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МКУ «Управление образования Исполнительного комитета Елабужского муниципального района»
МБОУ «Гимназия №1- Центр национального образования» Елабужского муниципального района Республики Татарстан
Муниципальная ученическая научно-практическая конференция
«Поиск и творчество»
Связь человека с природой в произведениях Джека Лондона
Исследовательская работа
Выполнена ученицами
8 класса
МБОУ «Гимназия № 1-Центр национального образования» ЕМР РТ
Гайнуллиной Динарой
Галиевой Зилей
Научные руководители–
учителя английского языка
МБОУ «Гимназия № 1-Центр национального образования» ЕМР РТ
Артамонова Венера Маратовна
Мухамедова Лейсан Вазиховна
Елабуга, 2019
Table of contents:
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….3
2. The main part…………………………………………………………………………..4
2.1 The role of ecology in our life…………………………………………………………4
2.2 The confrontation between man and nature…………………………………………..5
2.3 Attractive aspects of the works of London…………………………………………..7
3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………..10
4. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………12
1. Introduction.
“Ecology” is a beautiful word that came to us from abroad. And now, perhaps, you will not find a person who would not hear about it. It has firmly entered our lives, in all branches, in the minds of people. Ecological discipline shows the relationship between man and wildlife, its influence on the world around us. Ecology talks about the reality in which we live and warns about what may be in a few years.
Of course, the teaching of ecology is inextricably linked with biology, but we believe that ecology can be spoken about not only in biology or geography lessons. The subject "Ecology" can be associated with any school subject. Therefore, today we will talk about our nature, discuss the problems of ecology through the work of one of the famous American writers - Jack London. Our report is called “The Man in Nature” in the works of Jack London.
With appearance of fiction, writers often included descriptions of nature in their works. Nature was the first thing that man saw around him. It was present as a background of the story, helping the reader to imagine the place of events, its climatic conditions. The significance of the image of nature in fiction of various historical periods is undoubted. Different literary genres contained slightly different in style, but detailed and interesting descriptions of nature. Over time, the authors began to use scenes of weather, nature as a way of reflecting or enhancing the thoughts and feelings of the heroes of the work.
The world of human feelings is reflected in the artwork and directly, in direct words of the author and the characters, and indirectly through landscape descriptions. Nature becomes not just the background of the action, it acts as an emotional mirror of the hero.
The relevance of the study of the concept is a meaningful term of nature and love in the works of Jack London due to the following reasons:
1) The key terms of the works of art by Jack London represent the ideological basis of his work, thus revealing the specifics of individual concepts allows deeper insight into the works of the writer;
2) The theme of nature is central to the work of Jack London. The descriptions of nature in his works are numerous, they are associated with the plot, the system of characters. Consequently, the concept of nature - its content and implementation - is central to the work of this writer
The object of the research is the works of Jack London, containing descriptions of nature and feelings of love, such as “The Call of the Wild”, “Love for Life”, “White Fang”.
The subject of the research is the fragments of the texts - descriptions of landscapes or specific emotional states of heroes in the work “White Fang”.
The purpose of this study is to characterize the linguistic means used by Jack London to describe the nature and feelings of love.
To achieve the goal, we set the following tasks:
1) Describe the modern theoretical ideas about the relationship of love and nature and its implementation in the texts of fiction;
2) Analyze the features of the implementation of the concept of love and nature in the works of Jack London at the linguistic level;
3) Make a conclusion about the content and meaning of the relationship of love and nature in the works of Jack London.
