В настоящее время газета является одним из самых известных видов средств массовой информации. Газеты должны удерживать внимание читателя и заставлять его читать новости. Одно из средств информационного наполнения и выражения-газетный заголовок. В ходе исследования было проанализировано 64 заголовка, произведена классификация и сделаны выводы.
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муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 60 имени пятого гвардейского Донского казачьего кавалерийского Краснознаменного Будапештского корпуса Советского района г. Ростова-на-Дону
(МБОУСОШ № 60)
Prepared by:
Dzyubenko Vladislava
Academic supervisor:
Nekrasova T. Yu.
| 3 4 9 13 14 15 |
«Everything that I know is that I see in newspapers. The good reader of all in a year can learn from newspapers everything that most of people learn in the years spent in libraries».
Brian Smith
Object of research is a word-play in English headings.
Relevance of research is caused by the high welfare importance of heading presently.
The aim of research is studying of features of a word-play in newspaper headings.
The novelty of research consists in consecutive studying of modern headings and means of a word-play.
The material of research is examples of 11 English-language newspapers from newspaper publicistic editions of the English, American and Irish press.
Currently, the scope of the concept playing upon words includes a huge number of events taking place in literature, media and advertising texts, as well as in everyday speech. The notion of playing upon words relates to the field of speech communication, and playing upon words itself is regarded as "embellishment" speech that "usually has the character of jokes, chats, puns, jokes, etc." [2, p. 138].
The study was conducted on the material of English titles of publications website Inosmi containing translations mainly analytical articles, so important for us is the study of the specifics of the use of this technique in the body of mass communication.
The purpose of using this technique in a media is to attract the reader's attention and provide aesthetic (in particular comic) effects by intentional violation of linguistic norms. These violations are not errors, showing ignorance of the rules of language and speech reception, reflecting the extraordinary human ability to use language consciously - in order to beat the comical value or form of the word.
Among the techniques playing upon words accepted to such tricks as play on words, zeugma, occasional usage, modification precedent phenomena and collocations, lexical repetition, etc.
Zeugma - is the ratio of one word at a time to the other two in different semantic plans, the comic effect is achieved due to the lack of consistency of the sentence, for example, Wildfires in Russia devastate forests and pockets.
Nonce words - a word formed "on occasion" in the specific conditions of speech communication and, as a rule, contrary to the linguistic norm, deviating from the conventional ways of forming words in a given language. Occasionalism usually appears in the speech as a means playing upon words, for example, Indianomics, Gazpromia.
Referring to the definition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, a pun we understand "stylistic turn of phrase or author's miniature, based on the comic usage of the same-sounding words that have different meanings, or similar-sounding words or groups of words, or different meanings of the same word or the phrase "[1]. The most frequent types are lexical (In Russia, cold is a matter of degree, Chavez Visit to Russia: Infected by VIRUS) and phraseological puns (Leeches: Fresh Blood for Russia's Economy).
The main ways of creating playing upon words in a media we believe to be the repetition of word units or parts their parts (Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere; Tough Calls, Good Calls), a modification of precedent texts (The Axis Of Anarchy, The Silence of Mr. Medvedev), and pun as well (Sour notes before Russia's big moment on stage, Polishing up the relationship).
Often, in order to improve and enhance the expressiveness of pragmatic effects on the recipient's author uses several techniques playing upon words. For example, the title The Specter of Finlandization used occasionalism «Finlandization», while the title is an allusion to the whole which later became the first winged phrase "Communist Manifesto" written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, «The Specter of Communism».
Numerous studies methods of language games allow to conclude that the lexical-semantic tools and principles of their construction in different languages are similar. Only different degree of efficiency of a receiving language game by virtue of languages belonging to different types. For example, because of syntactic features of English and Russian languages zeugma was more common in the English language. Refer to the following example: Robin Hood Fires His Guns and Top Officials- - Robin Hood shoots right through and dismisses the large "cones"
The author of the article says that the D.A. Medvedev as president of Russia, dismissed a large number of officials, unable to perform their duties. The title is quite expressive, since it uses several stylistic devices - antonomasia and zeugma. When translating Zeugma author can not save zeugma design, and he uses the device of partial compensation, introducing an element of conversation - "big shot." Partial compensation is often addressed while the translation of game titles that are based on lexical repetition: Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere - Newsflash: Around garbage. In this example, the partial compensation is achieved through the use of rhyme. When translating nonce words, the most productive transcription, transliteration, tracing, functional replacement, descriptive translation, ptosis. Article entitled Indianomics - Indianomika highlights the current state of the Indian economy. Occasionalism Indianomics, formed by way of contamination toponym «India» and common noun «economics» translated by receiving tracing.
100 days: Living in Obamaland - One hundred days in Obamalende
«Obamaland» - occasionalism formed by adding the proper name - the names of the President of the United States and the common noun «land». In this case, the translator uses transcription.
