At all times people loved holidays. This is a time of rest and fun, communication with loved ones, exchange of gifts, fireworks, special treats. All over the world there are holidays that coincide in all countries - New year, for example. There are also various holidays associated with historical dates. It is important to know the dates of holidays for tourists, as the holidays are events and as many official institutions , such as banks and shops may be closed. Also, the holidays are rich in traditions, which is useful to know. That is why the research topic was chosen " Holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries and Russia»
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Municipal educational institution,
School No. 17 with profound studying of separate subjects,
Scientific work
« Holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries and Russia »
Shusheva Varvara, Emelyanova Zhanna
7 «G» class,
School No. 17, Odintsovo
Tutor: Ignatyeva Olga Aleksandrovna,
English teacher of the I qualification category of the municipal educational institution " School No. 17", Odintsovo
Odintsovo, 2019
At all times people loved holidays. This is a time of rest and fun, communication with loved ones, exchange of gifts, fireworks, special treats. All over the world there are holidays that coincide in all countries - New year, for example. There are also various holidays associated with historical dates. It is important to know the dates of holidays for tourists, as the holidays are events and as many official institutions , such as banks and shops may be closed. Also, the holidays are rich in traditions, which is useful to know. That is why the research topic was chosen " Holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries and Russia»
Object: English holidays, culture, knowledge holidays.
Subject: to study mamerialon the holidays.
Hypoteses: if me do not study the holidays in the future we will not be able to apply their knowledge and use in travel
Relevance: on the lesson, holidays, tourism.
- to the study
- to organize knowledge
- to popularise
Holidays of the Great Britain
British people love holidays. Here are some of the traditional holidays they celebrate: January 1-new year, 14 ferval-Valentine's Day, March or April - Easter, October 31 - Halloween, November 5 - guy Fawkes Night, December 25 - Christmas.
Robert Burns Night
A national dish, Haggis, is mandatory on the table. This chopped giblets with bacon, oatmeal, seasoned with various spices.
During the life of the poet, this dish was considered the food of the poor, who could not afford real lamb meat. Housewives cook a hearty dish made from the offal of a sheep, which was intended for the release. Haggis is traditionally served on the table with potatoes and turnip puree.The meal is served to the sound of bagpipes, men wear a kilt.
By the way it is the cell, its pattern and color determines the historical roots of each family.
The host of the feast plunges a knife into the dish and reads the Ode to Haggis.
Soulful tirade of the reader always ends with a traditional universal exclamation, "Landivar!"that in translation from Galskogo means "For health!” The second toast is necessary “For independence!"This evening in the houses of Scots there is a special atmosphere of comfort: prayers, bagpipes, delicate aroma of malt whiskey and heartfelt poems of Robert burns.
Valentine’s Day
On Valentine's Day, people send special Valentines To the people they love. Some buy gifts for their loved ones or give them a red rose - a symbol of love.
14-February-Valentine's day-the holiday of all lovers. In the UK, as in many other countries of the world, lovers give each other flowers, candy and cards with romantic confessions.
However, in some regions of the UK there are special traditions that appeared many centuries ago.
For example, children from the County of Norfolk on this day are at their door sweets left by a mystical character - "Jack"-Valentine. Despite the fact that Jack brings candy, cookies and candy, children are a little afraid of this mysterious creature.
In Wales, as a gift lovers presented to each other carved wooden spoons. The most popular drawings carved on spoons have always been hearts and keys with locks (which means: "you found the key to my heart”)
St. David's day
Saint David has been considered the patron Saint of Wales for about one and a half thousand years. This is not a legendary, but a very real religious figure, born in the South-West of the country in the VI century ad. Since then, his name has acquired many legendary details: the pious Welshman attributed miracles of healing and resurrection from the dead, as well as the ability to do without food, eating only water.
The main symbols of the day of the patron Saint of Wales — leek and pigeon, which are based on the beautiful legends of St. David.
March 1 festivities take place throughout Wales, but the biggest parade can be seen in its capital – Cardiff.
Мother's day
It falls around the beginning of March, each year is different, as it is celebrated three weeks before Easter.
English mother's Day is the oldest known holiday in the world dedicated to women and still exists. Mother's day in the British Isles began to celebrate in the 17th century, but then it had a slightly different meaning associated with religion.
Large gifts on mother's Day usually do not: women receive bouquets of flowers, boxes of chocolates, any other sweets or symbolic gifts. Sometimes, instead of a gift, they receive an invitation to a restaurant, but more often the holiday is celebrated at home, with family.
On mother's Day, women do not do housework: children and husbands take care of all the cleaning and cooking. The most popular dish for this holiday is the famous marzipan Simnel pie.
On Easter Saturday, many people go to Church. Children receive chocolate eggs as a gift. Easter always means spring, flowers , green trees and young animals, especially lambs and chickens.
