The value of smell in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. Its range of possibilities is very wide. It extends from a protective, biological function to psychological and emotional impressions that play an important role in the general well-being of people.
МБОУ СОШ№1( с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов)
Исследовательская работа
The influence of smells on a person
Выполнила:Мистрюкова Яна,
ученица 10 б класса
Руководитель: Суслова Елена Михайловна,
учитель английского языка
Моршанск -2019
Purpose of the project:
Tasks of the project:
1. To study the positive and negative effects of smells on the person
2. Find out what role smells play in people's lives and recognize their opinion about it.
Object of research:
Subject of research:
Hypothesis of the project:
- perfume and various smells can affect a person’s mood, improve mental state, and also have a significant impact on the health.
Methods of research:
1. theoretical (questioning, analysis, explanation)
2. general scientific (description, comparison)
Relevance and Novelty of the project:
2. The smell of perfume can drive us crazy and control people by that
3. Perfumery, which is today an elite industry, opens up the latest trends in it’s development
4. With the demand of perfumes growing up and the demand for new smells
Practical significance: it is possible to introduce aromopsychology into the course of chemistry, biology and psychology for general development, because of that people will know how to play with smells and even treat by them
Research methods: descriptive method, questioning, survey, analysis
1.How flavors can influence on results of work. p.3
2. How smells affect a person. p.4
3. Are these substances dangerous? p.4
4. What is perfume? p.5
5. 10 most expensive perfumes. p.6
6. Conclusion. p.8
7. Practical activities. p.9
“Doors are for people with no imagination.”
Derek Landy
1.How flavors can influence on results of work.
I chose this topic because perfume is an integral part in people's lives. And I think it would be useful for everyone to learn more about smells and perfumes.
The value of smell in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. Its range of possibilities is very wide. It extends from a protective, biological function to psychological and emotional impressions that play an important role in the general well-being of people.
The influence of smells also interested in the business industry. It has been proven that labor productivity increases when workers are in a room with fragrant odors. There are examples of some Japanese companies that are successfully using this method today. They simply release some flavors into the building's air-conditioning system so that each person can smell this or that smell at his workplace. One construction company even uses a computer system so that smells can be distributed to all buildings.
In Sumitsu, more than two dozen phytocompositions have been created - plant and flower aromas that contribute to improving the quality of work of typists and programmers. As a result, programmers began to make mistakes less frequently: when inhaling the smell of lavender by 20%, lemon by 54%, jasmine by 3%.
With the skillful use of aromas, aromatherapy allows you to get rid of even those emotions that are hidden deep. This is especially important for those diseases whose cause is emotions that have been suppressed for years. It is necessary to release them and immediately begins recovery.
2.How smells affect a person.
Harmonies contribute to: geranium, rose, orange, jasmine;
Contribute to relaxation: lavender, rose, basil, orange, coriander, sandalwood, , tea tree, jasmine
A calming effect: rose, neroli, jasmine, fennel, anise, thyme, tea tree, lavender, orange, juniper
The refreshing effect comes from orange, rosemary, lemon, mint, lavender, fir;
To tone up the nervous system use cinnamon, sage, ginger, mint, rosemary, cedar, pine
Sage, basil, cloves, laurel, coriander, cedar, chamomile, rosemary, lemon are used to improve memory;
Pine is also excellent for activating mental activity. Geranium, basil, juniper, cloves, mint, wormwood, rosemary are also often chosen;
To concentrate use mint, thuya, cypress, basil, eucalyptus;
To increase the efficiency choose ginger, lemon, patchouli;
Thuja, rosemary, laurel, geranium, jasmine, eucalyptus, mint, basil are ideal for lifting overwork.
3.Are these substances dangerous?
However, there are such smells that can be detrimental to human life. These are various perfumes, aerosols, sprays and powders. All of these substances are dangerous, as they are made from chemicals that cause various diseases.
Abuse of your favorite perfume, not suitable for your skin, can result in dermatitis, rashes, urticaria, eczema - and this is not a list of the most serious consequences.
Currently, many people use perfume instead of various essential oils. Each person chooses for himself his own fragrance, suitable only to him. With the help of a properly selected aroma, you can focus on your individuality, demonstrate refined style and emphasize your own image.
4. What is perfume?
I wondered: " What is perfume? " And, reading articles on the Internet, I found some information.
Perfume - perfumery, perfumery (flavoring) means; alcoholic or alcoholic solutions of fragrant mixtures - perfume compositions and tinctures.
The first mention of such art as perfumery refers to 2900 BC. and find them in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians made flavors part of their culture. They rubbed the body with oils and ointments with the smell of cinnamon or honey. Moreover, such cosmetics were so expensive that they could only allow themselves to know.
New impetus to the development of perfumery occurred in the XIX century due to the development of chemistry. Smells become even more diverse. The demand for perfume has increased. The production of raw materials for perfumes began to develop rapidly. World famous perfumers began to appear. At first they were mostly French. It was the French who founded the first factory for the production of perfumes in Russia. This factory, which later became one of the largest in the world, was named “New Dawn” [11].
One of the "fathers" of modern perfume can be considered Francois Coty. He had the idea to sell perfumes in beautiful bottles, and not in simple pharmaceutical bottles. He first began to combine natural odors with artificial ones. So, in 1917, the fragrance “Chypre” was made (well-known in Russia, and in our “Egret” cologne), which brought Koti world fame.
Now there are a lot of spirits, but there are also brands that have not yielded to their positions for several years in a row.
Fragrance industries are always searching for the next big scent that will attract women and many of them have come up with amazing fragrances that are sure to intrigue. The average perfume scents are pricey, and then, the high end perfumes can run into the thousands per bottle. It depends on how pure and exotic you want your perfume, what company designed and created the fragrance, as well as what kind of bottle they used to hold the perfume. These all factor into what you will likely spend on your favorite high-end scent. Some of the most expensive perfumes in the world are hundreds to thousands of dollars per ounce, and here are the 10 most expensive perfumes available world wide, today.
5. 10 most expensive perfumes.
Flavors are important for us not only in terms of health. Emotional and aesthetic values are equally important. Favorite aromas elevate mood, make us happier, help to feel the other person better. Currently, there are a lot of different spirits, which contain the most amazing combinations of scents: toning, relaxing and even therapeutic.
Consider the time and place where you are going. Those spirits that you use, going to a restaurant in the evening, in no way suitable for a business meeting during the day.
And remember others: do not "bathe" in the perfume. Even the most expensive perfume can be unbearable for people who are close to you.
7. Practical activities.
Working on the theme of the project, and having a public survey, I came to the conclusion that most people believe that perfume really helps them to improve their mood, to feel more confident and to be at their best. The hypothesis put forward by me before the start of work is fully proved.
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