When translated into Russian puns are equally misplaces with omission and compensation.
For example, Pipelines and pipe dreams - Pipes and pipe dreams
This article tells about the opening of a new pipeline, exporting East Siberian oil to China at a fairly high prices, as well as Russia's desire to take an advantageous position, which will allow it to dictate prices, volumes and related supplies to consumers political conditions in the East and the West. In this case, the translator can not restore phrasebook pun, and using omission, he creates a stylistically neutral title.
Against the grain- Grain block
When translating this phraseological pun it was used full compensation
change in the type of pun. The basis of the formation of the pun idiom is against the grain, which has its own value in itself unusual manner, against the grain. But, as the article describes the "protracted" Russian ban on grain exports, which caused regular disagreements between the US and Russia, after reading it becomes clear that beat element is the word «grain» in its literal meaning - "grain".
A huge number of English-language titles are the result of the transformation of precedent phenomena: idioms, proverbs, sayings, catch phrase, titles of movies, literary, historical phenomena. The transformation of the original case phenomena in most cases is to replace one of the elements of the original on the other hand, significant for the content of the article, and in modified form, they are easily recognizable and at the same time expressive. When translating the following methods:
- Equivalent translation
All Roads Lead to Istanbul - All roads lead to Istanbul;
Beware PR men bearing dictators' gifts - Fear PR dictators bearing gifts;
- Analog translation
Analysis: Two's a crowd as Russian state banks squeeze rivals - Among Russian banks odd man out
Thus, the translation of the English game titles is a very difficult task, because the translator must create the most expressive, bright and concise title and try to save the component playing upon words. Translating headlines in Russian are used in virtually all types of lexical and grammatical transformation. The translation should reflect connection of the heading with the text of articles set out in the original language.
III. Practical part
Analysis of the use of "Pun" in English headlines
During the practical analysis of the material were analyzed following publications:
New York Post
The New York Times
The Moscow Times
The Times
The Wall Street Journal
USA Today
The Sun
The Sunday Times
The Daily Telegraph
The Observer
The Irish Times
These publications were analyzed in terms of identifying them in the newspaper headlines containing puns. Then there were two groups of word games. As the basic operation of the first group is the principle of semantic associations in the same context of different values of one word (polysemy) and the principle of sound monotonous or similarity with existing semantic difference (V.V. Vinogradov, V.S.Vinogradov, V.Z.Sannikov, Hiebert , Hausmann, Reiners, Techa). In accordance with the last principle we different 4 types of word games, built on the basis of:
1) homonyms (same phonetics and graphics expressed by the parties)
2) homophony (phonetics match, graphic design is different)
3) homography (the same graphic design, phonetic - Miscellaneous)
4) paronymy (phonetics and graphics available with contrast detect similarities).
Based on this classification, all the headlines were divided into clusters listed in the table
Title | Newspaper | Cluster | Analysis | |
Burning questions on tunnel safety unanswered | The Guardian | Paronym | Игра слов в этом случае находится в словах Burning questions (горящие вопросы). Вопросы об огнях, следовательно, горящие вопросы, но горящий вопрос – это еще один способ сказать о важности и неотложности его решения. | |
A shot in the dark | The Guardian | Paronym | Игра слов - A shot in the dark. Прямое значение-выстрел в темноте. Но A shot in the dark также означает догадку наобум (Definition of a shot in the dark from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary). | |
On a whinge and a prayer | The Guardian | homophone | Игра слов Whinge (хныкать) and a prayer. Речь идет о Wing and a prayer (Coming in on a wing and a prayer – название песни). | |
What’s black and white and red (read) all over? | Techcrunch | homonym | Игра слов – red. В сравнении два слова red (красный) и red (прошедшая форма глагола read). Два разных слова, звучание одинаково. | |
Why are there no aspirin tablets in the jungle? - Because paracetamol! | The Sun | homophone | Игра слов - Because paracetamol. (Because parrots eat them all) (The Dictionary); Парацетомол (paracetamol) – название таблеток. | |
Nigeria: Still standing, but standing still | The BBC News | homonym | Игра слов – Still standing, but standing still. Используется в качестве наречия все еще (в первом случае) и также в качестве наречия во втором случае (спокойно). Также to stand still имеет значение остановиться. |
In the process of data collection and analysis of newspaper headlines there were found many examples of headlines with the replacement of (dies) such as:
1. Science friction. (From The Guardian). Friction (rubbing) - a word used to describe tensions and differences between people, in this case between scientists and the British government. The obvious reference here to science fiction (science fiction); stories about the future or another part of the universe.
2. Between a Bok and a hard place. (From The Guardian). Nicknamed the South African team the Springboks (or Boks). Wordplay - Between a rock and a hard place, which means "in a difficult situation."
3. Return to gender. (From The Guardian). The term gender (genus) refers to the definition of feminine and masculine. Wordplay - Return to sender (usually placed on the letters, which can not be sent and forwarded to the sender).