According to the tradition, Easter is celebrated in spring, and it is customary for the British to wear only new clothes on this day, symbolizing the arrival of spring, the flowering of all life and the departure of inclement weather. During the Easter period, schools are closed for 2-week holidays. And for adults they make official weekends from Good Friday to Bright Monday.
On the last Friday before Easter , solemn prayers are held in churches, reminding all the laity of the sufferings of Jesus. On this day, cross buns are baked with raisins and candied fruits or currants inside, the top of these buns is incised in the shape of a cross.
St. Patrick's day
March 17-St. Patrick's day, the patron Saint of Ireland-one of the most fun and positive holidays, which is celebrated not only in Ireland and the UK, but almost all over the world. On this day, there is a green color everywhere, symbolizing the emerald Isle. March 17 is a non-working day both in the territory of the independent from Britain part of the island and in Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. Parades, concerts, performances, fireworks and festive services in honor of St. Patrick are held in different cities of the world.
One of the main symbols of Ireland and St. Patrick's day is the Shamrock.
Mysterious magical creature with a red beard in a green suit and hat - Lebanon is another symbol of the holiday. The Irish are deeply honor his Holy and gladly arrange a variety of activities in his honor. The culmination of the celebrations is a parade-a costume show-in honor of the patron of Ireland, which takes place in the center of Dublin.
Fool's Day
1 - April fool's day. On this day in the UK it was customary to force each other to perform stupid tasks, for example, to find chicken teeth, bring sweet vinegar, buy a left-hand screwdriver, measure the length of the weight, get striped paint or something else that does not exist in nature at all.
Make fun of each other from midnight to twelve o'clock in the afternoon. The one who still managed to fool, greeted with laughter and shouts: "April fool!"At noon, all jokes and pranks end-to play after twelve hours is considered a failure. The one over whom to joke did not, proudly said: "Fool's Day has passed. Who did not, that was late. You're stupid and I'm smart."
The beginning of the tradition of celebrating April Fool's Day was laid in 1582 in France and is associated with The new year holiday. Then the New year was celebrated for eight days, from March 25 to April 1. After the entry into force of the Gregorian calendar, April 1 became January 1.
In those days, the news spread very slowly, and some did not receive news for several years. There were also cases when people refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate the New year on April 1. They were called fools and played as they could. Then it became a tradition.
St. George's day
23-April is celebrated this day. It is the day of the patron Saint of England, St. George. St. George freed several villages from the terrible dragon, for which he was awarded the national respect. On this day, raise the flag of England, the so-called "Cross of St. George."
On the festive table there are traditional English dishes-roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, sausages in batter. The British on the day of the patron Saint of their country wear red roses-the emblem of England.
According to legend, George was a Roman soldier originally from Cappadocia (now Eastern Turkey). Very little is known about his life, but it is believed that he was born in 280 in a rich Christian aristocratic family, became a soldier and served in the retinue of the Emperor Diocletian.
Walpurgis night
Walpurgis night – is the main coven, and also one of the most important pagan festivals devoted to fertility. It is celebrated on April 30 in the heyday of spring. This holiday is associated with the name of St. Valpurgy.
Every witch is at the festival together with her lover-devil. The Lord of demonic forces, Satan, in the form of a goat with a black human face, dignified and solemn sitting in a high chair or on the large stone table in the middle of the meeting.
Then, by the light of torches lit from the flame that burns between the horns of a goat more, proceed to the feast: greedily devour horse meat and other dishes, without bread and salt, and drink the beverages made from cow hooves and horse skulls. At the end of the meal begins a frenzied dance to the sounds of extraordinary music.
Traditionally, the celebration of Beltane began with the kindling of fires. Then followed dancing, fun, singing, treats, rituals. Jumping over the fire was one of the cleansing rituals of the day. Beltane traditionally celebrated in the forest, under the shade of green trees.
Traditionally, Beltane food consisted of dairy products, various pastries and sweets. Very useful dishes such as vanilla ice cream, oatmeal or almond cookies, various pies.
Beltane is also celebrated in England. In Glastonbury people gather at dawn at the ruins of the medieval tower of St. Michael and celebrate the beginning of the summer season, performing their rituals. Men and women dance under the radiant blue sky. Some of them are wearing very interesting costumes.
Victory day
Every year on may 8, the Cenotaph-an obelisk in Central London, erected in memory of those killed in the two world wars – holds a special ceremony and memorial service in the presence of members of the Royal family.
On this day, wreaths are also laid to The international memorial of submariners in the Scottish city of Dundee and to the monument to the participants of the Polar convoys on the island of Hoi.
It is worth noting that although Victory Day is celebrated in Britain, it is not so magnificently and loudly. On the streets you will not meet crowds of people celebrating or large processions and parades. In General, European countries tend to celebrate holidays with restraint.
Father's day
21 - Jun celebrated father's day. The main attribute of the holiday in today's UK are gifts to fathers and grandfathers. This tradition is successfully exploited by the trade industry: on the eve of the holiday, almost all stores offer special discounts and gift ideas for men.
