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Презентация "Transport of London" | 388.2 КБ |
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Transport of London Ученицы 6 в класса Сергеевой АнастасииСлайд 2
Underground – метро The oldest in Europe London's subway system consists of 12 lines. They often branch out into separate branches, so you need to always pay attention to the train's destination.
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Double- decker bus – двухэтажный автобус Double Decker bus — a bus with two floors . Double-Decker buses were massively used as public transport in the UK, and are also used today in some cities of Europe, Asia and Australia.
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London Overground – Лондонская надземка London Overground - suburban-urban rail transport . In 2004, the Ministry of transport of great Britain announced the planned revision of the railway system in the UK . In the framework of this review, Transport for London proposed to create a "London regional rail management .
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Т axi – такси Austin FX4 black London cab, performing the functions of a taxi . It is believed that this London cab is the most recognizable taxi in the world. I nteresting facts : The ceiling height in a London taxi because the passenger may not remove the hat, getting into the car.
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Internet resources – интернет ресурсы https://yandex.ru/images/search https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_for_London
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Л. Нечаев. Про желтые груши и красные уши
Мост Леонардо
Сочини стихи, Машина
Андрей Усачев. Пятно (из книги "Умная собачка Соня")
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