Настоящая научно-исследовательска работа учениц 10 класса посвящена истории чая и чайных традиций. Название проекта "Чай объединяет людей и культуры" сразу говорит о том, что работа посвящена поискам общего в культуре чаепития в Китае, Англии и России. Традиции рассматриваются как через личный опыт, так и через изучение и сравнение различных информационных материалов. Также рассматриваются чайные привычки первых людей указанных стран. Работа выполнени на английском языке.
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Gymnasium 652
Research work
«Tea unites people and cultures»
Made by:
Tatiana Shlychkova, 10; Valeria Yushmanova, 10
Шлычкова Татьяна 10Б; Юшманова Валерия 10Б
Research advisor:
Ефимова Елена Дмитриевна, Elena Efimova,
Gymnasium 652, teacher of English
4.1. Tea discovery……………………………………………………….. 3-4
4.2. Tea spreading………………………………………………………….4
4.2.1. Spread of tea in China………………………………………………. 4
4.2.3. Spread of tea in Russia……………………………………………… 4
5.1. China (Tea ceremony in China)…………………………………….. 4-6
5.2. UK (5 o’clock tea)……………………………………………………..6
5.3. Samovar in Russia…………………………………………………… 6
6. Politicians drinking tea………………………………………………. 7-9
6.1. Elizabeth II…………………………………………………………. 7-8
6.2Vladimir Putin…………………………………………………………. 8
6.3. Donald Trump………………………………………………………. 8-9
7.1. Questionnaire……………………………………………………… 9-10
7.2. Diagram……………………………………………………………… 10
7.3. Results (short conclusion)………………………………………... 10-11
We have been learning Chinese for several years at school. Despite of learning the language, we also paid attention to Chinese traditions and its culture in whole. Last summer we had a chance to visit China. We used to live in local families; we also had everyday classes at the university. We studied a lot of information about Chinese history and culture. For instance, we had tea ceremonies twice a week. Moreover, we were often involved in the tea ceremony at the Chinese family. All these things helped us to get to know more about the famous Chinese ceremony. It made us think that tea is one of the most popular drinks in the World and it is worth people’s attention.
Tea is a crucial part in lots of cultures and our modern life too. It is interesting to analyze the difference of attitudes of various nations towards this drink. We’ve started with the history of tea discovery and are going to finish with a modern view on the Tea place in the World.
So, we see the purpose of our work in analyzing the tea role in modern life and we’d like to try to solve the following tasks:
4.1. Tea discovery.
We learnt this information during our Chinese lessons at school. The Legend says that one Chinese emperor Shen Nung (2737 B.C.) accidentally discovered tea leaves. He and his retinue were wondering in the forest when a leaf of tea tree fell down into his cup with hot water. The Emperor was immediately attracted by the smell of that liquid. He asked one of his servants to taste the drink. The servant approved drinking tea, and the emperor himself tasted that drink. This beautiful legend describes the discovery of tea.
4.2. Tea spreading
4.2.1. Spreading of tea in China
China was the first country that started to use tea as a medicine and then as a drink. All names of this drink in other cultures were created using the original name in the Chinese language (茶 “Cha” or “Te” in north dialects).