The role of the father in the modern British family remains very important, despite the rapid feminization of society. The man in most cases remains the main source of income of the family, but increasingly performs household work, along with the woman.
For the first time the idea that we need to establish a day of fathers came to mind American Sonora Louise Smart Dodd in 1909 in the Church during the service dedicated to mother's Day. She wanted to honor her father, William Jackson Smart. William's wife died in childbirth, giving birth to their sixth child, and he independently raised all six on a small farm near the city of Spokane in Washington state. When Sonora became an adult, she realized how much courage and dedication her father showed, raising his sons and daughters on his feet alone. Sonora Dodd drafted a petition proposing the establishment of a new holiday, and the local city authorities supported it.
The battle of the Boyne
12 - Jul there was a battle. In this battle, which took place in Ireland, William III defeated Catholics led by James II and thus defended Protestantism in Northern Ireland.
Since the 19th century, in Northern Ireland in memory of this battle on July 12 radical Protestants celebrate the victory over Catholics organizing processions known as marches of orangemen.
Festival “Fringe”
The festival presents all kinds of arts — from musical to Comedy, from Opera to dance — in a word, there is a place for any, even the most extravagant, art form. The history of the festival "fringe" began in 1947. The main feature of the festival is that there is no selection and verification of performances and participants. The scope of the event is stunning, for three weeks, while the festival lasts, the audience has time to show more than 30 thousand performances of different nature: from Opera and musicals to shows and comedies. Anyone can perform on the stage.
The word " fringe "is translated from English as" edge"," roadside","something beyond." The festival is named so because in 1947 8 theater groups came to the first Edinburgh festival of arts. They were not included in the official program, but performed and liked the audience.
Celebrating Halloween is a very old tradition. People dress up in costumes of witches and ghosts. They make lamps out of pumpkins. Sometimes children go out in groups, knock on people's doors and get candy.
Halloween is celebrated on October 31. It is a traditional celebration of Halloween in the UK. Skeletons and ghosts, evil pirates and killer maniacs, demonic creatures and alien aliens mix up with jokes, treats and children's laughter on this amazing day.
In fact, there are a lot of traditions. First, on this day it is customary to dress up and decorate their homes. And these ornaments are very specific-the more frightening images will be able to create, the better. The British believe that a good camouflage among dark forces in abundance occurring on the streets on October 31, should be possible to be like them. Favorite characters on this day: black cat, Ghost, pirate or evil genius. Every year the list of new" terrible " costumes is updated with movie characters or stars with notoriety. Do not forget about the decoration of houses, offices and shops, which are filled with skeletons, garlands of eyeballs or cobwebs.
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. On this day, Americans thank God for the mercies sent to them. Families get together for a traditional dinner, which includes roast turkey and pumpkin pie.
It is noteworthy that the traditions were preserved mainly in small provincial towns. By the last Thursday of November, they are prepared in advance there: fairs, festivals are organized, and other festivities are held. By the way, it is on such farm holidays you can buy organic products. This is often used by the local population. If life in urban areas practically does not change, then trays with food appear in small cities on the streets, many bars extend the opening hours. The atmosphere of fun is in the air.
Also attention is paid to the decorations. In the interior design of houses often use orange, brown and yellow tones. They symbolize a rich harvest. But it is not customary to give gifts for Thanksgiving in England. In translation, the name sounds like “the day they say thanks”. As a gratitude, a gala dinner was prepared, but there was no point in giving some things to each other. Over time, this tradition has not changed, but the day is distinguished by a special solemn atmosphere and home comfort.
Guy Fawkes Day
Guy Fawkes night is celebrated on November 5. When it gets dark, people take to the streets and watch the beautiful fireworks. In the country they often kindle a big fire and gather around it.
The most noisy holiday in England is considered to be guy Fawkes day, which is celebrated every year on November 5. The only thing if this day falls on Sunday, the holiday is postponed to the day before and is celebrated on Saturday and the night of 4 to 5 November. This traditional festival Is also called the night of Bonfires and Fireworks, because on this day the streets are filled with thousands of lights.
On the eve of the observances made an effigy of guy Fawkes, which the youth and the children whooping and screaming carries through the streets. Passers-by, seeing this procession, throw small coins to children. Then guy Fawkes effigy is burned,and the fireworks begin.
St. Andrew's day
November 30 marks the day of St. Andrew, the patron Saint of Scotland. For the whole of the UK it is a working day, but for Scotland it is one of the most important holidays. Traditionally, the night before St. Andrew girls ask him o betrothed. Throw the Shoe to the door and make a wish: if the nose of the Shoe points to the exit, then within a year the girl will get married and leave her parents. On Valentine's day. Andrew has many vibrant parties. It's the main festival in Scotland. People dress in traditional clothes, prepare the world famous dish Haggis. On the streets everywhere you can meet people with the image of the national flag on their faces, all gather together, dance, sing, and the celebration ends with a solemn parade to the sounds of traditional bagpipes.
