Проект по английскому языку "Новый год в Америке и в россии."
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“Christmas in the USA and in Russia”. Подготовила: Басалаева Алиса ученица 5 класса “ Д ” руководитель Макарова Ю.Л.. 2018-2019 учебный годСлайд 2
Introduction. Why I chose this subject: I chose this topic because I am interested to learn more about Christmas in Russia and the USA and how they differ. Purpose of work: learn the difference Christmas in Russia and the United States. Tasks: to find out information about Christmas in Russia and the United States. Object of research: Christmas in Russia and in the USA. Methods: search for more accurate information, ask anything from adults. Relevance: average. Applications: http://in2english.net/2016/12/20/christmas-in-the-usa/ https://www.whychristmas.com/cultures/russia.shtml https://celebrations.onehowto.com/article/how-is-christmas-celebrated-in-the-usa-973.html https://www.tripsavvy.com/russia-christmas-traditions-1502306
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About Christmas . Christmas is religious celebration that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Each country , village and home celebrates it in their own ways , according to culture , customs and traditions.
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About Christmas in the USA. Cities and towns in the United States sparkle with bright lights and decorations. Churches , home , schools , shops and streets are decorated with Christmas tree , colored lights , Santa Claus and his reindeer , and nativity scenes showing the stable where Jesus Christ was born. The traditional colors for this holiday are red and green , and the red poinsettia considered the Christmas flower. Families prepare for this holiday weeks before. They make special foods. They make and buy gifts. They wrap them with bright paper and ribbons. They choose a tree and decorate it with ornaments lights. Houses are decorated with wreaths of holly , evergreens , and mistletoe. Christmas cards are sent to friends are relatives. Children hang up stockings to receive gifts from Santa Claus. Schools usually hate two weeks of vacation, and some families take vacation together.| Churches, organizations, and newspapers ask for donations of money and food for the needy. Volunteers from the Salvation Army stand outside stores collecting money for the needy. Hot meals and prepared and served to the poor and homeless. Toys and games are given children at Christmas parties by somebody dressed as Santa Claus.
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About Christmas in Russia. Christmas in Russia is normally celebrated on January 7 th ( only few Catholics might celebrated it on 25 th December). The date is different because the Russian Orthodox Church uses the old ‘Julian’ calendar for religious celebration days. The Orthodox Church also celebrates Advent. But it has fixed dates, starting on 28 th November and going to the 6 th January, so it’s 40 days long. The official Christmas and New holidays in Russia last from December 31 st to January 10 th . Christmas in Russia – it is a family-individual and global gifts more accepted for the new year to give. Christmas is mostly for kids. Celebrate Christmas in Russia begin on January 6 with the rise of the first star, when the whole family sit down at the table with a festive dinner. But in this evening can be cannabis only lean it, which on the table should be exactly twelve dishes: jelly domestic baked sausage, the hot, pork, pate, stuffed with flesh, blood sausage.
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The difference of Christmas in Russia and the United States. Conclusion. What is the difference between Christmas in Russia and the USA? Let’s find out! First, the difference in dates. In Russia Christmas is celebrated from 6 th to 7 th January, and in the USA is celebrated from 24 th to 25 th December. Only some Catholics in Russia celebrated in the same way as the people in the United States. Secondly, completely different approaches to festive tables and in General to food. We attach a lot of importance to them – mostly typical festive dishes. Sweets are different. In the third – gifts. They have Christmas almost the biggest holiday, gifts – corresponding, under a huge Christmas tree a lot of global expensive things. We have the same – it is a family-individual and global gifts is more usual in the new year give. Christmas is mostly for kids. Different approach to jewelry. We don’t dress up houses and apartments on the same scale as the Americans. Their house literally glows! Around a lot of statues (deer, gnomes, Santa), Christmas wreaths and often tinsel. We have the same decoration inside the apartment, outside – rarely. Well, what’s wanted, and decorate. Christmas in the United States is celebrated with the family, rarely with the friends. In Russia everything is different. Russian can invite friends.
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