4. Silent blight. (From The Guardian). Blight (decline) is a disease. In this case, the disease of the throat teachers, because of which they are forced to remain silent. Link to a Christmas song called Silent Night.
These examples are not included in the classification, based on which the analysis and distribution of the clusters. However, they seem to be interesting to study because are vivid and memorable examples of wordplay in English titles.
After analyzing about 64 headlines and distributing them on the parameters of classification, it was concluded that the British headlines reflect the style of speech and the expression of modern English-speaking people - they are the most compressed and are based on wordplay. In the process of analysis identified the types of headlines, often used as homonyms, homophones, paronyms. The analysis also showed that the titles are not related to any cluster.
Nowadays, newspaper is one of the very well-known types of media. Newspapers must keep attention of the reader and make them read the news. One means of information content and expression - a newspaper headline. As the first signal to induce us to read a newspaper headline should be appropriate and expressive. As guides which focuses our attention on news stories authors use as parts of headings stamps, neologisms, idioms, slang, grammar and syntactic methods attractions.
The effectiveness of newspaper materials is enhanced by the use of their bright, expressive titles. Exceptions are the texts of news information, in which the use of promotional titles is unacceptable. In the language of modern English-language newspaper headlines are characterized by great diversity in terms of their structure, vocabulary, meaning, style that makes it possible to classify them for various reasons: the complexity of the structure, relationship with the text of the article, full of reflection semantic elements of the text.
To draw attention to the headlines journalists use different methods - new words, neologisms, replacing words and idioms. After analyzing about 64 headlines and distributing them on the parameters of classification, it was concluded that the British headlines reflect the style of speech and the expression of modern English-speaking people. Headings are maximally compressed, many of them are based on wordplay. The analysis showed that in headings there are used homonyms, homophones, paronyms. The analysis revealed the headings that do not belong to any cluster, but nevertheless they entered the job as examples of pun.
V. Resources and literature
VI. Supplement
Слайд 1
Brian Smith : «Everything that I know is that I see in newspapers. The good reader of all in a year can learn from newspapers everything that most of people learn in the years spent in libraries».
Слайд 3
Object of research is a word-play in English headings .
Слайд 4
Relevance of research is caused by the high welfare importance of heading presently.
Слайд 5
The aim of research is studying of features of a word-play in newspaper headings.
Слайд 6
The novelty of research consists in consecutive studying of modern headings and means of a word-play.
Слайд 7
The material of research is examples of 11 English-language newspapers from newspaper publicistic editions of the English, American and Irish press .
Слайд 8
During the research I used 62 headings from newspapers. These headings were chosen from such newspapers, as New York Post The New York Times The Moscow Times The Times The Wall Street Journal USA Today The Sun The Sunday Times The Daily Telegraph The Observer The Irish Times
Слайд 9
The main methods of word-play in headings of newspapers are such means and stylistic devices, as W ord-play (игра слов) Pun (каламбур) Zeugma (зевгма) Nonce word (окказионализм) Modification of phenomena and phraseological units (модификация прецедентных феноменов и фразеологизмов) Lexical repetition, etc. (лексический повтор и т.д.)
Слайд 10
Zeugma Wildfires in Russia devastate forests and pockets. Devastate forests – разрушают леса Devastate pockets – опустошают карманы Robin Hood Fires His Guns and Top Officials - Робин Гуд бьет навылет и увольняет больших "шишек"
Слайд 11
Nonce word « Indianomics » ( Индианомика освещает современное состояние индийской экономики) « India » + « economics » = Indianomics 2. 100 days: Living in Obamaland – Сто дней в Обамаленде «О bama » + « land » = « Obamaland » 3 . What wobbles when it flies ? - A jelicopter ! (jelly wobbles and a helicopter flies)
Слайд 12
Pun Against the grain - Зерно преткновения against the grain - в несвойственной себе манере, не по нутру (фразеологизм) « grain » – «зерно» (в своем прямом значении) Pipelines and pipe dreams – Трубопроводы и несбыточные мечты
Слайд 13
Modification of precedent phenomena and phraseological units The Axis Of Anarchy (ось анархии) The Silence of Mr . Medvedev (молчание г-на Медведева) All Roads Lead to Istanbul ( Все дороги ведут в Стамбул )
Слайд 14
Lexical repetition Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere (Новость дня: Кругом фигня ) The main man, the main worry ( Главный человек, главная тревога )
Слайд 15
Conclusion Newspapers must keep attention of the reader and make them read the news. One means of information content and expression - a newspaper headline. To draw attention to the headlines journalists use different methods - new words, neologisms, replacing words and idioms. After analyzing about 64 headlines and distributing them on the parameters of classification, it was concluded that the British headlines reflect the style of speech and the expression of modern English-speaking people. Headings are maximally compressed, many of them are based on wordplay.
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