картофель, картофельный рецепт
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Student: Alexey Alekseev 4 th grade of Markha school №1 Teacher : Zagoruiko M. A. "Potato - the second bread"Слайд 2
Relevance of the topic: It is known that the development of agriculture and horticulture is very important in Yakutia. This is one of the ways of survival of the people. Hypothesis: if you grow potatoes according to the rules, then we will get a great harvest.
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Purpose : to find out why potato is the second bread. Tasks: 1 . Study the history and literature of potatoes. 2 . Prove that potatoes are the second bread. 3 . Conduct an experiment with potatoes and cook a dish . Object of study: potato. Subject of research: the cultivation and storage of potato. Research methods: • collection of information; • observation; • experiment; • photographing; • design work.
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Potato is a vegetable and an important food. We can eat it daily and call it “second bread.” Potato contains many vitamins, also used in traditional medicine.
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The king Peter I had imported potato to Russia. There are many types of potatoes in the world - white, red and purple .
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In the spring potato grows sprouts, then they are planted in the garden. The soil should be loose, wet and fertilized .
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If there is no rain in the summer, you need to water the potato, to c lean from weeds and to s pud .
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We gather potato in the fall. It should dry under the sun and then they are collected in bags.
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Potatoes are stored in vegetable stores or underground where the air temperature should be from +1 to +3 .
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With potato you can cook a lot of dishes. For example: potato chips, French fries, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, different soups, salads and pies .
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Hi, it’s me! I’m helping to collect potatoes in the garden.
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Attention! Now I will spend a little experience for you and prepare your favorite dish "French Fries". First you need to peel the potatoes.
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Cut into slices, pour water and leave for a few minutes.
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Water is poured into a glass and after a while we see at the bottom of the glass white powder of starch.
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So we learned that you can get starch from potatoes.
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And then we fry potatoes in the oil and add salt . When you eat potatoes, starch replaces sugar, it helps to save energy for you. Thank you for your attention!
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Conclusion In my work, I reached the goal: I learned the history of the appearance of potatoes in Russia, learned in practice how to plant, harvest and store crops. I learned that potatoes in common people are called the second bread, as it is a rather nourishing product (as well as bread) and an irreplaceable food product. From it you can cook a lot of dishes.
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Bibliography 1 . http://www.razvitiedetei.info 2. Волкинг И.Л. Промышленная технология хранения картофеля, овощей и плодов. –М.: Агропромиздат , 1989. 3. Картофелеводство в регионах России: Актуальные проблемы науки и практики. ВНИИКХ // Отв. За вып . Б.В. Анисимов, Г.И. Филиппова. – М., 2006.
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