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PAIN lСлайд 2
In medicine pain relates to a sensation that hurts. If you feel pain it hurts, you feel discomfort, distress and perhaps agony, depending on the severity of it. Pain can be steady and constant, in which case it may be an ache. It might be a throbbing pain - a pulsating pain. The pain could have a pinching sensation, or a stabbing one.
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The English word 'pain' probably comes from Old French ( peine ), Latin ( poena - meaning punishment pain), or Ancient Greek ( poine - a word more related to penalty), or a combination of all three. Only the person who is experiencing the pain can describe it properly. Pain is a very individual experience.
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The NIH (National Institutes of Health) National Pain Consortium estimates that the public health burden of pain affects one third of America's population at a cost of between $560 billion and $635 billion each year. The British Pain Society quoted England's Chief Medical Officer, who said that annually more than five million people in the UK develop chronic pain. Unfortunately, one third of them do not recover. 11% of adults and 8% of children in the UK suffer severe pain.
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Types of pain Acute pain - this can be intense and short-lived, in which case we call it acute pain. Acute pain may be an indication of an injury. When the injury heals the pain usually goes away. Chronic pain - this sensation lasts much longer than acute pain. Chronic pain can be mild or intense (severe).
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Nociceptive pain Examples of nociceptive pain are a cut or abroken bone. Tissue damage or injury initiates signals that are transferred through peripheral nerves to the brain via the spinal cord. Pain signals are modulated throughout the pathways. This is how we become aware that something is hurting.
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Neuropathic pain Neuropathic pain is pain caused by damage or disease that affects the nervous system. Sometimes there is no obvious source of pain, and this pain can occur spontaneously. Classic examples of this pain are shingles and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. It is pain that can occur after nerves are cut or after a stroke.
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Radicular pain Radicular pain is pain that stems from irritation of the nerve roots, for example, from a disc herniation . It goes down the leg or arm in the distribution of the nerve that exits from the nerve root at the spinal cord.
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Visceral Pain - a type of nociceptive pain. It is felt in the internal organs and main body cavities. The cavities are divided into the thorax (lungs and heart), abdomen (bowels, spleen, liver and kidneys), and the pelvis (ovaries, bladder, and the womb). The pain receptors - nociceptors - sense inflammation, stretch and ischemia (oxygen starvation).
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What is referred pain? Also known as reflective pain. When pain is felt either next to, or at a distance from the origin of an injury it is called referred pain. For example, when a person has a heart attack, even though the affected area is the heart, the pain is sometimes felt around the shoulders, back and neck, rather than in the chest.
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Faces Scale The patient sees a series of faces. The first one is calm and happy, the second less so, etc., and the final one has an expression of extreme pain. This scale is used mainly for children, but can also be used with elderly patients with cognitive impairment. Patients with autism may respond better to this type of approach - people with autism tend to respond to visual stimuli well.
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