The scientific novelty of the research consists in clarifying the significance of the concept of love and nature in the works of Jack London, as well as in studying the individual author's specificity of the content of this concept. The practical significance of the study is connected with the formation of a description of the relationship of nature and love on the material of the work of Jack London
2. The main part:
2.1. The role of ecology in our life.
If you look at the whole, then “Ecology” is the subject of “black” color. Much has been written in black tones, although this is our reality, something that a person has earned, thanks to his “intelligence”. But at school, teaching ecology should not be conducted only from a pessimistic point of view. We believe that children need to be shown and told about the beauty of nature, to teach them to take care of, what we still have. If you give only dry facts and figures in the lessons, it may soon become boring, in the minds of children there will be the thought that nothing can be done, it remains only to wait for the inevitable. But we need to tell students that it is not too late to do something, everything is in our hands. And poets and writers who have created wonderful works about nature, plants, and animals can help us in this. They not only describe the beauty of our planet, but also text between the lines that warn people about imminent danger, try to tell what can be done to save what we have left. Many of these authors have already died, but their immortal works have not lost their relevance in our day. One of these authors is the American writer Jack London.
It was not by chance that we turned to the works of Jack London, a famous American writer, because his works, as it seems to us, are full of truth in life. They capture the reader entirely not only with an interesting plot, but also with the amazing characters of people. Jack London's stories are deeply realistic, there is no supernatural in them, but most of all we were attracted by the fact that this writer is able to show the amazing heights to which a person is able to climb. In the fight against the forces of nature and social conditions, his heroes show courage, tremendous will, presence of mind. The problems raised by the writer are modern today.
In the spring of 1897, Jack London succumbed to the gold rush and left for Alaska. Instead of gold, fate presented Jack London with meetings with future heroes of his works.
2.2 The confrontation between man and nature.
Glory to Jack London came when he created the "northern stories." These were the first works of young London, which had great success with readers. These stories paint an exceptionally bright, peculiar world, full of action, energy, human activity. This is a cycle that absorbed the impressions of the gold rush of the end of 1780 - the beginning of 1790. Alaska. Severe conditions of life, when a person is on the verge of starvation, taiga forests. Coloring set off courage, courage of heroes.
For example, in the work “Love for Life”, the main character, after being betrayed and abandoned by a comrade, goes through the whole of Alaska to the Hudson Bay, “where tall, powerful trees grow and where you want to eat as much as you want.” During this journey, the hero must overcome the icy desert, where there is absolutely no vegetation, except gray mosses and large boulders under boundless sky. During his journey, the main character has injured his leg, worn his clothes, lost his gun and hat, in which matches are hidden behind the lining. The companion leaves the main character to the mercy of fate. Having collected all the forces in the bundle, the main character does not submit to the silent nature and gets to the people. This is a terrific story, one of a kind!
Through the work of Jack London, the theme of “the confrontation between man and nature” runs like a red thread, in this work he revealed it completely. The author showed what a person is capable of in order to save his life. In this story, the main character was guided not by common sense, not composure, but only the desire to live, the instinct of self-preservation. The scene of the struggle between man and wolf was interesting, London showed that in the face of death everyone is equal and sometimes even people can be like animals. Mad thirst for life, desperate hopelessness, complete doom - this story is incredibly rich emotionally and atmospheric. Perhaps not all readers will like it, but it is certainly worth reading.
In the work “The Call of the Wild”, the main character, Beck’s trained a dog, brought from a shepherd's ranch in California, fell into the harsh reality of a riding dog. The novel tells us about the difficulties Beck is experiencing in trying to survive, despite the harsh treatment of the owners, other dogs and the cruelty of nature. In the end, it departs from the rules of life that guided the civilized world, and relies only on instincts and experience in order to gain confidence in the wild.
Inspired by the success of “The Call of the Wild”, London conceived another book about animals - the novel “White Fang”, which also became an event of his creative biography. The story "White Fang" - one of the "northern" works of Jack London, written by him after his experience all the charms of the northern winter, he returned from Alaska.
