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Northern Ireland Northern Ireland -administrative and political part of the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland, located in the North-Eastern part of the island of Ireland. The capital and largest city is Belfast. Northern Ireland should not be confused with Ulster: Ulster is a historical province of Ireland, consisting of 9 counties; Northern Ireland is an administrative — territorial unit of great Britain, which includes only 6 of the 9 counties of Ulster .Слайд 2
Саркитова К. 7 А
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Geography In the Central part of Northern Ireland lake Lough neagh , the largest in the United Kingdom (388 km2). The second largest system of lakes — Upper and Lower Loch ERN in the South-West of Northern Ireland. Between these lakes is a flat part of Northern Ireland, and the North-East, South-East and West of its territory is occupied by mountains. The highest point of Northern Ireland is slieve donard in the Mourne mountains (the altitude is 848 m).
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State system In accordance with the still valid act of the Crown of Ireland of 1542, approved by the old Parliament of Ireland, English monarchs by virtue of personal Union hold the post of head of state in Northern Ireland. At the same time, Northern Ireland is the only part of great Britain that has the right to secession through a national referendum in accordance with the Belfast agreement of 1998. The agreement also established a consensual form of government, which provides for a mandatory political balance in the distribution of political power in the legislative and Executive branches of government. The legislature-the Northern Ireland Assembly ( Tionól Thuaisceart Éireann ), consisting of 108 members of the Legislative Assembly elected by the people of Northern Ireland, elects from among its members the Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly, The first Deputy speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Second Deputy speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The Executive body is the Executive Committee of Northern Ireland ( Feidhmeannas Thuaisceart Éireann ), consisting of the first Minister of Northern Ireland and his equal in rank of Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, as well as 11 Ministers.
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Administrative division Administratively Northern Ireland is divided into 6 counties and 26 districts. The island of Ireland is divided into four historical areas — Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connacht. Six counties of Ulster are part of Northern Ireland. Three counties of Ulster — Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan — are part of the Irish Republic.
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Population The ethnic composition of the population of Northern Ireland is heterogeneous: there are about 500 thousand indigenous inhabitants of the island of Ireland — Irish Catholics and about 1 million Anglo-Irish and Scottish-Irish. Most are Protestants who are British in culture and tradition. They are committed to preserving constitutional ties with the British crown. The rest of the population of Northern Ireland is Catholic and Irish in culture and history. This part of the population supports the Union with the Republic of Ireland. Thus, in Northern Ireland historically there were three groups of the population differing in religion and culture, these groups of the population are very wary of each other. The Eastern regions of Northern Ireland were occupied by immigrants from Scotland — Presbyterians, the Central and Northern provinces were inhabited by the British, who belonged to the Anglican Church, in the extreme Western and border areas with Ireland lived the remains of the indigenous population — Irish, Catholics by their religion. According to the 2001 sociological survey on religious affiliation, 53% of Northern Ireland's population identified themselves as Protestants, 44% as Catholics, and 3% as atheists or other religions. It is worth noting that representatives of the Protestant religion are much older than representatives of Catholics. If we consider the age group of 65 years, Protestants in it will be 17 % of the population, and Catholics — 10 %. With regard to young people, in a group of up to 16 years of age 27% are Catholic and 20% Protestant.
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Languages Since 1998, in addition to English, Irish and Ulster-Scots have been recognized as the official languages of the region. In 1999, two Irish and Ulster-Scots language support agencies were established to assist in the learning of these languages in schools and optional language centres .
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The Symbols Of Northern Ireland From 1953 to 1972, a special flag known as the Ulster flag was used by the government and government organizations of Northern Ireland. It consisted of the St. George cross, inside of which were located a white six-pointed star and a red hand (a symbol of ancient Ulster). Above the star was a crown . Unofficially, residents of Northern Ireland hang out for the holidays the flag that corresponds to their political preferences: the flag of great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland. The first two are used by unionists-supporters of the Union with great Britain, the last-nationalists, especially at sporting events. Paramilitary units on both sides have their own flags .
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The Symbols Of Northern Ireland In 1923, the main Herald of Ulster Neville Rodwell Wilkinson created sketches of the state seal and flag of Northern Ireland. In January 1924, in London, he discussed the shape of the future coat of arms with representatives of the government of Northern Ireland. The final shape of the coat of arms was determined by the representative of Wilkinson, Thomas Sadler in April 1924, he repeated the appearance created the year before the flag. The coat of arms was approved by the Cabinet of Northern Ireland. The Royal decree, signed by George V and approved by the Ministry of the interior, was signed on 2 August 1924. The coat of arms was registered in the register of arms in Dublin. Since 1972, this coat of arms is not official .
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The Symbols Of Northern Ireland
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