Christmas eve
On Christmas Eve, December 24, UK residents go to Church, and in the evening gather at a festive table in the circle of close relatives.
One of the most endearing traditions is considered to be kiss under the mistletoe. This old custom is still used when the English celebrate Christmas. By tradition, any girl who lingered under the decoration of mistletoe, you can kiss. Some men were so cunning that they hung a sprig of mistletoe over the mirror, and there every girl was caught by surprise, because everyone wanted to look at themselves. Mistletoe is also placed above the entrance doors, on the ceiling in the center of the room, on chandeliers, etc.
There is a custom that we inherited from the Vikings, the burning of the Christmas log. At Christmas, it was decided to cut down a huge tree, so that it "matured" for a year, and the next Christmas it was brought into the house and thrown into the hearth. Now in England replace the whole log with one thick and large candle, which is considered a symbol of the victory of light over darkness.
December 25 people in the UK celebrate Christmas. Families decorate their homes and Christmas trees. People make presents, make Christmas cakes. Children often write letters to Santa Claus with their wishes. At Christmas, everyone opens gifts and sits down to eat Turkey or goose with vegetables. After lunch, the family gathers in the living room and listens to the Queen on TV.
On 25 December the British devote to rest, communicating with loved ones. At Christmas, they are waiting for the Queen's address, which is broadcast on national TV channels.
Christmas is celebrated in England exclusively with the family, as the holiday is truly family. In the morning, according to the custom go to Church,and then gather all together at the dinner table. Before you sit down at the table, decided to blow up "Christmas Cracker" - cracker, which is always a humorous message and a small souvenir. And then all proceed to eat the Christmas crown of dishes.
At three o'clock in the afternoon, the whole of England is watching or listening to The Queen's address, broadcast on all radio stations and TV channels. This is followed by the exchange of gifts, family gatherings, conversations and Board games. As for gifts, much attention is paid to children. Even the smallest Souvenirs are Packed in beautiful boxes and colored paper.
After the feast, many Englishmen go to the streets of cities and villages to continue the fun, congratulate friends, positive charge themselves and positive charge all around, to participate in mass celebrations.
Вoxing day
In the UK, December 26 is an official holiday, and if it coincides with Sunday, it is transferred to the next day. The British hold sacred their centuries-old traditions, so everyone knows the history of the origin of the holiday. A few centuries ago, the day after Christmas, employers sought to encourage their employees and distributed money and valuables among them. Weaving factories encouraged their workers with cloth, grocery stores-products.
New year
On the eve of the new year (December 31), many people go to visit with their families and friends. They go to bed after midnight to "welcome The new year" at 12 o'clock. When big Ben sounds, all people hug and kiss each other and shout "Happy new year".
On New Year's Eve, the British arrange family dinners, go on a visit, to parties, to pubs, restaurants and have fun on the streets of cities.
The United Kingdom is located on Trafalgar Square. Since 1841, this tradition has remained unchanged. In 1947, it is delivered from Oslo. Thus, the people of Norway are grateful for the help during the Second World War and the salvation of the Norwegian royal family.
On New Year's Eve, the British make up a list of goals for the future: quitting bad habits, doing your favorite sport, saving money for an important purchase.
Among residents of the UK it is not customary to hand over expensive gifts for the New Year Relatives and close friends present each other nice little things: key chains, teaspoons, souvenirs, cards and Christmas balls. At parties, comic draws and lotteries with such gifts are arranged.
Holidays of the America
The most popular holidays in the United States of America are Thanksgiving, Independence Day and Christmas.
New year
New year in the United States is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. The popularity of this holiday is inferior to the Catholic Christmas ( December 25). Unlike Christmas, which is a family celebration, most Americans celebrate New year in public, in public, in the company of friends at parties , carnivals, clubs and casinos. The most popular place to celebrate the New year - Times Square in New York. Here is the most spectacular action of the country - the descent of the time ball (Times Square Ball). 31 Dec 23: still it is lowered from 23 - meter height on the pole. The bottom point of the ball reaches midnight, which is considered the beginning of the New year. For the first time this action took place in 1907. His spectacularity was to the liking of the Americans, and descent of the ball of time has become an annual tradition. The design of this New year attribute has changed over the year. In 1907, it was a structure made of metal, wood and incandescent lamps. The modern ball consists of triangular crystal panels and thousands of led lights. Other cities in the United States began to hold their own versions of the solemn lowering of the new year’s ball. Instead of the ball, they use local symbol: images of animals, plants, fruits, cars. In Atlanta, a giant peach is used, in the Role-the image of a brass acorn, in Strasbourg-a ping pong ball, in Plamouth -a slice of cheese.
National holiday Martin Luther
Dedicated to the life and ideals of a black priest and a fighter for the civil rights of African Americans, celebrate the whole of America in third Monday in January.
