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Nowadays there is a huge variety of computer games which are very popular especially among pupils. They are still based on English language and this work is focused on the certain effect of computer games.
The topic of the research work is relevant, because computer games became a natural part of life of modern children, because it is a daily source of entertainments among pupils. In spite of negative effects of computer games it is possible to consider some positive sides of this pastime, namely – broadening of vocabulary of English language.
The aim of the research work is to analyze the influence of computer games on children.
The tasks:
- to analyze sources on certain subject;
- to carry out a questionnaire among pupils of School №4;
- to describe the results of our research.
Hypothesis: playing computer games has not only negative but also positive influence on children.
Research methods:
1. the method of necessary material research;
2. the method of critical analyses of scientific sources;
3. the method of questioning;
4. mathematical method of statistical processing of the results.
Chapter 1.
Game is the great invention of the mankind. Game is the tool of knowledge for all human cultures and it is an indicator of tendencies of development of the culture. Therefore it is very important for everybody: parents, teachers, people of different professions to know these tendencies, their valuable spiritual sense, defining our movement with children in the direction of Good, Beauty and Truth or to the opposite side.
Computer games are any of various electronic games that are played by manipulating an input device in response to the graphics on the screen. Computer game is a game that you play on a computer or on a small portable piece of electronic equipment.
There is a set of various classifications of computer games where games are classified by various signs, for example, on genres:
1. the arcade is a game which differs in a simple and fascinating plot in which the major role is played by colorful graphics, and also there is a possibility to get points for this type of a game.
2. an action –is a very wide genre which is subdivided into a set of subgenres. The main line of this genre is in the action that is very dynamic in the game, in the use of the weapon and, in frequent cases of violence.
3. puzzles – in this genre of computer games, the main goal is put in the solution of a set of logical tasks which demand from the player logical thinking, strategy and intuition.
4. strategy - in these games the key to succeed is put in the rational planning and strategic thinking. Here the player should operate not only one character, but the whole group of people, the country and management of the Universe is also possible.
5. the quest is one of main types of the games demanding from the player the solution of intellectual tasks that demands the plot.
6. simulators - the basic principle of this type of games is exact reproduction of features of some concrete thematic area. Initially simulators were created by military for training the soldiers in management of specialized equipment, but process was so interesting that today the training programs regenerated this type of the game to the wide direction of the game industry.
1.2 Negative influence of computer games
According to different specialists’ opinions nowadays computer can be called a dangerous «toy» which fills up minds of the children. Each modern child is familiar with computers. The computer replaces a traditional toy not only among the teenager, but also among young children, even among children at the age of three or younger. And the adults don't notice (or try not to notice) this harmful influence which computer causes. Computer games carry out mainly cruel, evil and aggressive aspect. The child that plays violence has to remember that once he may lose the link between the reality and computer world and the violence may reflect the real life. All information which the child gets from the screen of the TV or the monitor of the computer is perceived by child as reality and the instruction to life.
Problems of influence of computers are rather new. They are studied properly.
There are many negative aspects about computer games. The main negative effect is in the following: computer games break eyesight, children become addicted to computer games and they even can’t do without them, children suffer from sedentary life and as a result they have some problems with their joints, the next problem is in the fact that children lose the feeling of reality and the real world is mixed with the fantasy and it can lead to abnormal behavior, the violence is the next problem and the most dangerous and this problem can cause the feeling of children that violent behavior is normal in society.
1.3 Positive influence of computer games
In this chapter I will describe the opportunities which computer games bring to various spheres of life.
Computer games develop mobility, but of course only a little: games without any conflict support natural «idea» to develop brain through mobility. During the process of playing games to your brain gives commands to your hands for instance it is necessary to press the buttons and to change combinations of keys.
Games create the motivation of different types of activity:
It may be helpful while training: during a classical lesson when the teacher shows something at a board, to the pupil it is easy for student to be lost in the thoughts.
Computer games promote training foreign languages. Some games demand ability to read (both in foreign, and in Russian) in order to be successful in the game. Before starting to play the game the child has to study certain rules, remember them, learn how to use them. It can be a good motivation that the child started learning to read or to develop skill of reading.
In spite of all negative aspects of computer games we can name numerous of positive sides of playing computer games. Computer games develop attentiveness, mobility, children can be more concentrated on a certain thing. It is possible to choose an appropriate level for children and in this way they can do challenging tasks and they will not lose the interest of the game, computer games develop the desire to win, to do challenging tasks and to achieve a certain goal.
Most computer games are based on English language. In this way children learn a lot of new English words, they read, listen to foreign speech and use English vocabulary in the game. This positive aspect can influence the process of learning English language in a positive way: children can enlarge their English vocabulary.
Chapter 2. The Influence of Computer Games on Pupils from our School
The next step of this research is the making up questioning. While making up the questionnaire it was considered that the games of different types of localization can be mentioned.
In order to research the influence of computer games on the process of studying English, in particular, for definition of number of the children playing computer games and, for establishment of various features in preferences on the basis of a method of questionnaire survey among pupils of 5-11 forms of School №4.
In this questioning 51 pupils took part. This questionnaire contains of 7 questions of test character, and also the questions that require the full answer. All answers of pupils were analyzed, and results are brought into forms of processing of results.
