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« Conflicts and Their Resolution » Выполнили: Кошелева Анастасия 9 «А», Николаев Иван 9 «А»Слайд 2
« Conflicts and Their Resolution » What is conflict ? Conflict is the most acute way of resolving contradictions .
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution » Conflict is a naturel thing in our life . Conflicts happen because people are different : they want different things , they have different ideas and their values are different .
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution » There are different kinds of conflicts . They may be between classmates , roommates , in a family or in politics .
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution » F or example: there are many reasons for conflicts in the family . If children don’t make parents requests as to clean the rooms , wash-up , to take care of the pets and so on – is such cases the conflict may happen .
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution » I think a peaceful resolution of a conflict is important . The fact is that conflicts may lead to fights , bad relations and violence . That is why people should try to prevent conflicts .
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution » There are some advice on what people should do if they have a conflict . 1. First of all you should listen to each other arguments attentively and quietly . 2. Also you mast respect each other’s ideas . 3. So you can find a way out from such situations .
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution » In order not to have can flits overserve them easier , you should read such books as … How to Resolve Conflict in the Workplace – Lacey's move Psychology of conflict - Natalia Grishina Conflict management - Victoria Ponomarenko Conflicts at work. How to recognize, resolve, prevent them - Eberhard G. Feliu
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution »
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution »
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« Conflicts and Their Resolution » To sum it up « It is easier to leave angry words unspoken than to mend a heart those words have broken »
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