By the second half of the first Millennium, Rules of drinking tea had become settled. The Chinese stopped boiling tea and adding salt in cups. Because of Mongols invasion in 13th century, plenty of cultural achievements were lost. Only within 14th -17thcenturies the tea culture in China was reborn, although the basis was different. The Chinese used loose-leaf tea only and created a new way to brew tea: they infused it in hot water. Such loose-leaf tea and the method of its brewing were presented to the Europeans. [1]
4.2.2. Spreading of tea in Britain
Tea importing from China to Europe started in 17th century by the Portuguese, Dutch and English. Originally, tea was known as a medicinal drink, in several decades tea started to be drunk for pleasure. In Britain, tea was implemented by East India company which was founded in 1600. In 1662 the wife of Charles II settled a tradition of drinking tea in the Palace. Such a custom was considered to be the victory over alcohol that was one of the most favourite drinks among retinue. Nowadays, tea is one of the most recognizable national symbols of England. [1]
4.2.3. Spreading of tea in Russia
The first mention of tea is referred to 1638. Concerning the legend, Mongol Khan sent 65,5 kilo of Chinese tea leaves as a present for Tsar Mikhail Romanov. Tsar and entourage both enjoyed that drink. In 1655 court doctor cured Aleksey Romanov from stomach disease using green tea infusion. In 1679 Russians and Chinese signed an agreement for delivering tea to Russia. In spite of inability to produce tea in Russia, within several centuries tea finally became a national drink like in England. [1]
5.1. Tea ceremony in China
The mentioning about the tea ceremony was found in the place where Buddhist monks lived in the first and second centuries BC. Over time, the necessary equipment and special procedure for the tea ceremony were formed. [2] Fortunately, last summer we had a chance to take part in the Tea ceremony and see everything by ourselves.
The Chinese switched on a relaxing music. To make the Tea ceremony successful, we had to follow the procedure:
Step 1. All tea crockery must be washed with boiled water.
Step 2. Use the kettle to pour hot water into Gaiwan (1). (special utensils where tea leaves are). The first time tea must be pour out.
Step 3. Use the kettle to pour hot water into Gaiwan (1) again. Holding Gaiwan with your arm, pour tea into small cups to make them warm.
Step 4.Use the kettle to pour hot water into Gaiwan (1) again. Holding Gainwan with your arm, pour tea using sieve into glass jug.
Step 5.Use a glass jug to pour tea to small cups.
Step 6. Before drinking tea, we were advised to smell tea.
The Chinese pay attention to the age of tea. The “young” tea is considered to be better than the “old one”. If the tea you drink was collected no longer than two years ago, it still has essential oils. Almost each office has its own tea ceremony room. The Chinese gather together to drink tea there. The Chinese are hospitable people and are always ready to show their traditional tea ceremony.
5.2. 5 o’clock tea in UK
In the beginning of the 19th century the British had been hungry by 5 o’clock. They ate lunch several hours ago and dinner was not soon. One day, Duchess Bedford decided to drink a cup of tea with sandwiches and cakes. She enjoyed her snack so much that she decided to invite friends into her house to drink a 5 o’clock tea. Through the centuries this custom became a widely spread tradition, which is nowadays followed by Britain. “Five-o’clock tea” is not a casual tea party. It requires a lot of attributes such as a white tablecloth, a china set, a case for a teapot and strainers with a sugar bowl. The most favorite sorts of them in Britain are “Darjeeling” and “Earl Grey”. Milk is the most important ingredient of any tea party. [3]
5.3. Samovar in Russia
One of the distinctive subjects of Russian tea culture is the Samovar. The legend says, a samovar was delivered to Russia from Holland by Peter the Great. However, samovars appeared in Russia in the end of 18th century. Tula is supposed to be the motherland of samovars. The first mentioning about the samovar produced in Tula is in 1746. The tea party and the samovar became indivisible things. Samovars were used to boil water, but for the Russians they became symbol of Tea culture. The Samovar is a symbol of family hearth, comfort and communication between friends. Ability to buy a samovar demonstrated the wealth of the family. While drinking tea, people often argued about important issues and made some decisions. [4]
6.1. Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II starts each day with a cup of Earl Grey without milk or sugar. She drinks her breakfast tea in bone china along with a few biscuits. It has been a hot debate for some time: whether one should pour tea or milk in first when preparing a cup of tea. The Queen, personally, likes her tea in first. “Milk should be added after tea, so you can properly measure how much you need to balance the strength of the brew. Royal tea cups are made of bone china to ensure they never crack under intense heat. These cups are expensive, they show high status of their owners, that’s why the royals and the elite prefer them to other ones. While lower classes have to put milk firstly to prevent their cheaper crockery from cracking. The royal family has specific manners for drinking tea. There are some myths about such a tradition: for example, it’s often thought that extending your pinky when drinking tea is a common British custom, but British royals don’t practice it. Moreover, slurping is also not one of traditions.