During the questioning it was found out that 100% of the pupils have computer devices, and that only 5% of all pupils don’t play computer games.
Most children began playing computer games at the age of 8-9.
Half of the teens think that computer games are useful.
The most favourite games are strategies.
Most of the children like playing computer games.
Most of teens spend more than 5 hours in front of the computer.
Most of the parents are against playing computer games.
The pupils think that computer games help them learn English because a lot of games are in English.
In conclusion of the second chapter it is possible to say most children that took part in this questioning have computers and they prefer playing computer games rather than other types of games. Pupils think that computer games develop their knowledge in English language and mainly computer games enlarge English vocabulary.
Pupils consider that games somehow influence on the vocabulary of English language. Computer games can’t be the main factor of vocabulary broadening, because many words from computer games are kept in the passive vocabulary.
Sometimes pupils recognize words automatically and they don’t know how to pronounce them or they don’t know how words are translated.
Computer games became the natural type of entertainment for many children. It is necessary to understand what negative aspects they carry out. But, in spite of all negative points that are described in this work it was interesting to look at another point of view. Computer games can influence positively: they can somehow enlarge English vocabulary. Of course it is not the main source of English vocabulary broadening and not all the words are understood from computer games.
The results of questionnaire show that for many children computer games are not only the type of entertainment, but also the process of broadening their English vocabulary. It is an insignificant way of vocabulary broadening, because the words that pupils learnt from computer games are not used often in the speech and even are kept in the passive vocabulary.
In conclusion it is worth mentioning that the hypothesis of this research work is proved: when pupils play computer games they broaden the vocabulary, but still, only in insignificant way. It is a positive impact on studying English and it increases the motivation of learning this language and this subject at school.
[1] Абраменкова, В.В. Во что играют наши дети. Игрушка и антиигрушка — М.: Лепта Книга, 2010. - 544 с. М.: Яуза, Эксмо, Лепта Книга, 2006. – 640 с.
[2] Эльконин, Д.Б. Психология игры. – 2-е изд. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 1999. – 360 с.
[3] Леонтьев, А.Н. Деятельность. Сознание. Личность. – М.: Политиздат, 1975. – 278 с.
[4] Запорожец, А.В., Восприятие и действие. – М.: Просвещение, 1967. -
[5] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/computer+game[6] Ребенок и компьютер: сб. материалов И.Я. Медведева, Т.Л. Шишова, М.Н. Миронова [и др.]; сост.: И.Я. Медведева, Т.Л. Шишова. - Клин: Христианская жизнь, 2007. - 320 с.
[7] http://samag.ru/uart/more/49[8] http://zillion.net/ru/blog/237/riealizatsiia-proghramm-obuchieniia-na-osnovie-videoighr[9] Gee, James Paul, What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy, Palgrave Macmillan: New York, 2003
[10] Электронный словарь ABBYY Linguo x5
[11] http://igru.com.ua/zhanr/
[12] http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/1897485
Appendix №1 «The questionnaire»
1. В какие игры Вы предпочитаете играть:
- настольные
- спортивные
- компьютерные
- не играю ни в какие игры.
2. Есть ли у Вас дома компьютер или игровая приставка:
- Да - Нет
3. Играете ли Вы в компьютерные игры?
- Да - Нет
4. Как много времени Вы проводите за компьютерными играми в день:
- до 1 часа
- от 1 до 3-х
- более 3-х
- Ваш вариант:
5. Перечислите названия компьютерных игр, в которые Вы играете (~ 5 наименований)
6. Играя в игры Вы:
1) играете только в английские версии;
2) играете в игры с частичным переводом (субтитрами, английским меню);
3) меняете в настройках язык с русского на английский;
4) играете в игры только на русском языке;
7. Помогают ли Вам компьютерные игры в изучении английского языка?
- Да - Нет
8. Каким образом компьютерные игры помогают в изучении английского языка?
1) развивают языковую догадку;
2) расширяют словарный запас;
3) способствуют лучшему восприятию текстов на слух;
4) не помогают.
9. Приведите несколько примеров (слов/выражений), которые Вы узнали благодаря компьютерным играм.
Appendix №2 «Top-list of games»
Counter strike global offensive (CS GO)
World of Tanks
War Thunder
The Sims
Saints row
Слайд 1
THE influence of computer games on С Hildren By Victoria Staroverova , Form 5-AСлайд 2
The aim of the research work is to analyze the influence of computer games on children. Hypothesis : playing computer games has not only negative but also positive influence on children .
Слайд 3
Different types of the games Strategy Sport Games Arcade Role Playing Racing Simulation
Слайд 4
Why is computer bad ?
Слайд 5
Can computers games be useful?
Слайд 6
When did you start Playing computer games?
Слайд 7
Half of the teens think that computer games are useful.
Слайд 8
The most favourite games are strategies.
Слайд 9
Most of the children like playing computer games.
Слайд 10
Most of teens spend more than 5 hours in front of the computer.
Слайд 11
Most of the parents are against playing computer games.
Слайд 12
The pupils think that computer games help them learn English.
Слайд 13
Thank YOU!
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