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« The English tea drinking traditions and customs»
Работу выполнили:
Илларионова Анастасия,
Волкова Наталья
ученица 8 класса «А»
Научный руководитель:
Хомякова Ирина Евгеньевна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ Икшинская СОШ
2018 год
The object of our research - the centuries-old English traditions and customs.
The subject of our research - the English tea.
Project goal - sum up the English tea drinking traditions and customs and search of their effects in the English culture and daily life of English people.
In this way we formulate some problems:
1. Study History of the English tea;
2. Study the basic rules of the English tea drinking traditions and customs;
3. Study the basic rules of English tea etiquette;
4. Find the proverbs, idioms;
5. Investigate the English folklore heritage, superstitions and old wives stories connected with tea traditions;
6. Find examples of “tea” subject in the English fiction and pictorial art;
7. Sum up an acquired information and make a conclusion.
It is hypothesized that the English people can't go without tea.
We used the following methods and the slants on this question in our work: brainstorming session, searching method, studying of special literature and Internet resources analysis, classification and conclusion.
Practical importance of our research - extension of useful knowledge of the living habits and the culture of the English people.
History of the English tea
Where is tea from? Nobody really knows. We know only that it is made of Camellia Sinensis, an evergreen bush or a small tree with yellow- white colors. Perhaps, because of a large amount of ambiguities the origin of a tea drinking was explained centuries by a set of fascinating legends. According to one of the legend, in 2 737 B.C. tea leaves were wind-born in a pot with the boiling water which belonged to the expert on herbs – Shen Nong who, has found his taste so attractive that has shared his discovery with people.
British — one of the tea consuming nations in the world. According to the research of Tea Counciloni British drink 120,000,000 cups of tea daily! In modern English there was a term for designation of the person who conceived a liking for tea — a tea — aholic.
The love and habit to tea in this country are connected with names of three women. Catarina de Bragança, Anna VII, the duchess Bedford, invented a ceremony of “five o’clock tea”. And at last, the Queen Victoria who was a big lover of tea right after the crowning she has asked new issue of the Times and a cup of tea. She has written the book “Tea Morals” where she has stated the basic rules of tea etiquette.
Since 1662, tea becomes fashionable drink of aristocrats. Catarina de Bragança, the Portuguese princess, the wife of the English King Charles II liked very much having tea so strongly that she imparted this love to tea to court ranks. The secular elite, lords and ladies followed her example, and soon, the tea drinking became very popular in the highest circles of England.
At the very beginning of the history, “English” tea filled only chemist’s shops and coffee houses of Great Britain. Then, towards the end of the 17th century, having won hearts of many gourmets, coffee and tea got over in a private property.
If not the temperamental princess Catarina de Bragança, tea would be exclusively men's drink as it was drunk only in coffee houses where the entrance was prohibited to women. It was prevented by her personal example. She changed a one-sided view of tea in England as medical and remedy. In addition, she legalized a tea drinking in secular circles. Since 1685, any aristocrat didn't doubt that at a literary soiree will serve tea.
Moreover, in a year tea could be bought in the market, the import of tea was for the East Indian company a part of usual trade. The demand for it increased, and the circle of admirers of this drink extended, what has resulted in need of increase in tea deliveries from Asia.
After a while, fragrant tea was started up in masses, and there were several reasons. The first and most important reason - the high percent of alcoholism, which was present at the middle of the 17th century.
In some working settlements, water didn't intend for the direct use and the power have decided to introduce alcohol as effective antiseptics. During the working day of the man and the woman consumed port wine and other alcohol-containing production in large numbers for satisfaction of thirst.
The tendency of alcoholism continued to increase. The drunken worker couldn't work fully, the plants stopped work. Having looked at an outcome of the works, the English authorities have begun to look for way out.
The only right decision was a replacement of alcoholic products by other drink, which wasn't containing ethyl. Two months later, an active promotion of tea and a healthy lifestyle began.
The working class willingly gave their consent to that tendency and later half a year, practically each resident of England or the British colony could enjoy taste of fragrant tea. From this point, the tradition of the English tea drinking began to be formed.