The novel about the White Fang is distinguished by the author’s observation, his excellent knowledge of the psyche and habits of animals. London truthfully described the process of dating a wolf cub with life, his accumulation of experience and the development of
emotional thinking. " The reader involuntarily catches himself thinking that they believe the author in everything, sympathizing with him along with the hero. The novelist leads White Fang to a happy ending, and the reader, becomes a witness of the meeting of the wolf living through a difficult and dangerous life, with his offspring, feels relieved. This wise and courageous animal created by the creative imagination of a talented artist is permanently imprinted in our memory. The wolf cub manages to survive only due to its natural strength and health, as well as its ability to adapt, which, according to London, is almost equivalent to understanding the laws of the surrounding world. Fate drives a wolf cub with an Indian named Gray Beaver, and White Fang, brought up by the laws of fierce fangs and blood, for the first time learns about the existence of laws of justice and goodness. He found them in humans. The theme of the person - the master of the living world - passes through the whole novel.
The writer shows that it is the mind and the just, humane laws established by it that distinguish man, raise him above the world of animals. According to London, it is not a single person who heads the living world, but a person in cooperation with other people, and they help out in difficult times.
2.3 Attractive aspects of the works of London
The author unusually truthfully describes the "deadly" beauty of the northern landscapes, subtly notices how nature invisibly affects the man. Changes him, teaches humility, reveals his true nature. Passage from the work:
<...> A man walked with difficulty in front of dogs on wide skis. Behind the sleigh was the second. On the sleigh, in the box, lay the third, for which the earthly labors were finished, for the North wilderness overcame, broke it, so that he could no longer move or fight. Northern wilderness does not like movement. She takes up arms for life, for life is movement, and the Northern wilderness seeks to stop everything that moves. She freezes the water to delay her run to the sea; she sucks the sap from the tree, and his mighty heart stiffens from the cold; but with particular rage and cruelty, the Northern wilderness breaks the stubbornness of man, because man is the most rebellious being in the world, because man always rebel against her will, according to which every movement must finally cease.
<...> Still, in front of and behind the sled were two fearless and unruly people who had not yet parted with life. Their clothes were made of fur and soft tanned leather. Their eyelashes, cheeks and lips were so icy with the breath they had frozen in the air that they couldn’t see their faces under the icy crust. This gave them the appearance of some kind of ghost masks, grave-diggers from the other world, performing the burial of a ghost. But these were not ghostly masks, but people who had entered the country of sorrow, ridicule and silence, brave souls who had invested all their pitiful forces in a daring plan and who had decided to contend with the power of the world as distant, deserted and alien to them as the vast space of the cosmos .
<...> They walked in silence, saving their breath for walking. Almost tangible silence surrounded them from all sides. It put pressure on the mind, as water at great depth presses on the diver's body. It oppressed the infinity and immutability of its law. It reached the innermost recesses of their consciousness, squeezing out of it, like juice from grapes, everything false, false, any tendency to too high self-esteem, peculiar to the human soul, and inspired them to think that they are only insignificant, mortal beings, dust particles, midges who make their way at random without noticing the play of the blind forces of nature
Romance of the struggle with nature is often the leading theme of the writer. His strong-willed, active heroes bravely endure cold, hunger, fight against natural disasters. They defeat the icy desert, although their strength is already at the end of. This is one of the attractive aspects of the works of London, that they are full of vigor, optimism, speak of the victory of man over all kinds of tests of nature.
The description of natural power over man is colorfully expressed in the following lines:
1. Through the vast inertness - in this frozen desert.
2. As the sun was to the side outside dweller- what the sun was for those who live in the wild.
3. Where the river swung in against precipitous bluffs - where the river flowed between steep banks.
4. Beginning her nature, Nature had spread its features with a lavish hand - and then nature, as if regretting the blunder, suddenly became generous.
5. As though Nature had run short on pigments and squeezed together, nature apparently didn’t have enough paint, it scraped off all the remnants from its palette.