High tea is the most elegant of the teas, often served in the afternoon or early evening along with delicious sandwiches and treats. One of the most popular treats is scones. They are cut with a knife or broken with hands to put the cream or jam on. [5]
6.2.Vladimir Putin
The president of Russia would rather drink tea than coffee. In 1999 he said to the journalists that he usually drinks black tea with milk. Black tea is considered to be an effective tool for maintaining health and increasing productivity.[6] In 2010 Putin visited India, where he claimed that he is a big fan of Indian tea. There is some other interesting information about his tea preferences. The book “Vladimir Putin: way to power” says that he enjoys drinking green tea. Green tea gives energy and removes toxins. [7]
6.3. Donald Trump
There is almost no information about the American President’s tea drinking habits. However, we find one huge fact concerning this theme. An Indian company TE-A-ME that produces tea decided to deliver a box with green tea straight to Trump Tower, in New York city. They sent lots of natural green tea to make the American President more calm and relieved. As they say, green tea fights against harmful free radicals. It helps purify brain and body and regain a healthy balance. They advise Trump to drink tea for the world’s sake. That company was widely spread and supported by the Americans.
Nowadays you could hardly find any Russian, who drinks tea using a samovar. We decided to learn out what is the role of tea for people in Russia nowadays. We made a short list of questions about tea and asked our relatives and friends to answer them. Almost 40 people took part in the survey. Unfortunately, we do not have lots of opportunities to ask people in the UK and China about their tea preferences, but we are just planning to do it in the future and we will try to develop our work.
7.1. Questionnaire
7.2. Diagram
7.3. Results (short conclusion)
1) Russians drink tea all the time; it doesn’t depend on the time of the day. Tea is a current drink for any time.
2) The vast majority of people prefer drinking black tea as if at the early period of Russian tea drinking culture, but other types of tea are popular too.
3) More than half of respondents would rather drink tea without sugar. Healthy lifestyle movement is sure to make a huge impact.
4) Most Russians like tea bags. They are more convenient to be used. However, brewed tea, as doctors say, is more nutritious.
5) Russians would rather drink medium concentrated tea.
6) The least popular addition to tea is milk. Here we could see the opposite with the English culture.
7) Our survey shows that Russians drink tea from 1 to 4 times per day.
In addition: Our teacher of English asked above questions to her Chinese friend. He was confused with the question “How many times per day do you drink tea?” He said: “It could be not easy to answer, especially for people drinking welding green tea. What I mean is a pot with green tea leaves and we can redo the tea several times. If you ask people living in China, the majority of them will say that they drink it all the day when they're thirsty or have friends around while chatting, and without eating anything with green tea”. The Chinese don’t know how to answer this question while people in Russia don’t have any problems answering the question.
In conclusion, we can say that TEA is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It has a long history. Through the ages it has been spreading all around the Earth and it is still in fashion. Tea plays a great role in many different cultures. Every nation drinks tea in its own way, using its own equipment, adding local snacks; but the main ingredient of the friendly atmosphere and pleasant talk is still tea. Tea is believed to be a source for people to find a reason for global dialog. Now we are absolutely sure that TEA unites cultures.
1.https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki Чай
2. http://ivona.bigmir.net/cooking/toowners/386784-Chajnaja-ceremonija-v-Kitae--Istorija-i-tradicii
3. https://london.zagranitsa.com/article/983/na-chai-k-britantsam-chto-nuzhno-znat-o-traditsii-
4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki Самовар#В_России
6. https://zen.yandex.ru/media/dvoretskiy/liubimyi-chai-prezidenta-kak-i-s-chem-vladimir-vladimirovich-putin-pet-chai-5ba0de2e6d95aa00ab5dd92a
7. http://www.teabest.ru/news/kakoj_chaj_lubit_putin
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