1717 is significant for London the fact that then the long-awaited shop of tea “Golden lion” has appeared, all could drink tea there (it was the first tea shop in London). Thomas Twining has opened it. Thomas Twining was an English merchant, and the founder of Twinning’s of London.
How's the English tea ceremony going?
The English tea ceremony always had some important details, which were strictly observed:
1.An uniform tea set - tea couples, a teapot for tea, a jug for boiled water, the milk seller, plateaus for a dessert, forks, knives and tea spoons, a strainer with a support, a sugar bowl, nippers and also a woolen cover for tea-cozy.
2. Tea table - in a living room near a fireplace or in a garden if the weather allowed;
3. Classical table cloths, white or blue, without patterns.
English tea etiquette
Tea time
1st and 2nd times: Morning always begins with a cup of strong tea, enriched with caffeine which has the name “English Breakfast Tea”. It is drunk between 6-7 in the morning, and then during the first breakfast (about eight in the morning), at the same time adding some milk.
3rd time: At noon it comes lunch. During lunchtime, it is usual to drink “English Tea No. 1” (this combination of Kenyan grades and the Ceylon leaves).
4th time: The fourth tea drinking comes late enough. In the middle of the working day the break which received the name “tea break”.
5th time: At five o'clock there comes world-famous “five-o’clock”. At this time millions of British have tea which is called “English Afternoon Tea”. It is the black tea which is generously flavored with cream or milk.
6th time: About 19-20 hours after work time of so-called “high tea” comes. It is fragrant, dense aristocratic drink. During such tea drinking a great number of snacks are served. The best is the grade of Earl Grey Tea for such pastime.
Among the higher orders was created a special etiquette of visiting such ceremonies, which still exists.
1. Put a special napkin on the knees. If you have to go, hang up the napkin on a chair back.
2. At the first, it is necessary to put sugar, and only then lemon piece. You mustn’t mix a lemon with milk!
3. It is accepted to serve several snacks to tea and there is a special order in which they need to be eaten. In the beginning there are spicy snacks, then the British scones, and only then it is possible to taste sweet.
4. The tea spoon always has to be on a saucer, and never has to be in a cup.
5. Holding a spoon you mustn’t raise a little finger up, it will be considered as bad tone.
At first prepare a teapot; rinse it with water (90-95 degrees), full tea leaves — 1 teaspoon on one drinking. Then pour boiling water over tea for 3-5 minutes: fill caps with tea and quick add to the teapot boiled water from a jug. British have only hot tea. In England, they have tea with milk! While tea infuses, in well warmed cups pour warmed, but not boiled milk (2-3 teaspoons) and then into milk pour some tea.
Types of tea at a ceremony:
Assam — strong dark tea from the North of India
Ceylon — a fragrant grade of tea
Lapsang — a refined smoked grade of tea
Kenyan — special dark tea
Darjeeling — black tea from the first or second sprouts, which is grown up in the Indian province, and which is called "champagne among teas" for the refreshing, refined and light taste.
Oolong — light tea, with refined light taste, grown up on Taiwan
Earl Grey — tea with bergamot oil
Rose Pouchong — the easy, black Chinese tea flavored by rose-petals and rose attar
1. rectangular or triangular sandwiches “finger sandwiches” with:
butter and a cucumber
cream cheese and a smoked salmon
the crushed boiled egg, a garden cress and mayonnaise
shrimps and the Marie Rose sauce and others.
Cakes: fruit cake, finger biscuits, Victoria sponge, chocolate cake, fresh fruits, carrot cake, cheesecake, ginger bread, different cakes.
“Tea” in the English folklore
Having become folk drink, “tea” is presented to various superstitions and old wives stories.
For example:
1. To stir tea leaves in a teapot - to lift a trouble from a bottom.
2. Appearance of top of tea - to money.
3. Bubbles on a tea surface - sign of fast kisses.
4. After the tea drinking tea leaves need to be burned, to throw out - to put troubles.
5. If to turn a teapot nose to a wall or a fireplace, the girl may be an ape leader.
6. If the man and the woman pour together some tea, they will have a child.
The one who the first gives some tea in milk and puts then sugar, risks losing the beloved.