After reading the first three pages of the work, I was amazed how quickly they captured the reader, and the author becomes a friend and soul mate from the very beginning to the end of the work. London studied in Paris, where he studied the technique of fine art, and then became a naturalist writer, a major researcher of nature, a serious scientist. He wrote a multi-volume "life of wild animals." And at the same time, he never ceased to be an artist, a passionate traveler, an active public figure, organizer of many expeditions. Communicated with wonderful people of his time. He loved life, people, work. He built himself a house near the population of the Indians, was friends with them. Jack London is loved all over the world. He is honored by biologists, artists, writers and a large readership. He is not only a researcher and propagandist of nature. He is also a mentor, who is called the teacher of hundreds of thousands of people on earth. His books helped choose a profession for many young nature lovers. And they will certainly help in the future.
The work of Jack London "White Fang" is a strong product - it does not leave anyone indifferent read! And the ratings are the highest! The work of the section "must read for everyone." Just touches serious topics that occur throughout the country. With tears in their eyes, they are probably reading this book by ecologists, biologists, and zoologists. After all, it is here that the “Red Book” is being complement with new disappeared animals or on the verge of extinction by animals. This story will long remain in our hearts, because such a touching and thoughtful plot was written by the great Jack London! The last pages of this beautifully written book made me read, sitting and shivering, waiting for what would happen next ...
3. Conclusion.
When I have read the book “White Fang”, I imagined a picture of our present. People have become so selfish that even walking along the park, they are too lazy to throw out paper or a candy wrapper in the trash, thereby helping nature. But, alas, 80 percent of people simply ignore such communities as the Greenpeace, World Wildlife Foundation, which are trying to voluntarily help nature. These manners are present in the behavior of some Russians. In our country, in some cities there is a very unfavorable environmental situation. The main environmental ills of any modern city have not spared the city of Tatarstan. So:
1. As a result of breathing polluted air, citizens more often than rural residents suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract. We can observe and feel for ourselves how the emissions of factories from Nizhnekamsk envelop our beloved city Elabuga. The use of contaminated food causes stomach and liver disease. The number of patients with various forms of cancer is increasing. Statistics show that people with cancer are growing year after year. And the worst thing - not only adults get sick, but also children of younger and middle age. But they are our future.
2. Cities pollute ponds. In rivers, fish die, often water pollution occurs due to emissions from industrial waste. So many professional fishermen, and just amateurs began to notice that in The Kama, in a river that was always full of fish of different breeds, catches became poorer. And the fish caught in the rivers, has become smaller.
3. Industrial enterprises of cities and urban transport burn a lot of oxygen and emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which leads to the development of the greenhouse effect. According to statistics, in Tatarstan industrial emissions increased comparing with previous years and constitute 19162 tons in all sectors of production.
4. Acid rain - the oxides of sulfur and nitrogen emitted into the atmosphere dissolve in atmospheric moisture and fall on houses, buildings, people’s clothes, the land poisoning plants and animals.
5. Transport and industrial enterprises of the city cause noise pollution.
6. Expanding, the city reduces the area of forests, the territory of fertile soils. Every year in our Tanaevsky forest the number of animals and birds decreases. And cottages, shops, gas stations grow like mushrooms after rain.
People need to think now “ What will we leave to our children after us?” Where and what environment they will live in. After all, even animals take care of their young, trying to create for them the most favorable habitat for their survival. Why is a reasonable person so stupid when it comes to the future of his kind?
Returning to the work of Jack London "White Fang" I want to say that this story has awakened something good and bright in my heart. I began to treat people differently, I became more benevolent.
One cannot speak about this novel in one word, because such non-template works require more, so in conclusion I will quote the phrase of the great German writer Goethe: “Nature is the creator of all creators. We should not listen to this person because he wrote many works in German, no ... we should listen to him, because this is a real truth. So let us all love our nature! After all, there are always many seminars on this topic, but no results ...
Jack London is a great genius for me. He foresaw the problem of the future, our future ... Thank you to London for changing my attitude to nature and literature ... Only he made me think about the problems of our republic, both environmental and public.
4. Bibliography
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http://mirror02.lensart.ru/de/picturecontent-pid-2a7de.jpg http://j.livelib.ru/boocover/1000306977/l/013e/Dzhek_London__Lyubov_k_zhizni.jpg
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