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Голубьёва Ирина Андреевна
Г. Москва. ГБПОУ ДЗМ «Медицинский колледж №5» Филиал №2
31.02.05 «Стоматология ортопедическая», I курс
Научный руководитель – преподаватель английского языка Широкова А.А.
e-mail: golubevairisha8@mail.ru
Halitosis is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, which is usually considered as a serious esthetic problem. However, quite often this phenomenon indicates the presence of different diseases.
The problem of halitosis, for all its current relevance is not new. Even in the 2nd century BC, Apuleius wrote: "nothing is more contrary to the form of a man of free and noble than an unkempt mouth." And today, bad breath is considered on the one hand as a manifestation of diseases of internal organs, and the other as low level of hygiene of the oral cavity.
The problem of halitosis has both medical and psychological (social) aspects: first, the presence of halitosis can be an indicator of pathology of different organs and systems of the human body; secondly, halitosis and fear of halitosis have a huge negative impact on the social and personal life of a person. Human well-being in modern society is largely determined by its image and interpersonal relationships, therefore halitosis is considered as a social handicap causing social isolation (self-isolation), an obstacle in building a career, family, etc.
The goals of our work are:
The subject and the object of study: "halitosis", causes and methods of prevention; the students of the Colledge"MK№5" branch №2.
Causes of halitosis:
1. Inflammation of the parts of the lymphatic system of the body;
2. Smoking;
3. Diseases of the respiratory tract;
4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
5. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;
6. Mono diet;
7. Substandard work of a dental technician.
A certain smell corresponds to each disease.
1. Brushing teeth, flossing, and mouthwash for oral sprays;
2. Water;
3. Eating fresh vegetables;
4. Chewing gum, lollipops.
Questions for individual testing.
The object is to draw students' attention to the condition of the mouth, to detect the presence/absence of halitosis and its causes.
1. Do you brush your teeth?
2. Do you brush your tongue?
3. Do you have sore teeth?
4. Do you have bleeding gums?
5. Do you have caries?
6. Do you use dental floss/rinse for the mouth?
7. How many times a day do you brush your oral cavity?
8. Does your stomach ache?
9. Do you feel any discomfort in the digestive tract?
10. Do you feel discomfort when urinating?
11. Do you smoke?
12. If it is so, do you brush teeth/ mouth after the use of tobacco products?
13. How much do you eat carbohydrate and protein foods?
14. Do you drink soda/alcohol?
15. If so, do you brush teeth/ mouth after eating products mentioned above?
16. Do you have a running nose?
17. How often do you use drops for the nose?
18. Do you follow a mono-diet?
19. Do you think your diet is correct?
20. Do you know what "Halitosis" is?
The study involved 61 people. The results of our testing and verbal questioning revealed that all students follow the oral hygiene. But in the experiment some already had a characteristic of some forms of halitosis odors. Those students who were disturbed by something or other smell, in our Council went to the doctors a certain profile.
It turned out that:
1. In 13 of the 61 respondents halitosis occurs after Smoking;
2. In 4 of 61 were problems with the genitourinary system;
3. In 5 of the 61 - gastritis;
4. 1 out of 61 - sinusitis;
5. 1 out of 61 intermittently there is a smell from under the crown;
6. 7 of 61 halitosis caused by mono diets and poor eating habits.
Conclusions and suggestions: in this way we were able to help some students with this sensitive issue, like bad breath, to attract the attention of students and their parents to this problem. We also developed recommendations with the rules of prevention of halitosis.
Библиографический список
Описание книги одного автора
Гуненкова, И.В. Профилактика стоматологических заболеваний / И.В. Гуненкова Е.С. Смолина C.B. Текучева //Маэстро стоматологии.-2008.-№32.- С. 38-43.
Кабирова, А.Н. Дополнительные средства гигиены /А.Н. Кабирова //Медицинский алфавит 2009. - №9. - С. 25-27.
Калашникова, И.О. Результаты неправильного ухода за полостью рта /И.О. Калашникова //Стоматология сегодня.— 2009. №6. -С.18-19.
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