7. Only one person, as a rule, the hostess had to spill tea on cups. If two spilled some tea from one teapot, both were threatened by a trouble. If two women have made fool of themselves, they could give birth (oh, horror!) red-haired twins.
8. If it happened to hostess to put two teaspoons in a saucer, soon in family will celebrate a wedding.
9. In the County of Derbyshire the tea-leaf was called “gentleman”. It turns lady-in-waiting on. Tea was quickly stirred and detained a spoon in the middle of a cup. If the tea-leaf stuck to a spoon, the mysterious stranger will come to the same evening. If the tea-leaf stuck to edges of a cup, he could not come at all.
10. The unmarried guy who doesn’t up tea all the time will get the wife with full lips. Or he will be poor all his life. On the contrary, who fill cups to the brim or spill tea all time, it is never fated to learn what financial problems is.
11. Odd number of tea leaves in a cup - to bad news. Even number - to good news.
The most used English idioms and the proverbs
Being the most popular drink in England, tea couldn't become a source of a number of idiomatic expressions and proverbs.
A cup of tea. - Особа, персона, человек
A nice cup of tea. - Добрая чашечка чая
A quiet cup of tea. - Чашка чая, выпитая в тишине
An old cup of tea. - Старая перечница, старуха
An unfortunate man would be drowned in a teacup. - Неудачник и в чашке чая утонет.
An unpleasant cup of tea. - Неприятный человек
The man with no tea in him. - Черствый человек
Drinking tea with pleasure is not working without measure. - Чай пить – не дрова рубить.
Easy as tea-drinking. - Проще пареной репы, как пить дать
Reading the tea leaves. - Гадание на кофейной гуще
Husband’s tea. - Такой чай, что Москву насквозь видно (жидкий)
Storm in a tea cup. - Буря в стакане. – Делать из мухи слона.
It’s not your cup of tea. - Это не ваша чашка чая. - Не ваше дело!
It’s my cup of tea - Это мой «конек», я в этом мастак, я на этом собаку «съел»
Take tea with somebody. - Иметь с кем-либо отношения, вести с кем-либо дела
Not for all the tea in China. - Ни за какие коврижки
As good as a chocolate teapot. - Пользы как от козла молока
Drain the cup. - Испить чашу до дна
Make the cup run over. - Переполнить чашу терпения, перегнуть палку, перетянуть струну
They asked me a bunch more questions and suddenly it was all, you know, tea and toast. - Задали мне ещё кучу вопросов, а потом вдруг раз - и чай с бутербродами.
“Tea” in the English fiction and pictorial art
The general review of the English literature confirms that the tea drinking plays a huge role in lives of each British.
The ritual “tea in the afternoon” is vividly presented (afternoon tea) in William Thackeray, Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Bernard Shaw's works.
Sherlock Holmes in works by Arthur Conan Doyle, Ms. Marple and Hercule Poirot created by the detective's queen Agatha Christie solve entangled crimes by a cup of tea.
The hero J. Barry Peter Pan on the question turned to children: “What do they want more - tea or adventures”, - receives the immediate answer: “At first to tea, please”.
The description of “five o’clock tea” we can find in “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” in the book by Lewis Carroll. The writer called this scene “a mad tea drinking”.
Tea doesn't leave indifferent any Englishman. Tea treats the broken hearts, friends and enemies have tea to relieve the atmosphere.
Also, you can find a sign of “tea” in paintings of many English and British artists.
George Danlop Lesley (1835 – 1921) is the English genre artist, the author and the illustrator. The painting “Tea” has been painted in 1885 where very young woman in a dress of XVIII century stands near the table covered with a white cloth. She is going to serve tea on a blue tea service. Cups, spoons, a jug, and a sugar bowl with chipped sugar costs on a tray. Behind her there is a wooden chair and white panel walls.
"Family of three people over a cup of tea". The county Leicestershire, England October 1727 – the artist is unknown.
The bouillotte is the European invention, and, in fact, it’s a metal teapot installed on a spirit torch. In a bouillotte boiled hot water and, thanks to the spirit-lamp burning under it, constant high temperature.