Martin Luther king was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta (Georgia). Mart8n’s great-grandfathers were slaves, his a grandfather was a peasant, and his father was a priest. King studied at Boston University in Massachuesetts and received his doctorate in theology. Returning to the South, Martin became a pastor in Montgomery (Alabama).
In 1957, Kinga became the President of the southern Christian Leadership Confetences. For 11 year’s traveled over 7 millions miles, speaking over 2,500 Times, always appearing in places and protests and fight for justice. In this time king wrote 5 books and many articles.
In Birmingham (Alabama), Martin king led the protest, was arrested and detained for 9 days. King wrote a series of famous essays, Letters from Birmingham prison, a king of anti-discrimination Manifesto. This Day is a day off in all schools, banks, offices and post offices. TV channeals of America conducted a stream rodinov of vita line Martin king 60 year’s. In churches the preceding Sunday preach. Traditionally, on Monday memorial services and ceremonies are held to remind about the life of Martin Luther king, dedicated to the struggle for peace.
Presidents Day
The third Monday of February in the USA is Presidential Day. This year the holiday falls on February 19, but initially it is dedicated to the day the birth of George Washington, the first President of the States, who born February 22 in 1732. Presidents Day has several titles in English - Washington’s Birthday, Presidents’ Day, and Washington’s and Lincoln’s Birthday.
Presidents Day is celebrated throughout the country, but in different states differently. Moreover, in different parts of the country it is customary to associate the holiday not only with Washington, but also with other presidents - Lincoln, Jefferson and others. For example, George Washington and Jefferson are celebrated in Alabama in February, and Washington and Daisy Bater, a well-known joumalist and civil rights activist, are celebrated in Arkansas in February.
Many stores and shopping centers arrange sales in honor of President’s Day. In the centers of major cities are celebrated activity. The most vivid and memorable festivals take place in Washington DC. Also, Presidents Day is widely celebrated in Alegzandria is a virgin city hosts the largest parade in honor or Presidents Day. And in the evenings in the historic building of the tavern Gadby’s Tavern, which was also vesited by Washington, Jefferson, Madison and others p, annual balls with dances in the style of the XVII century are held.
Other important holidays are Easter, labor Day and memorial Day. Labor day is celebrated on the first Monday of September in honor of workers. Memorial day, the fourth Monday in may — is the day when people remember those who died in all wars.
Being a multi - ethnic country, which coexist believers of different faiths. America does not observe any particular custom of celebrating Easter. The only characteristic that is considered common to Americans of all religions is that on a bright Sunday they all gather at a large table in the family Circe. The main dishes at the family dinner on Easter Day are potatoes, ham with pineapples and fruit salads. Presented on this day by tradition baskets with painted eggs and a huge variety of Goodies. Each egg will traditionally hold a question and the person who received such an egg must necessarily answer it. And the next day, on Monday, in front of the White House arrange a traditional Easter egg ride, which together with the boys and girls takes part and the President of the United States. This tradition was initiated in America by the British and carefully maintained, bringing adults and children a lot of joy. Also in the United States at Easter is an indispensable visit to the Easter service in the Church, which is called “ at dawn” and begins at 6 am. Thus, Easter for Christians is a day of prayers and family meetings.
Memorial Day
In the United States is a special national. It is celebrated on the last Monday of may annually. This day is dedicated to those U.S. soldiers who died defending and deferinding the interests of the country in all wars and military conflict in which the United States has ever participated. But not very one knows the history of this holiday.
Memorial Day was born after th Civil War in the United States and was originally dedicated only to the soldiers of the confederares f States, who died during the war, the holiday had a different name - the day of reckoning, because on this day it was customary to decorate the graves of dead soldiers with flowers and flags. For the first th Memorial Day was officially celebrated in a small town. Waterloo (New York) may 5, 1866. The place was not chosen by chance. Every year a citywide campaign was held here to clean up the graves of the dead military. This day was an official non-working day, so the introduction of the holiday did not affect the usual life. However, over time, the holiday became very popular and even family.
On may 5, 1868, the holiday was officially proclaimed by General Jahn Logan, commander of the old Army of the Republic. It was marked on may 30, 1868 by the laying of flowers at the magila of Alied and Confederate solders at the Arlington national cemetery.
Independence Day
July 4 marks Independence Day-the birthday of the United States as a free and independent state. Usually on this day picnics, parades and fireworks are arranged all over the country.
Every year on July 4 in the USA the state holiday is lndependence day. On the eve of us Independence Day, the country is always strengthening security measures. The main event - the Independence Day parade - takes place in Washington. At the same time in America are festivities, firework, Americans hang on their homes the national flag of the United States. In small American towns, the bay is usually celebrated outdoors, with barbecue. For the celebration of lndependence Day in the United States, a large picturesque meadow is chosen, where tables with festive treats are placed: grilled sausages and ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, pies, fruits, ice cream. The festive menu also includes national potato salad (potatoes, eggs, onions, celery, mustard and a lot of mayonnaise), as,well as Texas chicken and American meatloaf with cabbage salad. From drinks on this holiday, most Americans prefer coke. The holiday is accompanied by various competitions and folk festivals.
