Mordovian people consider themselves the nation of sport fans. Visitors to the Republic of Mordovia can be really amazed watching how much attention is paid to different kinds of sport.
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Going in for sport in Mordovia.
Автор работы: Васюточкин Андрей Александрович
студент 1 курса специальности
«Электрификация и автоматизация
сельского хозяйства»
ГБПОУ РМ "Краснослободский
аграрный техникум"
Going in for sport in Mordovia.
Mordovian people consider themselves the nation of sport fans. Visitors to the Republic of Mordovia can be really amazed watching how much attention is paid to different kinds of sport. The major sporting events are widely discussed in newspapers and magazines. Saransk is known as a city where competitions of various levels are held, including world, Russian and regional championships. Saransk is one of the major sports centers of the Volga region. There are all conditions for the development of amateur and professional sport. There are also many stadiums in the capital and in the districts of Mordovia.
The capital of the Republic of Mordovia Saransk was the host of 2018 Football World Cup. It was very important and spectacular event. Our republic is proud of it.
The names of famous Mordovian sportsmen are known to everyone. Who doesn’t know Olga Kaniskina, Denis Nizhegorodov, Peter Bolotnikov?
Physical training is a very important subject at schools, high schools and colleges of the Republic of Mordovia. Preferences is given to such sports as football, volleyball, walking, skating, skiing, ice hockey.
People of all ages and types join sports clubs or do exercises at home to improve their health and to keep fit. If a person goes in for sports he will be healthier and more energetic, and this will do good for the company he works for. Mordovian people are aware of it very well and that is why they pay so much attention to sports.
Stadium "Mordovia Arena"
12/23/2018. Russian Figure Skating Championship, Saransk
Saransk is one of the best cities in terms of attendance at 2018 World Cup matches
The names of famous Mordovian sportsmen are known to everyone
Mordovia is the most sporting region
Photos are taken from the Internet:
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