Презентация исследовательской работы "Этикет в сети - жизненная необходимость или бессмысленный свод правил? "
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N etiquette : vital necessity or a useless set of rules? Done: Vasiliy Derevnin form 7 K. Teacher : Elena Vladimirovna S evastianova .Слайд 2
General truth “Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day, teach the person to use the Internet and he won’t bother you forever” - unknown author.
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Relevance It causes misunderstanding, conflicts and even hatred between users. As a result, the process of social degradation starts. They are impolite and even rude to each other. Internet users don’t follow Netiquette.
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Dark side of the Internet Fraud H acking “Brainwashing” propaganda Psychological influence U se of private information Insults Persuasion to commit suicide Flood Black-mail
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Aim T he aim of my project is to prove the importance of Netiquette and make my friends and classmates aware of its necessity.
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Tasks 1 To study some articles on the subject . 2. To conduct a survey among representatives of my age group. 3 . To analyze the results of my research. 4 . To create a list of recommendations on behavior on the Net.
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Etymology and origin Netiquette (1980-1985) Net (Internet) Etiquette Ticket (French)
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Cyberspace: the second Rome “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”- St Ambrose.
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Categories of Netiquette Netiquette Business Netiquette Social Netiquette
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Some recommendations 1. If you want others to be polite with you, be polite to people in cyberspace. 2. Don’t post other people’s private information . 3. G ive a link to everything you get from the Internet for your project. 4. Don’t subscribe to suspicious groups. 5. Don’t post information you don’t want everyone on the Internet to see.
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Some recommendations 6. Feel free to say a polite "no" or ignore requests from people with whom you don't wish to connect . 7. Avoid spamming your contacts with application requests. 8. Social networks are not private . 9. Do not forget about other people’s feelings.
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Netiquette: vital necessity or a useless set of rules? Do you think there are some special rules of behav i or on the internet?
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Netiquette: vital necessity or a useless set of rules? Have you ever subscribed to any susp i cious groups in social networks?
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Netiquette: vital necessity or a useless set of rules? Do you think there should be some rules on the Internet?
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Netiquette: vital necessity or a useless set of rules? Have you ever been a victim of rude behavior on the Internet?
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Netiquette: vital necessity or a useless set of rules? Are there any punishments for rude behavior on the Internet?
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Netiquette: vital necessity or a useless set of rules? What attracts you in social networks?
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The results of the survey The vast majority of teenagers know there are special rules of behavior on the net, however, not all of them follow these important rules.
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Conclusion Good manners have never gone out of fashion . People’s feelings always need to be taken into consideration . Strong social networking ties provide healthy behavior; enrich friendships and build strong relationships. Netiquette is not a useless set of rules but vital necessity.
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Recourses http ://www.survio.com/ru / http:// www.albion.com/netiquette/book/index.html https://hookedoninspiration.wordpress.com/2015/11/09/social-networking-and-the-importance-of-netiquette / http:// socialnetworking.lovetoknow.com/Rules_of_Netiquette
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