Labor Day
On this day, the President makes a solemn speech, American citizens go to demonstrations, representatives of trade unions speak, TV and radio broadcasts with stories about the economic achievements of the state and about outstanding contemporaries, congratulations are heard for all workers.
We should also say about the sports side of the holiday. On this day there is the opening of the season of professional football games, children are recorded in the sports section. There are also various sports competitions, demonstrations in different national sports. At local fairs held on this day, people buy a variety of Souvenirs to friends and colleagues. Even on this holiday it is customary to organize a mock presentation and dress-up surprises.
Veterans Day
11 November - the day when the First World War ended - is celebrating by many countries that participated in it. For example, in the UK it is Flomombrance Day, during which people wear the clothes of the poppies, visit the graves of soldiers and go to special services in the Church. And in the US November 11 is Veterans Day or Veterans Day.
Now November 11 is dedicated to veterans of all wars. After World War ll American veterans’ organizations sent their representatives to Congress and offered to devote this day to veterans of of other wars and at the same time rename the holiday on Veterans Day. In 1954, the President officially announced that November 11 is becoming a national holiday and changes title.
On November 11, military parades and other military parades are organized in American cities commemorative events. They all start at am - when it was signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany. People gather in large cemeteries and memorials to lay wreaths at the graves of soldiers. The biggest event on Veterans Day is held at the cemetery near Washington where the US President lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and then announces a minute of silence.
Тhanksgiving daу
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. On this day, Americans thank God for the mercy sent to them. Families gather for a traditional dinner that includes roast Turkey and pumpkin pie.
Thanksgiving day - one of the most popular and favorite holidays of Americans, along with Christmas and Easter. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. On this day, Americans attend Church service, and then gather in the family circle for festive dinner. Over the years of thanksgiving, many traditions have appeared that are carefully observed by the residents of the United States. In this bright holiday in the morning Americans hurry to Church, and then gather the whole family at the festive table, filled with traditional dishes, and be sure to all read a prayer of thanks. Turkey - the main attribute of the holiday feast. Preparation of solemn dishes is most often engaged in the mother, but the Turkey is trusted only to the head of the family. The first pieces of treats go to children, then divided by seniority. That’s how, from a tender age, Americans tend to form in the minds of their children respect for family traditionas and a passion for national dishes. On the table are also usually present sweet potatoes yams, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce. According to history, there dishes of thanksgiving in the XVII century. The traditional festive drink on this day is considered to be Apple cider, which is usually served hot and well seasoned spices.
Christmas is the most important religious holiday for Christians. At Christmas it is customary to give gifts. American children look forward to Christmas morning when they find the gifts brought by Santa Claus.
USA is a country of immigrant. Christmas traditions combine the culture of different countries England, France, Germany, Mexico, Italy. Local tribes have made the custom of its flavor. On Christmas Eve (December 24), faithful Americans attend service in Catholic Churches. Many residents of the country on this day make charitable contributions. Housewives bake pies, cookies and distribute them to residents of all corners of America Christmas meeting with family in the parental home ln small towns there is a tradition to organize a holiday in the main squares of theatrical performances on biblical subjects. Detx choirs sing Christmas cartols.
Christmas atmosphere reigns in the US since the end of autumn. Residents of private houses begin an unspoken competition whose house is most brightly and magnificently decoratied. They give light weight facades, trees shrubs bright electric lights. In the yards set glowing figures of Santa Clau, deer, snowmen. On the front door hang a Christmas wreath, which is often made of pine branches and becorate it with ribbons, cones berries. In the living room set the Christmas tree, which is decorated with balls figuriries of angels, candy and truilt. The children put near the fireplace stockings for gifts is an Ancient tradition of decorating homes with mistletoe.
Holidays of the Russia
Russia has both state and religious holidays. Also people of different beliefs and religious confessions live in Russia. Such holidays are also held in different areas where representatives of the nation live.There are many national holidays in Russia. People all over the country do not work and special celebrations are held. The main public holidays are new year, March 8, May 1, Victory Day and Independence Day.
There are many new year traditions in Russia. Each house has a Christmas tree, sparkling with colored lights and decorations. Children are always waiting for Santa Claus to come and give them gifts. Many people believe that the New year is a family holiday. But young people prefer to organize their own Christmas parties.
Christmas is a renewed holiday in our country. It is celebrated on January 7. This is a religious holiday and many people go to Church services on this day.
January 7 I celebrate Christmas. It's Jesus Christ's birthday. Meets this holiday in a clean house. On Christmas day hostess prepare festive treats, only 12 dishes should be on the table. The main dish is kutya. The holiday is celebrated in the evening, at the time of the first star. Just at the door can knock dressed people who sing carols. It is believed that the carols-it is a talisman, and a small sermon, and the joy of the birth of the Savior.