"Tea drinking". English school, 8th century - the artist is unknown.
“Bad news” — a fragment. — James Tissot (1836-1902). The French painter close to school of Pre-Raphaelites worked in England.
"Tea drinking in a garden", England, the end of the 18th century, the artist is unknown.
Henry Spernon Toser (1864-1955) is the English artist. Old men and old women, or couples are often heroes of his pictures.
"Tea drinking"
One day the British artist Carne Griffiths has accidentally dipped a brush in a glass with brandy and has continued to draw a picture. The result has turned out so impressive that the man has continued creative experiments with materials. Now Carne paints the portrait ink, paints, alcoholic drinks and tea!
"Mysterious garden", ink and tea ink
"Flight", ink and tea
We’ve made the following conclusions:
Tea – a part of the English history, culture, etiquette and philosophy. In England Tea is appropriate in any situation. The tea ceremony is the peace in the home, love to an order and an unshakable family foundation. It made England the greatest tea world-power which dictated fashion for tea all over the world. It became the drink, united the nation.
The tradition to have tea has led to England tea etiquette which strictly observed during a tea ceremony.
Tea is reflected in the external appearance of English fiction and pictorial art. Heroes fall in love, suffer, find the happiness, and all this is followed by "a fine cup of tea".
For centuries many young girls connected their future with tea, naively believed in "tea signs".
Tea became a source of a number of the idiomatic expressions which are widely used by British in everyday life. They enrich and decorate the speech, serve for exact expression of thoughts. Its rich material for studying of English history.
The hypothesis has been proved :
Without any doubt we can tell that in England everything turns around a tea cup!
Well, I'll get you some cooler tea.
Сейчас принесу вам чая похолоднее.
Now we'll have some tea and go to bed...
Попьем сейчас чаю и спать...
I had tea with her.
Я пила с ней чай.
Come and sit have a tea with us, Come give it a break.
Иди к нам, чаек попей, передохни.
Don't you wish tea?
Не угодно ли чайку?
- To visit, to have tea.
- В гости, чайку попьем.
Little short on coffee, but I got you some tea.
С кофе, проблемы, но я раздобыл чайку.
We feel that sharing the tea is an extension of sharing our truths.
Мы считаем, что разделив настой, мы разделяем и нашу правду.
I know I had Scott's tea, but I know what I'm talking about.
Знаю, я выпил настой Скотта, но я понимаю, что говорю.
I would die for a cup of hot tea in such a freezing weather.
Я бы умер за чашку горячего чая в такую морозную погоду.
I always drink tea from a glass.
Я всегда пью чай из стакана.
Would you like me to pour out the tea?
Хочешь, я разолью чай по чашкам?
Will you have a cup of tea?
Можно вам предложить чашку чая?
A cup of tea would go down a treat.
Чашечка чаю была бы очень кстати.
In the winter I drink a lot of hot herbal tea to keep warm.
Зимой я пью много горячего травяного чая, чтобы согреться.
My whole family likes drinking hot tea with milk.
Вся моя семья любит пить горячий чай с молоком.
I have always preferred tea to coffee.
Я всегда предпочитал чай кофе.
Слово | Перевод |
Tea | Чай |
Blue tea | Синий чай |
Darjeeling tea | Индийский чай с легким вкусом |
Earl Grey | Черный чай с бергамотом |
English breakfast | Черный чай |
Flavored red | Чай со вкусом чего-либо |
Green tea | Зеленый чай |
Herbal tea | Травяной чай |
Irish breakfast | Крепкий черный чай |
Oolong | Китайский черный чай |
Red tea | Красный чай |
White tea | Белый чай |
Yellow tea | Желтый чай |
Cold tea | Холодный чай |
Hot tea | Горячий чай |
Iced tea | Чай со льдом |
Mint tea | Чай с мятой |
Strong tea | Крепкий чай |
Tea with milk | Чай с молоком |
Weak tea | Слабый чай |
have tea | Пить чай |
a tea—aholic | Человек, пристрастившийся к чаю |
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