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Different ways to save water The 3rd city research-practical conference of high school students in foreign languages “ First steps in science» Compiled by : Alexey Danilov 11 th grade , school # 46 Research advisor : E.V. ZasypkinaСлайд 2
Preface Earth consists of 71% of water. O nly a small portion of it is suitable for drinking . 97 % of this volume is accounted for by salty sea water ; 2 % - for frozen water of glaciers and polar ice ; less than 1% - for freshwater of lakes, rivers and groundwater ponds. Only this water can be used by a person for his own needs.
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Relevance The population of the earth increases every year. C onsequently , people's consumption of water also increases . At this rate, by the middle of the 21 st century water can become a luxury which not everyone can afford.
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Purpose Demonstrate the importance of water and prove that we have to start saving water right now.
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The role of water in human life The human body consists of 75 percent of water. Water is one of the main elements responsible for life on earth. Water circulates through the land just as it does through the human body, transporting, dissolving, replenishing nutrients and organic matter, while carrying away waste material. Further , in the body, it regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph , blood and glandular secretions .
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The role of water in human life An average adult body contains 42 litres of water and with just a small loss of 2.7 litres a person can suffer from dehydration, displaying symptoms of irritability, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, weakness, headaches and consequently reach a state of pathology. T he book ‘ Your body's many cries for water’ by Dr F. Batmanghelidj
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Some other spheres where we use water For agricultural purposes and irrigation of fields F or cooking food For cleaning For industrial purpose For recreation purpose (skiing , diving, swimming)
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Ways of saving water Never put water down the drain when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or garden, or cleaning . Verify that your home is leak-free, because many homes have hidden water leaks. Read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak . Repair dripping taps by replacing washers. If your tap is dripping at the rate of one drop per second, you can expect to waste 2,700 gallons per year which will add to the cost of water and sewer utilities, or strain your septic system.
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Ways of saving water Check for toilet tank leaks by adding food colouring to the tank. If the toilet is leaking, colour will appear within 30 minutes. Check the toilet for worn out, corroded or bent parts. Most replacement parts are inexpensive, readily available and easily installed. (Flush as soon as test is done, since food colouring may stain tank.) Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. Dispose of tissues, insects and other such waste in the rubbish bin rather than the toilet. Take shorter showers. Replace you showerhead with an ultra-low-flow version. Some units are available that allow you to cut off the flow without adjusting the water temperature knobs.
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Ways of saving water Don't let water run while shaving or washing your face. Brush your teeth first while waiting for water to get hot, then wash or shave after filling the basin. Retrofit all wasteful household taps by installing aerators with flow restrictors . Retrofit all wasteful household taps by installing aerators with flow restrictors. Operate automatic dishwashers and clothes washers only when they are fully loaded or properly set the water level for the size of load you are using.
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Ways of saving water When washing dishes by hand, fill one sink or basin with soapy water. Quickly rinse under a slow-moving stream from the tap. Store drinking water in the refrigerator rather than letting the tap run every time you want a cool glass of water. Do not use running water to thaw meat or other frozen foods. Defrost food overnight in the refrigerator or by using the defrost setting on your microwave. Kitchen sink disposals require lots of water to operate properly. Start a compost pile as an alternate method of disposing food waste instead of using a garbage disposal. Garbage disposals also can add 50% to the volume of solids in a septic tank that can lead to malfunctions and maintenance problems.
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Consider installing an instant water heater on your kitchen sink so you don't have to let the water run while it heats up. This will reduce heating costs for your household . Insulate your water pipes. You'll get hot water faster plus avoid wasting water while it heats up. Never install a water-to-air heat pump or air-conditioning system. Air-to-air models are just as efficient and do not waste water. Install water softening systems only when necessary. Save water and salt by running the minimum amount of regenerations necessary to maintain water softness. Turn softeners off while on vacation. Ways of saving water
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How to save the water Turning of the water while tooth brushing Using dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand Total the money saved for one day (rub.) 15,48 24,66 40,14 the money saved for one month (rub.) 454,4 749,9 1104,3 the money saved for one year (rub.) 5452,8 8998,8 14451,6
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Conclusion I think , my work persuade you, that water is essential for humanity and we have to reduce the amount of water we use.
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