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Russian traditional costumesСлайд 2
History Historians suppose that the traditional Russian costume originated in the 12th-13th centuries. It was popular in the villages till the 20th century. The traditional Russian costume was worn by tsars, boyars, craftsmen.
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Sarafan The most popular Russian women’s costume was a sarafan . It was a long dress without sleeves. The typical color of the sarafan was red (“red” meant “beautiful”).
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Kokoshnik Besides one of the most famous head-wears was a " kokoshnik ", which Russian women wore with the sarafan at the festivals .
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Russian men’s costumes Russian men’s costumes were a rubakha - kosovorotka (a long shirt) and porty (trousers ).
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Valenki The traditional Russian winter shoes were valenki . They were very effective in a cold northern climate .
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Сказки пластилинового ослика
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Ночная стрельба