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Teenage years. Are they happy? Suturin Yuri 10AСлайд 2
Objectives To tell about teenagers and problems during adolescence. Learn the opinion of people of different ages about their attitude in adolescence.
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Adolescence Adolescence is a period in human development, a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood. Soviet psychologist D. B. Elkonin
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The conclusion of the poll According to their answers we can see that the main problem is problems in school – 35%. Then there is a misunderstanding with the parents – 25% of teenagers quarrel with their parents. Problems with lack of leisure occupy the third place – 21%. Adolescents are the least oppressed by others – 6%
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Poll №2
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Problems out of nowhere The opinion of adults coincided with the opinion of teenagers, but they also added something new. They believe that teenagers, who think that adolescence is the most difficult period in life, just complicate their lives. They said that this happens when we have nothing to do and we just think about this and that, and that's how problems come out of nowhere. And we can make up a lot of things. My relatives gave me quite a lot of examples, for example: parents don't like you; fear that your peers will not understand you and therefore you do not enter into a conversation with them; underestimation of your self-esteem, and there are still very, very many such examples.
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What is happiness? Since all people are different, then their concepts of happiness, too, but happiness itself is a state of the highest satisfaction. Some experience this state, having achieved recognition in society or having reached high career heights. Others see happiness in simply living, having a roof over your head and living parents. And the third this feeling will easily provide a piece of favorite cake. No matter what different people say about it, one thing is clear: they all mean a certain state to which they aspire-the feeling of being 100% satisfied. Happiness is not a feeling you can feel all the time. It's a moment when you realize, yes, I'm happy, and you're happy right now, in this moment.
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Conclusion On my opinion, for modern teenagers is difficult to analyses global vision of their age. Meanwhile, adults may only to suggest their problems, because they can’t remember themselves in the same age. Even if they can do that, they can remember happy moments of these years. Parents often don’t understand their children. They always want to know what’s going on in their children’s life, but teens don’t like it. Modern teenagers often overreacted and create problems for themselves. Actually, this period of life is not so difficult, but if they can’t recognize it, in their future it can turn over a more difficult problem. And what about the definition of happiness itself it is a state of the highest satisfaction. When different people say about it, one thing is clear: they all mean a certain state to which they aspire-the feeling of being 100% satisfied. So it is the state that people often can’t realize immediately. And teens suggest this period not so happy, but when they become adults they understand that it was one of the happiest periods of their lives. If you put it all together, adolescence can be called a happy period.
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List of used literature and Internet resources The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults. Frances E Jensen and Amy Ellis Nutt Psychology of Adolescents . https :// ru.wikipedia.org Русская энциклопедия. https://en.wikipedia.org Английская энциклопедия. https://vk.com/ Социальная сеть, в которой я проводил опросы https://www.7ya.ru/article/Trudnosti-podrostkovogo-vozrasta/ Консультации подростков и родителей со специалистом https://ktonanovenkogo.ru/voprosy-i-otvety/schaste-chto-ehto-takoe.html Что такое счастье
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