Epihany of the Christ
January 19 one of the most revered holidays among Orthodox Christians is the baptism of the Lord. The main Epiphany tradition is swimming in the hole, on the night of 18 to 19 January. Water on this day acquires healing properties, relieves from physical and spiritual ailments. Therefore, believers take Epiphany water with them and keep it throughout the year. Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday with their families at the festive table. During the fast diet is observed, so you should refrain from eating meat and alcohol .Traditionally, the first to taste food is the one who was the last to swim in the hole.
Valentine’s Day
One of the international holidays is Valentine's day February 14.This holiday has its own story about two lovers, so it is called Valentine's Day. On this day, people confess their love to each other, and if they have already found their soul mate, then they remind about it - they make gifts, surprises. The main symbol of the holiday is a Valentine. It's a little card in the shape of a heart. They put it in the mailbox of the person you like.
Day of men
Unofficial " Men's day "is the 23rd of February, it is a holiday called"Defender of the Fatherland Day". On this day, women usually give men small gifts.
February 23 is the day of men. On this day it is customary to congratulate men of all ages. Women presented with Souvenirs, set the table, give gifts. For example, tools, tools for hunting, fishing, etc. Also on this day rattle fireworks, wreaths are laid.
Day of women
On March 8th we celebrate Women's Day when men are supposed to do everything around the house and cook all the food. It's pretty good — at least once a year women can relax and forget about all these dishes, cooking, children, take a magazine and relax on the couch.
March 8 is the day of all women of different ages. A traditional, gift is flowers. In this holiday all women are exempted from household chores. Also on the table put traditional desserts-cakes or pastries, light fruit soufflés or low - calorie salads-are a mandatory part of the meal.
Fool’s Day
April 1 is April Fools' Day. On this holiday, it is customary to have fun, make fun of others give friends cool gifts. Therefore, people are afraid of being deceived and respond to unexpected requests: "April 1! Do not trust anyone!" If someone manages to turn the joke, he says: "I deceived the fool by four fists!"
Cosmanautics Day
The first one who was able to fly into space, Yuri Gagarin, April 12, 1961. A space festival was created in his honor. Cosmonautics day is celebrated as the" night of Yuriev"- an international holiday in memory of Yuri Gagarin, which is held annually on April 12. The event includes space technology festivals and exhibitions, scientific conferences, lectures and discussions. On this day young designers to, launch models of rockets. The first persons of the country officially congratulate the workers of the space industry, present awards and prizes.
Easter is one of the most important Christian religious holidays. The history of its origin is closely connected with the ancient biblical legends about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the Christian tradition, Easter is celebrated according to the lunar-solar calendar, so the date of their celebration changes from year to year, emphasizing the essence of this holiday. Easter is always celebrated only on Sunday. The onset of Easter is celebrated by laying, on the table painted cakes and Easter proper-the so-called cottage cheese dish in the form of a pyramid with a truncated top. Greet each other on this day with the accepted phrase "Christ is risen!" usually answered" Truly he is risen!"
Victory Day
The biggest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On may 9, 1945, the Soviet army and its allies completely defeated the German fascists and the Second World war and the Great Patriotic war ended. The majestic memorial was built on Poklonnaya hill to commemorate the victory. Many veterans take part in the military parade and lay wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Radio and television broadcast popular war songs. Many guests from around the world come to Moscow to participate in the celebrations.
Victory Day is a holiday dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. In our country, it is celebrated on May 9th. On this day, military parades are held throughout our country, people are honoring veterans. All day long ceremonial events are held, and in the evening everything ends with a grandiose salute. On this day, everyone walks with St. George ribbons. St. George ribbon is a symbol of victory over the Nazis.
Children’s Day
June 1 is Children's Day. On this holiday, the Russian Children's Fund is the patron saint of Children's Day. Special attention is paid to children from low-income and large families. Under the patronage of this fund and with the active support of local authorities, mass events are held in all cities of Russia to create a festive mood, both among children and their parents. On the first day of summer, music is heard everywhere, sports competitions, concerts and contests are organized. The fun lasts all day on a large scale. Distinguished citizens of the country visit on this day children's institutions where orphans are located, since it is precisely this category of children that need help and, undoubtedly, a festive mood. Do not forget about traditional asphalt drawings on this day: on June 1 traffic is blocked on some streets transport and roads literally bloom from vivid childhood drawings.
Day of Russia
The Day of Russia, June 12 is a holiday of independence, freedom, civil peace based on law and justice, national unity and shared responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland. In this day be satisfied with different arrangements.
Day of Knowledge
September 1-Knowledge Day-is the beginning of the school year. Children go to school with flowers for teachers, before classes held line.
In Russia, September 1 is the day of knowledge. This is a holiday for milestones of students, as well as for teachers. To begin the school year, everyone becomes a solemn ruler where the administration of an educational institution congratulates students and colleagues on the start of the school year. Another beautiful tradition is to give teachers flowers. On this day, there are no ordinary lessons at school - as a rule, everything is limited to the class hour and the so -called World Lesson, the theme of which is common to all Russian schools.
