without long practice, while others do not reach it in spite of long practice."
And finally, meta-study of the Smithsonian Institute has shown that the practice is responsible for only 12% of success. So, the "rule of 10,000 hours" does not exist, it is a myth.
Some scientists from three universities (The Rice University, the University of Michigan and The Princeton University) decided to conduct a large-scale meta-analysis to confirm or refute the hypothesis that patience and a little effort can replace talent.
The analysis was conducted in 5 areas: games, music, sports, education, and various professional activities.
The obtained data made it possible to conclude that talent and ability are more important to success than hard work
Most strongly practice contributed to the achievement of good results in games (26%) and almost does not affect the promotion in the professional field (only 1%). More detailed results of the study are presented in the info graphic below.
Of course, such areas as sports and music, was not considered from a professional point of view.
As for success in advancing in the profession, then, according to the authors of the study, a significantly greater role is played by the innate ability of a person to engage in a particular professional activity, as well as characteristics such as intelligence and memory.
3) So what about luck? Luck certainly plays a big role. But you know a large number of "short-lived stars, which successfully broke through to fame. Nevertheless they were not kept in "stars".
All these points of view are both partly true and false. It is wrong to believe only that, because you may give up your dream!
III. Conclusion
All in all, I strongly believe that talent and practice are interrelated and complement each other. What do you have to do to be successful?
IV. List of references:
Слайд 1
The rout to success: Industry or Talent? By Nastya Sashina Teacher M.N. ShalapininaСлайд 2
I study in class 8 « B », but I am thinking about my future. There is no doubt I am eager to be successful. The question is: What does it mean? There are a lot of outgoing people in the world. They are considered to be successful people. How do they achieve everything? Do they work hard or are they just talented? I’m going to answer this question in my work.
Слайд 3
Every person has his/her own idea of success. So, what kind of a person is « a successful person » ? I carried out a survey among my classmates. There was a question: What does it mean being successful? Being rich Being famous Being happy Having a great achievements in the career
Слайд 4
You can see my friends’ opinions
Слайд 5
The most students believe that successful people are happy. I have another point of view. To my mind, it is a human who has made his/her mark. Why? To begin with, a career gives us a lot of opportunities. Moreover, you might become rich, and your career may make you happy. Because only if you do something you like most of all, you do it best of all. Also, you can meet a lot of people and some day you may make friends.
Слайд 6
So, we have an image of a successful person. But how did they succeed? Some people say one must work hard, but others think there must be talent. The second survey was undertaken. These are the questions: What is more important to be successful: To be gifted To be hardworking Name any famous person. Did he/she work hard or did he/she have great talents? There are some answers:
Слайд 7
Ivan Netsev In my opinion, practice is significant. Having only gift isn’t enough to become successful. Michael Jackson. He was a prodigy. But without hard work he couldn’t become a star.
Слайд 8
Daria Smirnova As for me, talent places before industry. If a human has a gift, he has more chances to use it in the right way. Iohann Sebastian Bach. He was gifted. He composed great music and played a lot of musical instruments.
Слайд 9
Pyotr Savko To my mind, every famous person was very gifted. But at the same time they ground away. Talent and industry are equal. Albert Einstein. He was a physicist. And he was « the eternal student » . He was eager to know everything.
Слайд 10
As for my point of view, I agree with Pyotr. Both personality and industry have the same value. You may be very talented but without hard work you may ruin your gift. At the same time doing your best you can develop your talent and achieve a lot. To make conclusion, I decided to learn some case studies of different psychologists.
Слайд 11
"We need the true talent which is noticed from the childhood! Picasso painted sister with a yolk still in his infancy!" "We need 10,000 hours of practice - and you will succeed in anything!" "We need luck. If any authoritative person notices and likes you, success is guaranteed".
Слайд 12
Here is what Chamorro- Premuzic says about the talent in his book "Confidence": "Psychologists have conducted thousands of studies that examined how early signs of talent, noted in the first 4-9 years of life of individuals, developed in the later stages of life. How do they affect success in school, college and, finally, in the work? The results are convincing: the only innate ability, which affects future career success, is the ability to study". Lots of talented people have not been successful. Or did, but after their death.
Слайд 13
Malcolm Gladwell, a Canadian journalist, bestselling author, and speaker, in his bestseller, "The Genius and the Outsiders", argues that 10,000 hours of practice will make you professional. The results of the research in 2013 show that the practice does not explain the difference in the level of chess players and musicians.
Слайд 14
And another article on the same subject says: "It is obvious that some people reach elite level without long practice, while others do not reach it in spite of long practice." And finally, meta-study of the Smithsonian Institute has shown that the practice is responsible for only 12% of success. So, the "rule of 10,000 hours" does not exist, it is a myth.
Слайд 15
Some scientists from three universities (The Rice University, the University of Michigan and The Princeton University) decided to conduct a large-scale meta-analysis to confirm or refute the hypothesis that patience and a little effort can replace talent. The analysis was conducted in 5 areas: games, music, sports, education, and various professional activities. The obtained data made it possible to conclude that talent and ability are more important to success than hard work.
Слайд 16
Most strongly practice contributed to the achievement of good results in games (26%) and almost does not affect the promotion in the professional field (only 1%). More detailed results of the study are presented in the info graphic below .
Слайд 17
Of course, such areas as sports and music, was not considered from a professional point of view. As for success in advancing in the profession, then, according to the authors of the study, a significantly greater role is played by the innate ability of a person to engage in a particular professional activity, as well as characteristics such as intelligence and memory.
Слайд 18
So what about luck? Luck certainly plays a big role. But you know a large number of "short-lived stars, which successfully broke through to fame. Nevertheless they were not kept in "stars". All these points of view are both partly true and false. It is wrong to believe only that, because you may give up your dream!
Слайд 19
All in all, I strongly believe that talent and practice are interrelated and complement each other. What do you have to do to be successful? 1) FIND YOUR TALENT! 2) DON’T BE LAZY! PRACTICE IS REQUIRED IN ANY CASE! 3) BE SUCCESSFUL!
Слайд 20
List of references psyhotest.ru/archives/6542 girshon.livejournal.com/739946.html « Confidence » Chamorro – Premuzic « Genius and outsiders » Malcolm Gladwell
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