Защита проектов на английском языке
обучающихся 6 классов на муниципальном конкурсе проектов и исследовательских работ
Проект: «Самуил Яковлевич Маршак- незнакомый знакомый»
Выполнила: Рязанова Виталина, обучающаяся 6 Б класса МОУ «Еловская СОШ» с.Елово Пермский край
Руководитель: Крылосова Елена Леонидовна, учитель английского языка МОУ «Еловская СОШ»
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Защита проектов на английском языке
обучающихся 6 классов на муниципальном конкурсе проектов и исследовательских работ
Проект: «Самуил Яковлевич Маршак- незнакомый знакомый»
Выполнила: Рязанова Виталина, обучающаяся 6 Б класса МОУ «Еловская СОШ» с.Елово Пермский край
Руководитель: Крылосова Елена Леонидовна, учитель английского языка МОУ «Еловская СОШ»
Слайд 1. I’m Ryazanova Vitalina. The title of my project is “Samuil Yakovlevcich Marshak is an unknown friend”.
Слайд 2, 3, 4. I’ve chosen the project because I like reading poems by Marshak . I do it very often because my younger sister and brother like listening to his funny poems and verses.
Besides I wanted to know and to discover what do the expressions “translated from English, Chinese, Gordian” or “from Robert Burn, Rudyard Kipling” mean.
I wanted to discover how many languages Marshak knew, he has translated so many fairy tales, stories, poems, sonnets we are enjoying now.
Слайд 5. The hypothesis is that S.Ya.Marshak knew a lot of foreign languages, but most of all he liked English because of some favourite writers.
The purpose is to choose the information about Marshak as a translator and to decide how many books has he translated into Russian and has written.
To achieve the aim we have solved the following problems:
make up and do a survey among the students of the social net VK and at school
research Marshak’s translation and decide the number of foreign languages
choose English writers Marshak prefered to translate
make a poster about Marshak
Слайд 6. We have studied and researched the biography of the writer. It was interesting to learn, that Marshak liked translating in his very early age, he has lived in England for a long time and enjoyed translating folk songs and ballades.
СЛАЙД 5 Robert Burns was one of Marshak’s favourite English poets. The translations are so wonderful, that Tvardovskii said once, that Marshak has turned Burns into the Russian person, but has left him the Scottish one.
For his translations Marshak got many awards, the most important one was Honorary citizen of Scotland.
Marshak’s translations were always on time. For example, Robert Stevenson’s poem “heather honey” appeared in 1941 and became very popular (ВИДЕО)
The greatest work by Marshak was his translation of William Shakespeare’s sonnets – 154 poems were published in 1948 and were honored with the state prize. It was Marshak’s lyrical diary.
S.Ya.Marshak worked in English language Department of a university more than 50 years and has translated from 17 languages. He didn’t liked the words”translation” and “a translator”, so in the books there were the words “from Robert Burns” or “tales of the peoples of the world”.
The results of our research project will be useful and valuable for the students and teachers of our school, for all English language lovers. We plan to place the poster about Marshak at school and in the Internet.
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