There are a huge number of types of creativity that allow people to develop their abilities, to express their individuality, to bring practical results.
Animation, which is the subject of my research, is interesting for its expressive means, developing prospects and practical benefits.
Therefore, I’ve chosen animation.
But what is animation?
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МБОУ СОШ№1( с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов)
Исследовательская работа
The value of animation in the modern world
Выполнила: Волкова Евгения ,
ученица 10 б класса
Руководитель: Суслова Елена Михайловна,
учитель английского языка
Моршанск -2019
Purposeof research:
The purpose of the study identified the following tasks
Tasks of research:
Object of research:
Subject of research:
Hypothesis of project:
Methods of research:
Practical significance:
“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not. ”
Pablo Picasso
There are a huge number of types of creativity that allow people to develop their abilities, to express their individuality, to bring practical results.
Animation, which is the subject of my research, is interesting for its expressive means, developing prospects and practical benefits.
Therefore, I’ve chosen animation.
But what is animation?
To begin with, animation - a method in which pictures are used to appear as moving pictures.
In traditional animation, pictures are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on movie.
Animation can be of different types: computer (by 3D models), traditional, stop motion (puppets and clay) and mechanical.
The history of development
Now I would like to tell a little about its history and types. I’ve researched it from several historical sources. Some of them you’ve already known.
Shadow play:
Shadow play was popular show with projected pictures on a screen.So, its play has much in common with animation: people watching moving figures on a screen as a very popular form of theatre, a story with dialogue, sounds and music. It was the first step in the development of animation.
The phénakisticope was the first animation device using successive substitution of sequential pictures. The images are evenly spaced radially around a disc. It was invented in 1832 by the Belgian Joseph Plateau and by the Simon von Stampfer.The phénakisticope was very successful as a novelty toy and within a year very many sets of stroboscopic discs were published across Europe.
Flip book:
A flip book is a small book with relatively. The user bends all of the pages back, normally with the thumb, then by a gradual motion of the hand allows them to spring free one at a period.
Traditional animation:
Now I will move on to the traditional animation, which artists draw by hand. Though the progress of computer technology, classic is still popular. And how did it all begin?
French artist ÉmileCohl created the first animated film: the “Fantasmagorie”. Each frame was drawing on paper and then shooting each frame onto negative film, which gave the picture a blackboard look.
Clay and puppet animation:
It will be a question of those plasticine and doll cartoons. This is one of the most difficult kinds, because each object or character is sculpted from clay or other such similarly pliable material as clayand then arranged on the set, where it is photographed once before being slightly moved by hand to prepare it for the next shot.
Process of creating a cartoon
Do you know how to create cartoons?
Now you will find out. There is a special person – an animator. An animator is an artist who creates multiple imageries which give an illusion of movement.
The creation of animation was a long and hard process.Each frame of a given scene was hand-drawn, then transposed onto celluloid, where it would be traced and painted. Then, these things placed together in system over painted backgrounds and filmed one frame at a time. In addition to the artist, we need also screenwriters, voice actors, musicians and, of course, stage directors and cameramen.
Not only role in the cinema
Animation is the art of creating moving images. Sometimes with animation people can use such techniques which we cannot use in simple film, because it is too difficult. Besides, it is cheaper.
We can see the animation almost everywhere. Even in advertising.
Animation is good thing, so don’t make cartoons with bad content. The cartoon must have an idea. An idea about kindness, friendship and dreams. Also, it should have a sense and logical ending. If there is nothing in it, then why is it needed?
Therefore, I believe that it should be used in good intentions, for example, in helping with education. Children will be more enthusiastic to learn from cartoons, isn’t it? It is so attractive method. At the moment, there are many educational cartoons, like “Dora, the explorer”, “Fixiki”, “Bubble Guppies”, “Good night, babies” and “Team Umizoomi”.
Practical relevance
The practical significance of my research work lies in the fact that the work can be used in a number of school subjects such as a foreign language, history, literature. Also, I would like to show a short cartoon which I drew to this work.
I think I’ve proved the importance of animation today. It is multifaceted.
Animation allows you to use it in almost all areas of human life. I’m sure, the future behind the animation.
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