Teacher’s Day
Teacher's day in Russia is celebrated on October 5. The date coincides with World Teacher's Day. The holiday is celebrated by employees of all educational institutions. On this day, students give flowers to teachers, as well as a creative team, exhibitions of students' works, wall newspapers, and at the festive lineup they give certificates and medals to the best teachers.
Pokrov Day
The intercession of the Holy virgin is celebrated on October 14. This is a great holy day. People called the holiday “Pokrov Day.” Divine services are held in churches. Parishioners visit temples, pray to the Virgin Mary in the hope of being healed, blessed. At this time, began the season of weddings, stopped driving round dances. They were replaced by gatherings. Also on this day baked pancakes.
National unity Day
National unity day - a public holiday, the day of military glory of Russia. On this day, the victory over the Polish invaders was accomplished in 1612 as a symbol of national unity. Laying flowers at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky; rallies and parades; holiday address of the President of the Russian Federation to the citizens of the country; presentation of state awards; trade fairs; Exhibitions; charity events; concerts; The action “Altar of the Fatherland” is all traditions that are performed every year.
New Year
The first holiday of the year — New year. People celebrate the new year at midnight on December 31. They celebrate the new year with champagne and listen to The Kremlin chimes, counting down 12 strokes.
New -year in Russia is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Traditionally, it is usually celebrated with family and friends. Hostess invite guests in advance, make a menu and buy products for festive meals. The main dessert for the New- year is Olivier. A few weeks before the holiday Russians decorate the streets, shop Windows, shopping centers and houses with garlands and Christmas songs. Each house has a Christmas tree, which is decorated with balls, garlands. Under the coniferous beauty placed figures of Santa Claus and snow Maiden. Snowflakes cut from paper or foil, are a popular decoration. They are glued to the windows in apartments, homes, offices, schools and kindergartens.
In our research we have considered the main state and religious holidays. Made a calendar of holidays. Compared by month and date. Many holidays, of course coincide with Russians, too, such as New Year, for example. There are also perfectly great holidays like Thanksgiving in the US or Guy Fawkes Day in the UK.
According to a study conducted among students in grade 7, we conclude that the holidays are an integral part of culture, with its rituals and rules. State holidays are connected with historical events. Religious holidays are associated with ancient culture. Learning a foreign language, we can not learn the culture and traditions.
Moreover, for tourist trips it is important to know the dates of holidays.
In October, we took part in a contest of crafts dedicated to the tradition of celebrating Halloween at the Center of American culture. Our students have become prize-winners.The event prompted the study of the theme of holidays and traditions of English-speaking countries.
We have compiled a calendar of holidays in English-speaking countries and Russia. There are common holidays like New year for example.
1. Have you traveled to an English speaking country?
Yes _______________________ 25%
No _______________________75%
2. Did you go abroad?
Yes ________________________75%
No ________________________25%
3. Did you go on holiday abroad?
Yes ________________________50%
No ________________________50%
4. Have you been to a foreign holiday in Russia?
Yes ________________________100%
No ________________________0%
5. Do you study a foreign language?
Yes ________________________100%
No ________________________0%
6. Would you like to take part in any foreign holiday?
Yes ________________________62,5%
No ________________________37,5%
7. Did you celebrate a foreign holiday at school?
Yes ________________________87,5%
No ________________________12,5%
8. What holidays did you celebrate?
New Year, Halloween, St. Valentin’s Day____________62,5%
Not noted ________________________37,5%
9. What holidays do you know?
New Year, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, St. Valentin’s Day _____87,5%
Don't know _________________________12,5%
10. What holiday would you like us to celebrate?
Halloween __________________________87,5%
Do not want ________________________12,5%
1. "About the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" (Elena Kostina),ISBN 5-7611-0254-4, Publishing Hose "Moscow Lyceum".
2. "United States of America" (A.P.Minyar - Belorucheva,L.N.Sedelkina, N.V.Vasutina),ISBN 5-7611-0007X, Publising House "Moscow Lyceum".
3. "Spotlight on the USA" (Natalia Timanovskaya),ISBN 5-89201-002-3, Publishing Hose "Autograph".
4. "The USA hitory and present" (Lydmila Khalimova),ISBN 5-7863-0201-9, Publishig House "Rolf".
5. "English" (Galina Vybrova, Oksana Melchinna),ISBN 5-7805-0321-4,Publishing House "AST PRESS".
6. "Holidays in the USA" (Alyona Pavlova),ISBN –9667-0087-7, Publishing House "Clean Pods".
7. "English relevant topic" (Timorshuk V.A.,Kubarkov G.L.), ISBN 5-8114-0045-4, Publishing House "Lan".
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Гном Гномыч и Изюмка. Агнеш Балинт
Астрономический календарь. Январь, 2019 год