Презентация к учебному проекту "Кино".
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2 215110, Смоленская область, г.Вязьма, загородный переулок, 23 Проектная работа по английскому языку на тему: « Cinema . How did it all begin ? » Работу выполнила : Обучающаяся 9А класса Генералова Ирина Сергеевна Руководитель: учитель английского языка Гузилова Наталья ВасильевнаСлайд 2
Contents: How did the history of cinema begin ? The first film The time of speechless cinema The coming of colorful cinema Modern cinema Genres The most popular actors The most popular directors The most prestigious cinema awards Conclusions Literature
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Introduction The topic of my project is “Cinema. How did it all begin”. I chose this topic because I like watching different films and I was interested in the way modern cinema appeared . Cinematography is a relatively new kind of art. Its history in comparison with the millennial history of music, painting, theater is very short. But this does not prevent the cinema from remaining for several decades the most massive form of art . « The film is the life with which the spots of boredom were taken out » - Alfred Hitchcock
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The first film Officially cinema appeared in 1895. But in 1888 frenchman Louis de Prince, who lived in England, shooted the first film in the world. It was given a name “ Roundhay Garden scene”. This film lasted for 1,66 seconds. The first film, which received big popularity, was maden in 1895 by Lumiere brothers. It was called “Arrival of the train to the station of La- Ciota ”. The history of filmmaking started with this movie.
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The time of speechless cinema The first films that appeared in the late 19th century were soundless. The main creative reception in the silent cinema was pantomime. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, the actors played a variety of scenes. In the editing appeared titles - descriptive means, which served for that period as an alternative to scoring. At the beginning of the 20th century, the films were no longer completely silent. The paintings were shown to the accompaniment of the piano .
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The coming of colorful cinema The earliest films were painted by hand, and when the multilayered film appeared, the process was complicated by a long and risky development - the usual colors could be displayed in the most unexpected way. Shooting colorful cinema had been begun only in 1960 - before in color let out only films of the checked up directors. 1894-1896 The studio of Thomas Edison removes the butterfly dance and colors black and white film. Movements were invented specifically to emphasize color changes.
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Modern cinema Today, cinematography increasingly resorts to the use of special effects in its activity with the advent of the latest digital technologies, the reality is stereokino or, in modern language, 3D Stereo. In the film distribution market, movies in 3D format often collect much larger cash than regular ones. The connoisseurs of films with digital effects are mostly young people from 14 to 24 years old. The main criterion for the quality of the film is the availability of special effects. Digital technology has allowed reality to lose its priority, and now on the screen we can observe hordes of orcs and goblins.
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Genres DETECTIVE - a genre whose works contain illustrations of criminal acts, the following investigation and identification of the perpetrators. DRAMA - f ilms of this genre differ in the plot, conflict of action, a lot of dialogues and monologues. HISTORY FILM - f ilms of this genre show real historical events. COMEDY - the main feature of the comedy is the image of characters, conflicts and situations that cause laughter of spectators. THRILLER is a film that evokes a feeling of excitement. HORROR are designed to scare the spectator, instill fear, alarm, create an atmosphere of horror or tensed expectation of something terrible. FANTASY is a genre in which the imagination prevails over reality.
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The most popular actors Al Pacino has an actor's talent of such magnitude that makes his carrier a legend during his lifetime, a monument to himself. Arnold Schwarzenegger Perhaps not to find a Hollywood personality more recognizable than this former bodybuilder from Austria. Brad Pitt The magazine "People" included him in the list of "50 most beautiful people on the planet".
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Bruce Willis On his account at least fifty completely epoch-making roles that people will remember very, very long. Leonardo DiCaprio During the pregnancy, DiCaprio's mother viewed a picture of Leonardo da Vinci in the magazine, and just at that moment the child shoved her very hard. "So be it," she thought. "I'll call you Leonardo." Harrison Ford In 97, the authoritative magazine Empire even put it on the first place in the list of "100 greatest Hollywood stars in history".
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The most famous directors Steven Spielberg Magazine about the movie Empire called Spielberg the most outstanding filmmaker in the history of the movie. Best movies: Schindler's List Catch Me If You Can Quentin Tarantino After graduation, Quentin Tarantino worked at the video distribution station, which served him as a school for studying movies. Tarantino took the movie from the television screen. Best movies: Pulp Fiction Rabid Dog Sin City
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Guy Ritchie Prior to his directorial debut in the movie, he was engaged in shooting ads and doing demos for music collectives. Best movies: Big Jack, Sherlock Holmes Woody Allen According to Allen, he removes all his films about himself, even if their characters are not at all similar to him . Best movies: Manhattan , Love and death And also: Ridley Scott, Tim Burton, Christopher Nolan, James Cameron, David Fincher
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The most prestigious cinema awards Since the appearance of the cinema, the question about the qualitative evaluation of films and the work of members of the film crew arose. One of the objective indicators of the success of the film is the box office from the hire. The audience votes by buying tickets. But to consider this indicator as the only true would be a mistake. To solve this problem of film evaluation, many film awards are regularly held in the world. Film awards are designed to demonstrate modern trends in cinema, to choose the best films of the year, to evaluate the work of members of film crews. The most famous cinema awards are Oscar Award, Golden Globe Award, TEFI, BAFTA, Golden Eagle and Nika .
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Oskar Award The most prestigious in the world is the Academy of Motion Picture Arts Award - "Oscar", with the award each year in February, starting in 1929. The winners receive a statuette in the form of a knight with a sword in hand - it weighs 3.9 kg, consists of an alloy of various metals, covered with 24-carat gold.
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Golden Globe Award The second most important prize is the Golden Globe Award, which has been awarded to the Foreign Press Association of Hollywood since 1944. The ceremony is traditionally held at the end of January, which is why it is called the dress rehearsal of the Oscar. Unlike the Oscar, the Golden Globe Award is also awarded for success in the television industry. Winners are awarded a gilded bronze statuette in the form of a globe, wrapped in a film.
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Conclusions Cinema is not just a picture, it's not just viewing of various plots and intriguing adventures, with the heroes of which the viewer identifies himself, watching them from the outside, the cinema is the most massive of the arts, and the more mass art is, the more demand for it, the more above should be his criteria. Any genre, be it comedy, drama, action, if they are addressed to the people, must carry a great social load. Therefore, at the present stage, it would be better for the cinema to be viewed not as a powerful tool of industrial development, but, it remained an art that was created to make us better, smarter and kinder.
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Literature Кирилл Разлогов «Мировое кино» Жорж Садуль «Всеобщая история кино». М. «Искусство».1958г. www.letopis.info http://www.lookatme.ru/mag/blogs/kinozavtra/194197-istoriya-tsveta-v-kino https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Кинопремия https://www.molomo.ru/inquiry/known_directors.html http://www.lookatme.ru/flow/posts/film-radar/115263-velichayshie-rezhissery https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Кинематограф http://kino-mira.ru/luchshie-aktery-kinematografa.html http://students.uni-vologda.ac.ru/pages/pm06/eiv/genre.htm
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