Презентация отражает специфику отношений между мужчиной и женщиной в разных странах
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The relationship between man and woman in different countries. By Smirnov Andrew 11 БСлайд 2
England In England, the love of friendship develops. The British used to meet at work or with friends at a party. British firmly reject the female lead in the relationship. Invited to a meeting exclusively by men. They know how to take care when tuned to a serious relationship. Ready to give flowers daily, organize surprises and sing serenades under the windows.
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France Many people at the mention of this country is born association beautiful and very romantic relationship. However, France is not so fantastic, as it seems at first glance. French themselves do not like romantic surprises and give flowers. On a first date is usually invited for lunch or breakfast. Invitation to dinner women considered disrespectful to her. Many French are ready to pay the entire bill if the woman he really liked. And if not, then at his own coffee you have to pay yourself.
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Germany In Germany, almost no concept of "gigolo". The Germans simply can not imagine how you can live off women. And they try to avoid the careerists. They consider it unacceptable when a woman financially or socially successful of his men. However, in this country normally perceived Women's Initiative. If after the first meeting a man will ask you to go to a restaurant or a movie, you can not doubt his serious intentions. The Germans have not decided to invite a second date with a view to just "have fun."
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Sweden Swedes are able to arrange an unusual date. For example, hot air ballooning, skydiving or karting - this popular scenario for meetings. Are introduced here on the internet or through friends. It is normal, when the restaurant husband and wife bring separate accounts, and they pay every man for himself. Well, on dates every always pays for itself.
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China In China, a man on a first date is a cafe with his best friend, who praises him all night, telling what he is kind and smart. After dinner, the men always escorted her companions to the house. Interesting fact: the girl coming to visit, the Chinese soon starts to bring her home to their personal belongings. And this is done without asking permission from the girl. And it does not mean that you have become his ladylove. Tomorrow it can all disappear and leave you their stuff.
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Japan The Japanese have no such thing as treason. The fact that the presence of mistresses for them - a natural part of life. However, Japanese men almost never leave their wives and always respect the chain of command. Wife - life partner, lover - a temporary phenomenon. The Japanese love to his wife, caring for her lead in sushi bars and restaurants. Women are very difficult to achieve a Japanese man
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Armenia Armenians are introduced for sure. The reason for such drastic action lies in the fact that the girl in any case be denied, even if the guy she liked. How Come? Because Goryanka be impregnable and unnoticed in the streets next to the man. Lezghinka is a good way to get acquainted. A pair of dancing and looking, communication will improve. Especially since there are many movements that man in dance can show your location to the girl. Those who are older brides and grooms start aggressively seek parents, relatives. Therefore, they can meet only in courtship or on a friendly date in a cafe.
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